00INDEX.TXT www.merlyn.demon.co.uk >= 2009-09-07 Copyright ********************************************************** IMPORTANT NEWS Saturday 2007-06-23 Last week, Demon migrated Homepages web sites such as this one to a new server. Copious log files are now generated and counted within the storage quota. Consequently, it has been necessary to remove, at least for a while, almost every file from this directory. Individual files may be restored, temporarily, on request. To see which files are currently available, click the link ./ which starts this line. 2007-07-03 : ZIP files restored. 2007-07-18 : PAS SCR TXT and some others restored. Note that unrestored EXEs, etc., will be in the ZIP files. ********************************************************** My programs listed are copyright, and so must not be republished. Users are granted permission to modify them at need for their own use. They are for PCs, 16- or 32- bit. It's likely that Win64 will not support 16-bit code, and will therefore run my Delphi programs but not my Pascal programs. EXE files will usually have the source, usually with instructions in comment. Source is intended for DOS CodePage 437, except where otherwise obvious; and is usually Turbo Pascal V 5.0 or Borland Pascal V 7.01. There may often be a line length limit of 255 chars. If there is no *.TXT with a *.EXE, seek instructions in comment in the *.PAS, *.DPR, etc. When fetching an "upgrade", be certain to retain any previous satisfactory version; it may be better. I don't test these with NT+, just WfWg3.11 or Win98. I am (1999-02-18ff) starting Delphi 3 on Windows 98. Some of these Pascal programs compile with D3, using "DCC32 -cc file"; all which were tested and compiled to an EXE file also ran correctly. My EXEs here are mostly BP7, though. Some of these need VERSION.PAS. I now have Turbo Delphi 2006 on XP. I began (2000-01-08ff) using TMT Pascal Demo. Some, increasing with time, of these Pascal programs might work with TMT. HUNT, LONGCALC, LEAPYEAR adapted and partly-tested. My interest in TMT has now vanished. I do not have FPC Pascal; its effects are uncertain. I used Pascal on a slow PC, so those with "uses Crt" invoked may fail RTE-200 on fast machines >= 200MHz, if compiled with TP7 or BP7, unless / until patched. SHOWER requires both Crt and v7, other .EXEs do not. USESCHEK.PAS, JGB.PAS require both Crt and v7, + TV. I frequently used Andreas Bauer's TPPATCH on an EXE; but presently have Pedt Scragg's crt unit installed. I usually remember to apply TDSTRIP. It may be that, depending on our FTP settings, these *.PAS files may need their line endings reconverting to CRLF. PFE does this nicely, or public UNIX2DOS. All with an EXE file should now have ZIPs, including all files with the same name. Files *.ZIP, *.EXE, and *.COM must be transferred as Image; this should be automatic with a good browser. None of these programs needs to be "installed"; just copy to a suitable directory and run them. Likewise no uninstallation is needed; just delete. Where a Pascal program uses the 55ms clock, it *may* not work correctly over midnight. Some programs currently include the US DST rules for 1987+; they may be changed for new 2007+ rules. The UK may change to GMT+1/2. LFN : My Pascal programs rarely use Long File Names. However, when compiled in Delphi (or TMT?), they do. Batch files are written with DOS convention in mind. Programs liable to be used by students with homework are intentionally terse, to encourage thought. Using my programs in Windows after Windows 98 - e.g. ME, NT, 2000 or XP - should be generally OK. 64-bit Windows is not supported in my Pascal. The compiler can generate general code, or code that is specific for a 286 or higher. Some EXEs therefore may not run on the oldest PC CPUs such as my PPC640. If you get: "Stub error (2002): can't find rtm.exe", it means I have inadvertently compiled for Protected mode and you will need rtm.exe and dpmi16bi.ovl. ZIP copies are listed below. I do believe that these programs are virus-free; but the responsibility of checking before you run any of them remains yours. Do not access these files with any regular automated process, because that wastes too much of the limited bandwidth. For accessing with later browsers, a right click may be preferable. WARNING 2006-10-25+ I cannot currently run Delphi 3. Some of these programs are for Windows 98 / EARLIER; not NT or XP or Vista. They can only store directly to the environment in Win98 (ME?) or earlier. 2008-01-12 : Delphi 3 loaded on another machine. 2008-02-10 : Delphi 2006 loaded on this machine. Batch files, unless containing "OK XP", may not work in NT/XP; using "command.com /c" may help. For the main index to my Web site, which contains general information on Pascal, Time, Y2k, and other subjects, see ../index.htm Reach more information on programs for use with Batch via ../batfiles.htm More information about Pascal programs may perhaps be via ../pascal.htm Possible Run-time errors, as given by Help, are listed in RUNERROR.TXT For 32-bit EXEs of some programs, see via 32-bit/00index.htm . This index may not be complete --- see the directory ./ programs/ itself. ../ZIPFILES/XALL.EXE will unzip the ZIP files (try XALL /?); I believe, but can no longer verify, that it can be freely used. DATEFILE.TXT is a probably-recent list of the files in the DOS master copy of the Web directory. Use it to see what is new. JAVASCRIPT ========== BAAGOE.JS - Routines for KISS2007.JS - Javascript Random THE GENERAL LIST ================ 000-TEST.HTM - ? 00INDEX.HTM - Auto-generated from 00INDEX.TXT - provided that I remember to run HTMLindx. 01-BUGS.TXT - List of bugs found in these programs. ALL-PEAS.BAT - Check P tag balance in HTML; for TRY-AUX; uses MiniTrue ALLROUND.PAS - Test of rounding for all possible forms. ANTIDATE.PAS - Date routines by Vivisektion, and ANTITEST.PAS - my tests for them ARCCOT.PAS - ArcCot in two ways, the less obvious being better. ATOM046C.PAS - Demo: non-atomic read of $40:$6C is unsafe. See pas-time.htm. ATTRTEXT.PAS - Shows or sets text screen attribute byte - foreground and ATTRTEXT.EXE background colours, blink/bright. ATTRTEXT.ZIP Cf. SCRNHUES. BACK.PAS - Filter. Reverses the characters within each input line. BACK.EXE BACK.ZIP BASECONV.PAS - Demo, general base converter, 2..36, string to/from longint. BASECONV.EXE - from 2002-01-22, also a Filter. BASECONV.ZIP BAT_DATE.PAS - Date converter for Batch; redirect StdOut to file. BAT_DATE.EXE - In: MJD, YYYY DDD, YYYY MM DD, D NN YYYY (NN is Week Number). BAT_DATE.ZIP - Out: file to set all in Environment. BIG_MESS.PAS - Scans exported Mail/News + reports items of over (about) BIG_MESS.EXE the given number of lines. BIG_MESS.ZIP BOB.PAS - To show all DOS colours, blink/bright. BOB.EXE - if parameter(1)[1] is odd, set bright; if even, set blink. BOB.ZIP BUCKETS.PAS - Pails 8 5 3, containing 8 0 0; pours for 4 ? CmdLin Paras. BUCKETS.EXE BUCKETS.ZIP BUFFON1.PAS - Buffon's Needle, briefly. BP7/D3. BUFFON2.PAS Better; autonomous Pi. BWUGRAPH.EXE - Win9x Delphi 3 GUI, to plot local copies of BWUGRAPH.TXT Demon Homepages BWUSAGE.TXT. BWUSAGE.TXT Also plots local COUNTS file, lines "Y M D N". COUNTS.TXT Sample. ../GRAPHICS/BWUGRAPH.GIF - screen-shot (false colour). BWUGRAPH.ZIP - Source, with PAS RES DFM TXT DPR EXE. DCC32 the DPR. NOTE - EXE now in ZIP file. CASHTEXT.PAS - Convert non-negative longint to English words, undertested. CATLINES.PAS - Merge files, line by line, with padding and gutter optional. CATLINES.EXE e.g. to lines as: File1,LineN File2,LineN CATLINES.ZIP N.B. Big change was uploaded late on 2002-12-23 CHEKLINX.PAS - Web site local links tester, DOS / DOS-box. CHEKLINX.EXE Beta-test. BP7/D3. ../BAD-PAGE.HTM is a test page. EXE is BP7; D3 version, needing Win32, is for big sites. Note : now accepts LFNs, even in BP. Other minor tests. GROW.PAS in this directory generates specific test data. CHEKLINX.TXT - Some info on fetching + use. See also in cheklinx.pas. CHEKLINX.ZIP 32-BIT/CHEKLINX.EXE - D3 32-bit version, Win32 console, more stack. CHK-TIDY.BAT - Runs W3's HTML-tidier in Check mode. See in www-use2.htm. CHK_TEXT.PAS - To recover plain text from CHKDSK's FILE####.CHK. CHK_TEXT.EXE CHK_TEXT.ZIP CHK_XIST.PAS - File Exists, using GetFAttr. CLEAN-TP.PAS - TP/BP Pascal Program Re-Indenter; can use as a Tool. CLOKCHEK.PAS - For AUTOEXEC.BAT, to detect Y2K flopback, CMOS battery failure CLOKCHEK.EXE CLOKCHEK.ZIP CMPR.PAS - Compare numeric parameters CMPR.EXE CMPR P1 P2 ; result is line with < or = or > on std out. CMPR.ZIP COLS.PAS - Filter, copying by columns. COLS.EXE Can add spaces, strings; can repeat, omit or shuffle columns, COLS.ZIP include a count, etc. 32-BIT/COLS.EXE - D3 32-bit version, Win32 console. COLUMNS.PAS - Slightly like UNIX "columns" - pads whitespace COLUMNS.EXE Dosprompt>COLUMNS InputFile [gutter] [> OutputFile] COLUMNS.ZIP COPYLINK.BAT - Adds Demon's Garbo mirror to copy of Turnpike LinkFile and shows. COUNTDWN.PAS - Six numbers making another - Carol Vorderman "Countdown". CTNU.PAS - Filter - strips final CRLF, adds its parameter, no final CRLF. CTNU.EXE CTNU.ZIP CURRENT.BAT - see TODAYCON.BAT CVT_ROME.PAS - Longint <-> Roman Numerals, with tester : replaces WR-ROMAN.PAS. DATECHEK.BAT - For AUTOEXEC.BAT, to detect Y2K rollover failure. DATEPROX.PAS - UNIT : Wide-range MJD <-> Y,M,D,DoW, etc : Years -32K..+32K, Greg/Julian/Civil - various options (Astro, YYYY-DDD, ...). See DAYS-OFF.DAT (optional). Tested by MJD_DATE.PAS Compiled and partly tested in Delphi 3 - no problems. DATERATE.PAS - Tests DATEPROX for correctness and comparative speed. DATES.BAT - Generates DATEFILE.TXT DATETEST.PAS - Program to verify an assertion about DOS and the RTC. DATETEST.EXE DATETEST.OUT DATETEST.ZIP DATEUNIT.ZIP - Delphi source for testing DATEUTYS.PAS etc. Includes conversions between local times and GMT. DATEUTYS.PAS - Delphi unit with correct fast ISO Week Number, CJD, CMJD etc.; supplement to DateUtils. DATEWEEK.PAS - Date of Week from Gregorian Yr Mo Dy; Mon-Sun => 0..6 DAYS-OFF.DAT - Holiday data file for DATEPROX working-days. DE-UCODE.BAT - Simple UniCode to ASCII converter, for pages computed by javascript and saved. Needs MiniTrue. DEALTEST.PAS - Test recursive v non-recursive random draw. DEDUPE.PAS - Simple filter to remove duplicate lines, with count. DEDUPE.EXE Any parameter now suppresses summary. DEDUPE.ZIP (MiniTrue can also do this; see its Help.) DEL_OVRG.DPR - Wider-range Delphi [En|De]CodeDate etc. tests. Now in DATEUTYS & DATEUNIT. DEL_TIMR.PAS - Faster TP7/BP7 Sys.Delete (etc) procedures. DEL_WKNO.DPR - Try improved (over that in D7 DateUtils) routines for Delphi DateTime to ISO 8601 Week Number, and others. Now in DATEUTYS & DATEUNIT. DELPDATE.PAS - Tests Delphi TDateTime around 1900 - note time behaviour. DELPDATE.TXT - Its output. Now has correcting functions. DELPRAND.PAS - Shows how Randomize sets Randseed. In D3, changes @ 55 ms! For serious work test over 2^32 cycles. Also has pure code, BP7 + D3, to emulate Borland Random([M]). DELTA.PAS - Change screen character set, at #127. Demo. DELTA.EXE DELTA.ZIP DEMIME.PAS - For Mime Quoted-Printable bodies - DEMIME.EXE - sort out those annoying "=3D", "=A3" and "=20". DEMIME.ZIP - Jan 2002 - improved; can skip headers? May become DEQPMIME.* DIRSLIST.PAS - Delphi D3 "DCC32 -cc" version of LISTDIRS.PAS. DISCREPS.BAT - Compare linked HTML subtree with disc, to find superfluous files. Uses CHEKLINX HUNT COLS DEDUPE MiniTrue. DISTRIBS.PAS - Generate an arbitrary random distribution, such as Gaussian. DIVMODFN.PAS - Demo of conversion of, e.g., Secs to Days hh:mm:ss. DPMI16BI.OVL DPMI16BI.ZIP DOSCLOCK.PAS - DOS clock at $40:$6C as number to Std. Out. DOSCLOCK.EXE 18.2 Hz update, 54.9 ms ticks, about 2^16 per hour, DOSCLOCK.ZIP $1800B0 (1573040) ticks per standard 24-h day. DOSSTAMP.PAS - Set arbitrary file date/time-stamp, including improper ones. DOSSTAMP.EXE - Was GL_SMITH. Now also shows old stamp, safely. Now can create 0-length files. DOSSTAMP.ZIP EASTER.BAT - XP Batch for Gregorian Easterm with test code using known-good CScript JavaScript; all AD years. EIGHTBIT.PAS - To check a specified file for characters with the eighth EIGHTBIT.EXE bit set. EIGHTBIT.ZIP EKKO.PAS - Echoes the characters corresponding to its numeric parameters EKKO.EXE to Std Out; no terminating CRLF. Also echoes words, spacing; EKKO.ZIP Hex, Dec, Ctrl chars. First, copies waiting StdIn. ELEV.PAS - ELEV P1 P2..Pn where P1 is path\file.ext will execute ELEV.EXE P1 with parameters P2..Pn, returning P1's ErrorLEVel ELEV.ZIP on standard output. ENUFDISC.PAS - Find how much or if there is enough room left on a drive - ENUFDISC.EXE ENUFDISC [[drive] Minimum] ENUFDISC.ZIP ENVICALC.PAS - RPN integer calculator for Environment variables; new Mar 2001. ENVICALC.EXE Will be changing. Now has loops, command line/file. ENVICALC.TXT 2001-08-01 - change < > to { } in commands. EASTER.SCR - test script; e.g. prompt>ENVICALC 2001 @easter.scr ENVICALC.ZIP ENVINDEX - not released yet, 2003-10-04 ENV_INCX.BAT - Demo of LONGCALC acting on an environment variable. ERATOST1.PAS - The classical Sieve of Eratosthenes. All D3 DCC32 compatible. ERATOST2.PAS See pas-math.htm ERATOST3.PAS ESTRPSAK.PAS - Compares Pesach (Passover) and Easter (G+J). Needs a list of the dates of P in G as y m d dow. FDELAY.PAS - Crt RTE200 fix, by Osmo Ronkanen, taken from News:c.l.p.b FEXPAND.PAS - "FEXPAND file" returns "set fexp=C:\....\FILE" FEXPAND.EXE use as "FEXPAND file > $$.bat / $$ / del $$.bat" FEXPAND.ZIP to put normalised filename into environment FEXSPLIT.PAS - Supersedes FEXPAND. Can put Drive, Directory, Name, Extension FEXSPLIT.EXE into the Environment, Short File Names. Can now read the FEXSPLIT.ZIP name from a file or pipe. FILECMPR.PAS - Compare two non-wild files, do not report details, return FILECMPR.EXE one-line message and ErrorLevel. FILECMPR.ZIP FILGEN.PAS - Files Info : any/all in any/all layout. Also Drive Info. FILGEN16.EXE 16-bit; gets same info as HUNT : A filter; std in/out. FILGEN32.EXE 32-bit; gets more info : Can postprocess HUNT. FILGEN.ZIP FILGENZP.BAT - to make FILGEN.ZIP FINDANKA.BAT - Makes ANKALIST.HTM, a list of links to anchors found in wildcard parameters. Needs MiniTrue, see ..\pc-links.htm#MT. FLOATVAL.PAS - Replaces SIXBYTES, TENBYTES. Test for evaluators of types Single Real{48} Double Extended, by arithmetic; and for convertors to Real{48} by bit-shifting. FPATAN2.PAS - ATAN2(Y, X) using FPU. FSINCOS.PAS - Both Sin and Cos with one FPU call, maybe TAN. GAWKWEEK.AWK - Shows an ISO Week Number error in my copy of GAWK - "Gnu Awk (gawk) 2.15, patchlevel 6" GROW.PAS - See CHEKLINX. HALT.PAS - HALT n returns ErrorLevel n : n = 0..255, $00..$FF. HALT.EXE HALT.ZIP HCFACTOR.PAS - HCF (GCD) code, incl. fast Euclid - timing test. HEBCLNDR.PAS - Hebrew Calendar, developing HYtoMJD and MJDtoHY routines, etc. HEBCLNDR.EXE Base HYtoMJD seem correct. Routines may move to DATEPROX.PAS. HEBCLNDR.ZIP Investigates numerical properties and relates to Easter. HEBPESAK.DAT A data file, not in ZIP. HEXFLOAT.PAS - Type Extended (IEEE; 10-byte) to/from Legible Hex HEXFLOAT.EXE as #F.FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF H#FFF HEXFLOAT.ZIP where each # is either + or - HIJRICAL.PAS - Working on an Islamic Calendar - take care which it is. HOSE.PAS - Simple filter, showing pipe to screen. HOSE.EXE DIR | HOSE > file shows and files DIR output. HOSE.ZIP See also TEE. HTMLINDX.PAS - Converts this format *.TXT -> *.HTM. See code. HTMLINDX.EXE HTMLINDX.ZIP HUNT.PAS - Enhanced DIR : e.g. recursive, date-sensitive, ISO-date, HUNT.EXE attributes; can execute/operate on filenames found. HUNT.TXT Y2k OK. Year 2044 Compliant from 1997-12-15. See ../zipfiles/hunttest.zip for date testing; NOWMINUS. 2000-09-17: HUNT can now recurse deeper. Now multidrive. An unsupported Windows Help file may be available via Bob Bissinnar's http://vol.com/~bobb/mo_hunt.htm HUNT.ZIP - Can be newer than at Garbo. IEEEBITS.PAS - BP7/D3. Use as IEEEBITS number IEEEBITS.EXE Shows bit patterns of corresponding IEEE Single and Double IEEEBITS.ZIP INCH.PAS - As INCR, but for upper-case Hex; FileFFF -> File000 INCH.EXE INCH.ZIP INCR.PAS - Filter. Increments input line's trailing number, without INCR.EXE extending - File999 -> File000 INCR.ZIP INT70AT2.PAS - Shows use of PC RTC as 1024Hz, etc., timer. INTO.PAS - Filter. Copies input, replacing \1..\9 with parameter 1..9 INTO.EXE and \\ with \. INTO.ZIP INT_TEST.PAS - Test time and date calls, MSDOS/BIOS, RTC. Experimental. INT_TEST.EXE - Can show that C:>DATE affects RTC time, and TIME .. date. Also does TD-related tests. INT_TEST.OUT - Sample RTC results on a 486/33. INT_TEST.TXT - Notes. INT_TEST.LOG - Logged results. INT_TEST.ZIP INVCOS.PAS - Collected inverse trig methods, with test; INVCOS.TXT - its output. ISO-WKNO.AWK - Test of ISO week number routine in GAWK, not using strftime() ISO-WKNO.BAT - Test of ISO week number routine in WinXP CMD.EXE batch JAD_9514.PAS - Number of ways to give change, recursive, can use cache. JGB.PAS - MineSinker : a silly game; uses TP7/BP7, TV and OOP. JJC_986.PAS - Winning program, PCW competition, Jun '98. JRS_ENVU.PAS - TP7/BP7 real-mode environment unit; DOS, Win9x, WinME?. Not effective in WinNT (XP?) JRS_ENVU.TPU - TP7/BP7 TPU of environment unit, not now needed here. JUL_DATE.PAS - UNIT : Test info ('Shadow') : Date, JD, DoW - for MJD_DATE etc. KEYBUFF.PAS - Pre-read DOS Key Pressed. (Do I mean that?) KEYCODES.PAS - To determine what ReadKey returns when a key is pressed. KEYCODES.EXE KEYCODES.ZIP LAGRANGE.PAS - Solution of simple equations for L1 L2 L3 - see gravity3.htm LAGRANGE.EXE 2005-04-28 : L2 for CofG case corrected. LAGRANGE.ZIP LEAPYEAR.PAS - Many ways to test the Gregorian Year for being Leap, compared. Now TMT + D3 DCC32 compatible. Needs VERSION.PAS. LEAPYEAR.EXE LEAPYEAR.ZIP LENG.PAS - Filter. Outputs length of first line of input, <=255. LENG.EXE LENG.ZIP LINE.BAT - Runs TRIMENDS, LONGLINE on today's *.HTM files. LINEENDS.BAT - MiniTrue script to regularise line endings for DOS. LINENMBR.PAS - Filter to add line numbers to a text file, LINENMBR.EXE use as: prompt LINENMBR < INFILE > OUTFILE . LINENMBR.ZIP LINE_CNT.PAS - Filter returning line count as number LINE_CNT.EXE and as errorlevel (255 for 255 and up). LINE_CNT.ZIP LISTDIRS.PAS - Recursively list just directories, from ParamStr(1). BP/TP. LISTDIRS.EXE LISTDIRS.ZIP LONGCALC.PAS - Was LONGMULT, now vaster-integer RPN calculator. Changing. LONGCALC.EXE Includes test calculation and factorisation of F9; also LONGCALC.TXT date arithmetic. Bases 2..16. D3 DCC32 -cc compatible. Command-line editing and History (these not Delphi or TMT). See VASTCALC for new (Feb 00) D3 GUI version. Is a UNIT, unless compile-time PROGRAM is defined. Files *.SCR here may be scripts for it : EASTDIFF.SCR Tests assertion of 50 51 54 55 weeks between Easters EASTERGR.SCR Example : longcalc 2002 2006 (eastergr.scr) SCR FACTORIT.SCR Factorise ToS FACTRISE.SCR ??? INST-SET.SCR Instruction Set Addition - #wn WEEKNUMB.SCR ISO-8601 Week Number, commented LONGCALC.ZIP 32-BIT/LONGCALC.EXE - D3 32-bit version, Win32 console. LONGLINE.BAT - MiniTrue script to locate lines over 78 characters. LONGMULT.PAS - withdrawn 1998-07-30 - use LONGCALC. LOTTERY.PAS - Lists Draw permutations. MASSEXEC.PAS - MASSEXEC prefixes ! postfixes MASSEXEC.EXE executes "prefixes line postfixes" for every line in MASSEXEC.ZIP Std In. DIR *.bat /B /O:-d | MASSEXEc type types all *.bat in reverse chronological order. 2001-11-30 : Don't use in Win9x (and up?); an OS bug drops occasional characters. OK in DOS 6.20. Use COLS >F.BAT instead. MATHUNIT.ZIP - Delphi source for testing MATHUTYS.PAS etc. MATHUTYS.PAS - Delphi unit; supplement to Math. MISS.PAS - Filter. Reads a list of numbers, outputs those not there. MISS.EXE Parameters [[[Min [Max [FileName]]] MISS.ZIP MJD_DATE.PAS - Tests DATEPROX, can use JUL_DATE. Now D3 DCC32-compatible. MJD_DATE.EXE MJD_DATE now accepts parameters, MJD or YYYY MM DD. MJD_DATE.ZIP - Needs DATEPROX.PAS, VERSION.PAS to compile. ZIP_MJDD.BAT - To make MJD_DATE.ZIP. MJD_TEST.PAS - Convert YYYY/MM/DD to MJD (c20,c21). MV.PAS - Like MOVE, written for DOS3.3; uses Rename; MV.EXE needs 2 parameters. MV.ZIP NAMETYPE.PAS - 16-bit program to classify file names as LFN or SFN. NAMETYPE.EXE Note - tested in Win98, check carefully; read code. NAMETYPE.ZIP NEWSSTAT.BAT - Newsgroup posting frequency, rough analysis, needs MiniTrue. NOWMINUS.PAS - To set ISO date/time string in Environment; e.g. for HUNT. NOWMINUS.EXE Date/time can be changed by Y M W D h m s; various formats, NOWMINUS.TXT including dec/hex, UK Tax, MJD, time_t, random. NOWMINUS.ZIP NQYR.PAS - Ask a question, reply goes to Environment. NQYR.EXE NQYR MYVAR what is the answer NQYR.ZIP = SET MYVAR=(the reply) NULLKILL.PAS - Remove small files from [sub-]tree, with query, NULLKILL.EXE - use as: prompt NULLKILL TreeDirectory MinSafe . NULLKILL.ZIP NUMB.PAS - Filter. Passes only characters needed for numbers; default NUMB.EXE [#0..#32, '0'..'9'], but also characters in its parameters. NUMB.ZIP Use "NUMB +-. 60 62" to allow signed non-integers and < >. NUM_COMP.PAS - To compare number parameters, for batch; see STOW. NUM_COMP.EXE See also STR_COMP. NUM_COMP.ZIP OMIT.PAS - Filter. Similar to SUBS, but omits specified characters. OMIT.EXE OMIT.ZIP OUTSIDER.PAS - Largely unpublicised. OUTSIDER.EXE OUTSIDER.ZIP OVER.PAS - Filter. Reverse the line-order of a text file. OVER.EXE Maximum file size is DOS heap-dependent, a few hundred kB. OVER.ZIP Maximum line length is 255. PACK.PAS - Filter. Pack text into paragraphs, parameter gives width. PACK.EXE Lines without a printing first character are copied. PACK.ZIP Maximum input line length 255. Handles files, 2004-12-16. PAGEINDX.PAS - Indexes linked HTML page headings, to an indented list page. PAGEINDX.EXE PAGEINDX wildcardfile > result.htm PAGEINDX.ZIP PASCHAL.PAS - Compute date of Easter Sunday, from Gregorian Year. D3 OK. - Now 8 Gregorian methods and 3 Julian/Dionysian. Faster, 2001-11-12. Traceable D3 method 2008-01-30. PASSOVER.PAS - Compare MJD of Jewish Calendar Passover with MJDs of PASSOVER.EXE Julian and Gregorian Easter for a chosen range of PASSOVER.ZIP Gregorian years. Withdrawn for fixing; imported algorithm unsound. Fixed; but still checking. Now part of HEBCLNDR. PASTRI.PAS - Pascal Triangle (cache), Factorial, nCr. DCC32 -cc OK. PATH-FIX.PAS - Shows alteration of the environment of an ancestor program. PERMUTE.PAS - Lists all permutations of a string. PERMUTES.PAS - Lists all permutations of a parameter string. PIPETIME.PAS - Accepts possible DOS pipe file name, converts to clock time PIPETIME.EXE and back. PIPETIME.ZIP PLAYTUNE.PAS - command-line/scripted note sequence to speaker. PLAYTUNE.EXE PLAYTUNE.ZIP POWERS.PAS - Routines for X^Y and X^N, with test - being changed? D3 OK. PRIMENOS.PAS - Fast, simple, Sqrt-less Prime tester. PRINTEXT.PAS - Delphi 3, console mode. Non-spooled Win32 A4 print batcher. PRINTEXT.TXT e.g. dir /b | printext A5 C4 L1 S7 H-2 PRINTEXT.EXE gives directory, A5, 4-col, landscape, 7-pt, Blue print PRINTEXT.ZIP Can do 2A5, 4A6, ... on A4. US paper OK? Can be given filenames and scriptnames on command line. QUEENS_8.PAS - Eight Queens problem, recursively. 92 solutions. DCC32 OK. RAHPDATE.PAS - Some of Robert Prins' Dates code. RANDCARD.PAS - Compares shuffles. RDTSC.PAS - Demo of use of RDTSC timer instruction (Pentium + up) in TP. READENVT.PAS - Read Environment, Gen deep, and write result. READENVT.EXE Usage : READENVT Gen EnvName READENVT.ZIP N.B. Uses Environ in JRS_EnvU.pas, see above. REMOVE^Z.PAS - Copy a file, replacing all occurrences of a specified REMOVE^Z.EXE character, default ^Z, with NUL. REMOVE^Z.ZIP REPT.PAS - REPT P1 P2..Pn executes the command P2..Pn, P1 times REPT.EXE For batch. REPT.ZIP RESIGNAT.PAS - Replace Signature/Footer of a Web page - use with HUNT. RESIGNAT.EXE RESIGNAT.ZIP ROUNDEMO.PAS - tests Round for Pascal + Delphi. Product Help is wrong. RT13.PAS - Filter, ROT-13. RT13.EXE RT13.ZIP RTM.EXE RTM.ZIP RTC2OSDT.PAS - Copy date and time from RTC to DOS. RTC2OSDT.EXE Real Time Clock to O.S. Date + Time RTC2OSDT.ZIP SBTR.PAS - Filter : Write number1-Number2 to standard output; number SBTR.EXE range is 32-bit signed integer. SBTR.ZIP SCANCODE.PAS - Discover keyboard scan-codes. SCANCODE.EXE SCANCODE.ZIP SCRCATCH.PAS - Was: copy most of 80*25 colour screen page 0 to Std Output. SCRCATCH.EXE Now: copy most of any text screen page to Std Output; SCRCATCH.ZIP output is just text lines, trimmed. SCRNHUES.PAS - Set text foreground and background colours. SCRNHUES.EXE SCRNHUES.ZIP Cf. ATTRTEXT. SECTOYMD.PAS - Std. In is file of seconds lines, e.g. 654,321,987.357 SECTOYMD.EXE Call as 'SECTOYMD Offset' where Offset is MJD for 0 secs. SECTOYMD.ZIP Std. Out = Count Input Y M D H M S.s SEEKTEXT.PAS - List on StdOut all lines in a given file, or StdIn, SEEKTEXT.EXE containing any of the other parameters. Multi-word FIND. SEEKTEXT.ZIP Case-dependent, SERIES.PAS - Find consecutive integers summing to T. D3 OK. SEQUENCE.PAS - Filter. Replaces each occurrence of a string with an integer, SEQUENCE.EXE which is incremented by a chosen signed amount each time. SEQUENCE.ZIP SETUPCRT.PAS - Small unit by BB, procedure for setting 50-line mode. SHOWER.PAS - Super-MORE; part-LIST. A DOS window suffices, otherwise SHOWER.EXE may need a DPMI server : RTM.EXE, DPMI16BI.OVL above. SHOWER.ZIP SHOWSNAP.PAS - Displays a set of TAKESNAP files. Caution, Modes! SIXBYTES.PAS - SixToExt converts real{48} to Extended, by arithmetic. To be withdrawn : use FLOATVAL.PAS SLOW.PAS - Scrolls file or pipe controllably. Serves as "cat". @file. SLOW.EXE Uses crt, but patched. SLOW.ZIP SPIRALS.PAS - Demo of range of ATAN2. SSHTCOLS.PAS - Generates spreadsheet column labels, A-Z AA-ZZ AAA-ZZZ ... STD_TIME.PAS - To generate file to set current GMT + time_t + localMJD STD_TIME.EXE in the environment, readable by NOWMINUS. Needs Win32. STD_TIME.ZIP STOW.PAS - To write to a parent enviromnent, from Std In + parameters; STOW.EXE - No use in Windows NT (nor XP?). STOW.ZIP - See also WOLD, if it exists. STR_COMP.PAS - To compare string parameters, for batch; see STOW. STR_COMP.EXE See also NUM_COMP. STR_COMP.ZIP SUBS.PAS - Filter - to change specified characters to others. SUBS.EXE Parameters as 47=92 'a='b ',=13 [AZ]+32 respectively SUBS.ZIP convert / to \, a to b, comma to CR, A..Z to a..z. SUMMATE.PAS - On a problem posed in News, b.p.c,b.p.d.o, 2001-08-05 SWART.PAS - Competition entry, TPM#8 - Find duplicate filenames on drive. SWART.EXE N.B. uses DPMI. SWART.ZIP TAKESNAP.PAS - ScrollLock captures text screen to file, mode and all. TED1.COM - No Help - small TED screen editor - useful on floppy TED2.COM - With Help - big TED | for emergency use TED3.ZIP - Extended These are TED.COM (c) Ziff et al - see inside. TEE.PAS - Simple filter, copying pipe to filename. TEE.EXE DIR | TEE file1 > file2 files DIR output twice. TEE.ZIP See also HOSE. TENBYTES.PAS - TenToExt evaluates Extended, by arithmetic. To be withdrawn : use FLOATVAL.PAS TEST_CLS.PAS - Demo of screen clearance, any size; do Move likewise. TEXTSET.PAS - A unit from Pedt Scragg - provides LastMode and TextMode for use without Crt unit. TODAYCON.BAT - To generate TODAY.PAS, for {$INCLUDE TODAY}; local format. requires CURRENT.BAT as specified in TODAYCON. TOGL.PAS - To flip Clipboard case in Windows (cAPS lOCK), TOGL.EXE - needs CLIPCAP, see TOGL.PAS. Needs PIF? TOGLCLIP.BAT - Run from Icon - needs ../tz*/clipca14.zip TOGLCLIP.PIF - WfWg 3.11 TOGL.ZIP - just TOGL.* TRIMENDS.BAT - MiniTrue script to remove end-of-line spaces. TRY.BAT - to run CHK-TIDY etc. on recent *.HTM; writes empty TRY.LOG. uses TRY-AUX.BAT TRY-AUX.BAT - Auxil1ary to TRY.BAT TZ-CHECK.PAS - Delphi 3, Console Mode. Reads Time Zone + Summer Time info. TZ-CHECK.DPR - Delphi 2006, ditto. TZ-CHECK.EXE - shows GMT + C's time_t; includes other timing calls. TZ-CHECK.ZIP UP$DATES.BAT - Produces HTML page UP$DATES.HTM. listing dates of Web files in directory. UNCR.PAS - Filter. Copies a line of its own input, less CRLF, UNCR.EXE plus its own parameters, then no CRLF. For Batch use. UNCR.ZIP NO space between. UNCRS.PAS - Filter. Copies a line of its own input, less CRLF, UNCRS.EXE plus its own parameters, then no CRLF. For Batch use. UNCRS.ZIP ADDS space between. UPCMDLIN.PAS - Upper-Case the whole Command Line - demo of PSP string. USESCHEK.PAS - Helps locate circular "uses" references in TP/BP programs. USESCHEK.EXE USESCHEK.ZIP VASTCALC.ZIP - Feb 00 - RPN GUI calculator - LONGCALC (adapted) + Delphi GUI. ZIP holds EXE, and also enough? to rebuild EXE, using D3; open it in an empty directory. 800*600. VERSION.PAS - $include file for some programs, sets compile time variables. Used to conditionalise for Borland/TMT Pascal or Delphi. WHAT-CW.PL - Perl script for weeknumber, by Robert Urban. Untested by JRS. WR-ROMAN.PAS - Number-to-Roman function, with test. See CVT_ROME instead. WR-ROMAN.EXE WR-ROMAN.ZIP ZEL_CMJD.PAS - Pascal/Delphi, tests function ZelCMJD, Y M D to daycount. ------- ZIPONEUP.BAT - ZIP one program. ZIPPEMUP.BAT - multiple ZIPONEUP. ZIPPITUP.BAT - BAT used to create ZIPEMALL.ZIP and ZIPPROGS.ZIP. ../ - The Merlyn HTML directory; or ???. / - The Merlyn Root directory; or ???. -- Let me know if I've forgotten to upload, remove or index any - JRS. ----- DiDa -----