© J R Stockton, ≥ 2009-07-13
Links within this site :-
In May 1998, Borland renamed itself Inprise.
Therefore, URLs (http://, ftp://) referring to their own sites could need a
corresponding change. The newsgroup names have not changed.
It seems to have reverted to being Borland.
(Note : I generally check out URLs before listing them.
Frames-only sites were not included before Oct 1998.
"FNF" means File Not Found)
Please let me know of changed or permanently broken links.
When doing so,
please state the exact defective link as well as the replacement.
BORLAND links (have a nasty tendency to change) :-
These links have nearly all been tested,
but please let me know if any now fail :-
- Prof. Timo Salmi's
Programming Links (among other sections).
- Ralf Brown's List of PC interrupts, etc.,
information, inter??.zip at
and maybe via Garbo/SimtelNet and mirrors.
See also RBIL.
- Whatis : File formats lists; page set -
Site. ???
- Wotsit : File formats descriptions; page set -
- Timo Salmi (ts@uwasa.fi) of Garbo :
Home Page
- PC Games Programmer's Encyclopaedia :
- MiningCo;
see Pascal,
- Programmers Heaven -
general info site, including hardware, software, Pascal, Delphi, ASM,
LINUX, Windows, Graphics, Java, VB, Web, ...
- Net stack
- Klaus Hartnegg
- Garbo: Generic
Turbo Pascal programming language material
- Jumbo! :
Entry page
Programming: DOS: Turbo Pascal programming language-related files
- EMS Professional Shareware, Pascal Tools and Their Producers,
Second-hand software, older Pascal and Delphi products, manuals
(and other services) : Eric Engelmann's
EMS proprietorship.
- Jon Shemitz : comp.lang.pascal
FAQ (stable) ;
assembly code in Borland Pascal and
Publications (not inspected yet - frames).
- Frank Heckenbach's new main URLs are
now Links
and Programs;
the provider independent URLs
links and
will still work.
- Bob Ferguson : Pascal, DOS and Windows
File jrfpas06.zip is "Bob Ferguson's Turbo Pascal routine library".
It is also available from Garbo FTP, or mirrors.
- EFLIB, by Johan Larsson <jola@ts.umu.se>
Nov '97 : Johan has written : The project has now changed in
strategy and is aiming on becoming an open standard framework
for every Pascal programmer :-
- New platforms: GNU Pascal and FPC Pascal.
- New features: cross-platform GUI, etc. available in prototype
- New mailing lists: EFLIB-Users@ts.umu.se,
- Nerd World ??
- Pedt Scragg :
DOS programs with Delphi;
Files from
Questions in Pascal Newsgroups;
rest of site was incomplete.
- Klaus
Institut fuer Biophysik, Hansa-Strasse 9a, D-79104 Freiburg
- Andreas
Killer's site for LFN###.ZIP, CRT.ZIP, and other items.
Site not found, 2006-01-31.
- Jason
Burgon's site - Graphics Vision
- Robert Lee's relocated
Performance Delphi - partly applicable to Pascal.
- Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar :
Turbo Pascal.
- TK Boyd :
Sheepdog Software
- various, including Delphi and Pascal. Also
- Chris Williams :
Number Crunching Page
- Some
Sources of Numerical Analysis Code in Pascal
A collection of pointers to all sorts of
numerical analysis routines in Pascal, by NASA Langley. (404 20090713)
- The Turbo Pascal Math Library by Jean Debord :
TP Math homepage
- 'Check NetLib
for the source code to John Nash's book
"Compact Numerical Methods for Computers"'. (untested by JRS)
- May 2 1991
Numerical Recipes Pascal shareware version, 303K!
(untested, but part-read, by JRS; apparently FREE;
evidently translated from Fortran & originally written for
32-bit floats, uses several values for "Pi", ...)
- NAG Libraries
(libraries untested by JRS)
- Communication Libraries : "You should find what you want at
or e-mail them at: info@tpower.com"
- On 18 Nov 1997 in borland.public.turbopascal, "J. W. Rider (TeamB)"
wrote: TurboPower has their own
TurboProfessional is
2003-01-08 ff. : I read that TurboPower is
out of business, and their newsgroups are closed.
2004-05-20 : I read that there may be related stuff at
SourceForge ; at
'Bugs', Request ID 955482 or elsewhere.
The new 3rd edition of "Scientific Pascal" by H.Flanders has been
favourably reviewed somewhere. I asked a Library to borrow it for me,
and got the 2nd (1985) edition. If the 3rd is similar, as good, and
updated, the first half is a good start on the language for the
intelligent reader; the second half presents useful algorithms.
"Borland Pascal Developers Guide", written by Ed Mitchell
and published by QUE Books, is good. See also his
"Electronic Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book", at Garbo and mirrors.
"The Borland Pascal Problem Solver", by Brian Long
(Addison-Wesley, 1994), ISBN 0-201-59383-1.
NASA Langley's list.
A booklist provided (Dec 1996) by Wayne C. Wood
(kaizen@sunset.net) :-
- Numerical Recipes in C (also Fortran and, I believe, Pascal),
- Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and Pascal, 0-534-03819-0
- Data Structures and Program Design, 0-13-195884-4
- Niklaus Wirth : Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, 0-13-022418-9
- Donald E Knuth :
Art of Computer Programming, Volumes :-
- Fundamental Algorithms, 0-201-03809-9
- Seminumerical Algorithms, 0-201-03822-6
- Searching and Sorting, 0-201-03803-X
- Combinatorial Algorithms, in preparation,
for 2007 (2006-08: part-available, in paperback).
- Syntactic Algorithms, in preparation, for 2009.
- ...
For other books, see Personal
Computer Tips.
Some of my Turbo/Borland Pascal programs, allegedly either useful or
instructive, are in my programs directory
as *.PAS and sometimes *.EXE files. The *.PAS files should contain
sufficient explanation, as comment or at the end.
Use at your own risk - check for viruses - etc.
There is a plain-text 00index.txt file,
and a derived 00index.htm file.
They include HUNT, an enhanced DIR; SHOWER, a pipeable LIST;
CLEAN-TP, a Pascal layout program; INT_TEST, to check PC time/date
services; MJD_DATE/DATEPROX, for date arithmetic, BST, Easter, etc.;
LONGCALC, a RPN vast-integer calculator; and some to illustrate
programming points.
Some programs are specifically written to
help with DOS Batch files.
At present, I normally apply a fix for the Crt
RTE200 bug; but, if your PC is fast and *.PAS has "uses ... Crt ... ;",
you may not be able to use every *.EXE; RSVP if so. However, where I
can, I avoid using the Borland Crt unit.
Several of the programs will also compile and run in Delphi 3, using
Win 9x console mode (DCC32 -cc ...). There is at present one Delphi-only
GUI program.
Demon users should FTP files from the Demon
whenever possible.
Replace ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/ by
which should give a quicker transfer; likewise for simtelnet.
AIUI, simtel is mirrored as coast now.
To convert asm..end to Inline(...) form,
reportedly inlin219.zip at Simtel/Garbo.
36139 Apr 26 1988 ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/turbopas/inlin219.zip
inlin219.zip Inline assembler for Turbo Pascal, w/source, D.Baldwin
R.E.Donais wrote :-
AFAIR ObjectVision was a window application that Borland put
together to allow non-programmers to develop simple form
oriented data entry and retrieval.
Dr J R Stockton, near London, UK.
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