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© J R Stockton, ≥ 2009-06-01

PC Links Reference.

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This is a collection of miscellaneous links related to PC programming, etc.

Note : I generally check out links before listing them; but the sites may have since gone away.

General Computing

Prof. Timo Salmi's programming links page.

Frank Heckenbach's main URLs are now Links and Programs.

Programmers Heaven

Programmers Heaven is a general info site, including hardware, software, Pascal, Delphi, ASM, LINUX, Windows, Graphics, Java, VB, Web, ...



Lists may be found, effectively, by using Google to search the Web for the exact wording used to describe a known entry. For example, lists of BIOS beep codes can be found by seeking "Interval timer channel 2 test or failure" (to prevent that being found here, I have encoded the 2).

PCguide (Charles M. Kozierok).


Programming Technical Reference - IBM Copyright 1988, Dave Williams. That is Chapter 1; others follow.


PC Hardware FAQ - get part# for # = 1..5.

Jan Axelson's Lakeview Research : "The source for information and tools relating to parallel ports, RS-232 and RS-485 serial communications, 8052-Basic microcontrollers, and making printed-circuit boards."

"Interfacing to the IBM-PC Parallel Printer Port", Ian Harries, IC : links and details - Delphi 1 style.

"Use of a PC Printer Port for Control and Data Acquisition" - Peter H. Anderson.

The Bios Companion - should be good.



Maybe John Fine's web page for 8254 programming examples (unchecked), via :-


Interrupt Lists

You can get info on MS-DOS interrupts, etc., from the full Interrupt List by Ralf Brown (RBIL) (N.B. not Ralph Brown; Ralf's, not Ralfs Ralph's Ralphs' or Ralphs) - inter*.zip, SimtelNet, Garbo, etc., ##≥61 ... . Or from FTP Demon, in ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mirrors/simtelnet/msdos/info/.
Ralf's Home Page; another address : CMU another : ctyme.

You can get info on interrupts from HelpPC, helppc21.zip, at Garbo and mirrors.

PC Timing

In DOS..Win98, the main timer runs at 1800B0h ticks per day; 18.2 Hz, 54.9 ms. In Windows NT and above, the default rate seems to be 64 Hz, 15.625 ms or 100 Hz, 10 ms; but it can be changed by software, including Web pages.

Paul Randall wrote, on 2006-11-02, in "Millisecond time stamp in VBScript?" in news:microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript : I've found that there is only one system timer common to all applications. By default, on NT type systems, it has a 10 millisecond interval. Any application can increase the resolution (lower the interval) to as much as 1 millisecond; that resolution reverts to the previous resolution when the application ends. Later applications can request to change the timer resolution, but only requests of higher than the current resolution are honored.


X86 FAQs, ASM: FAQ by FTP - seek asm*.zip in a Garbo directory.

ASM : Randall Hyde, Webster.


Site sandpile.org describes itself as "The world's leading source for pure technical IA-32 processor information".

DOS Batch

Ted Davis's tutorial on batch files.
Timo Salmi's Assorted Batch Tricks for DOS..Win98/ME, and Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips.


Whatis : File formats lists; page set - Site.

Wotsit : File formats descriptions, page set - European Site, USA ???.


Cetus Links -- 18,100+ links on Objects and Components : Central (USA) and other locations.

Algorithms Index

Search the table for the topic; then search the Web and other sources for the name, and/or try the links.

Boyer-Moore[-Horspool]Searching an array of characters for a given word bmh111a.zip
BresenhamDrawing a straight line, circle, ... PC-GPE (FNF 20020210), Kirwan
EuclidHCF, GCD hcfactor.pas
FibonacciPeak finding by using JavaScript Demos (JS)
KnuthEverything, more or less The Art of Computer Programming
Newton-Raphson, etc.Square Root *
Quine-McCluskyOptimise truth tables
Runge KuttaRemind me! (iteration) *
StirlingFactorial approximation



F-PROT virus scanner, free for private use, by Fridrik Skulason of Frisk Software International : F-PROT v3.14e or later. Links to the above :  Main Web page, GetFPdosFree.

There is also a European site.

V3.xx is significantly different from V2.xx; those with less than a '386 should retain F-PROT v2.xx (latest : 2.28b).

From Version 3.07b, this package only includes the DOS version of F-PROT; I expect the Windows version can be found.

Of course, there are other virus checkers in Garbo's virus directory.

Programmers' File Editor

Programmers' File Editor (PFE; for Windows) is excellent, British, versatile, and free : it can be got from the mirrors at ftp.demon SimtelNet or ftp.demon Garbo as pfe####.zip. I now use Version 1.01.000 (1999) 32-bit in Win98. Unfortunately, it is no longer being developed or supported.


A versatile DOS/UNIX multi-file multi-string find, replace, extract, etc. tool; also a viewer; nicer than SED. Useful manually or in batch files. MiniTrue 2.02b by Andrew B. Pipkin, via idiotsdelight; also at ftp.demon, Garbo & mirrors, +. The ZIP includes MT for 16-bit DOS, and improved MTR for 32-bit "DOS". Older 16-bit version : MiniTrue 1.51, or at +.
Independent description.

MTR 2.02b seems to have a small bug in the -w option : a word break may be falsely found at positions which are 129 less than a multiple of 215.

I used MTR a lot in Win98; I have not yet got it to work properly in WinXP. MT works in DOS to XP.

See also Jason Hood.

Windows File Viewer

Windows File Viewer - useful, Norwegian, simple, free : from the Garbo mirror at ftp.demon.


LIST by Vernon Buerg, is a well-known DOS file viewer.

 92456 Oct 7 1992 ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/goldies/list77a.zip
 list77a.zip Vernon Buerg's file browsing program + network access

 123564 Jul 29 2004 ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/fileutil/listp96x.zip
 listp96x.zip LISTPLUS Vernon Buerg uitilies including LIST v.9.6x

There are later versions; see Buerg Software.


DiDa - a 16-bit Windows combined HTML editor/viewer also on (SimtelNet and/or Garbo) and mirrors. DiDa v1.72 is/was a free, demo version, for files up to about 30K, downloadable. Not to be confused with UK "Diploma in Digital Applications".

DiDaPro, 32-bit, at Faico.


Tidy, from W3, is an HTML checker/formatter, also via SourceForge; see in my On Web Page Tools.


HTML-Kit (or at Chami) is a free HTML editing/viewing system; I have begun to try it. Caveat : avoid JavaScript errors before viewing your code.


Amaya - structured Web tool.


Lynx - text-mode browser.


Turnpike - Internet software : mail, news.

Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview

Home Page for Ghostscript, an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF, and related software and documentation.


FTP program for Windows. WS_FTP LE is/was at Garbo and mirrors. WS_FTP LE 5.06 is/was freeware.


NSF Tools : List of FTP commands for the Microsoft command-line FTP client.

Word Viewer 97

Word Viewer 97 - Microsoft, free, safe from macro abuse? This should be installed as the default handler for the ".DOC" extension; Word itself can be called up from the start menu, etc.
Said, 20041110, to be at  http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/wd97vwr32.aspx.
I've read that Word Viewer 2003 can be found at Microsoft.


Command-line-loadable free RAMdisk.


Program Archive Sites

Whenever an FTP URL contains SimTel, SimtelNet, Garbo ... , then use your local mirror site instead.


Simtel's New Look - Don Watkins, 2003-07-13

Collections and Lists

TUCOWS : The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software : its (main) server is www.tucows.com - there are UK mirrors at such as The UK Mirror Service ?

Bootdisk : DOS, PC, Mac utilities.

Michael, writing on Sun, 31 Aug 1997 in news:comp.archives.msdos.d as Milton Bain <m.bain@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
Some other lists I have found include Timo Salmi's bestpr54.zip; ... .

Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Interesting DOS programs.

A collection of links : Richard Bonner.


vb40016.zip Visual Basic runtime VB40016.DLL Win 3.1x set,
vbrun300.zip Visual Basic runtime VBRUN300.DLL Win 3.1x set.

VBRUN400.DLL - http://www.windows95.com/apps/filelib.html ?

Newsgroups and Web

Many World FAQs - as <newsgroup>/<topic>.

UK FAQs (where?) - as /<topic>.

Richard Clayton has said that FAQs for newsgroups are easy to find at: MIT ...

http://www.uni-passau.de/~ramsch/iso8859-1.html ?

http://www.m2c.com/links/compute.htm - many links

Some Specific FAQs

Demon AUPs

Malcolm Muir, for Demon, 1999-09-27, announced URLs for the following, which later moved to WEB :-

See also Demon Announce : somewhere via WEB, NEWS.

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© Dr J R Stockton, near London, UK.
All Rights Reserved.
These pages are tested mainly with Firefox 3.0 and W3's Tidy.
This site, http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/, is maintained by me.