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© J R Stockton, ≥ 2010-01-12

Delphi Introduction.

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I got Delphi 3 standard edition in Autumn 1998. Between 2006-10-14 and 2008-01-12, I could not run Delphi 3. On 2008-02-10, I added Delphi 2006.

There is a ZIPped snapshot including these Pascal and Delphi pages (420kB+), taken on or after 2010-02-17; unZIP it in an empty directory.

Please do not fetch this page, or any other pages or files of mine, by automated subscription; that wastes my limited resources.


These pages are written largely for Borland Delphi 3. Parts may well apply to Borland or TMT Pascal or to other Delphis.

My Pascal and Delphi pages comprise snippets, and are not a tutorial.

I myself have used only TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP/BP7, TPW, BPW, D3, D2006, TMT3.

I know as yet rather little about coding for the use of Windows facilities; though I have used Turbo Vision, and now own Delphi 3 and Delphi 2006, but have not yet used them very much. I know little of graphics, and nothing of multimedia or sound cards; and nothing of programming for Networks.

In May 1998, Borland renamed itself Inprise. Therefore, URLs (http://, ftp://) referring to their own sites could need a corresponding change - seemingly not. The newsgroup names have not changed. It seems to have reverted to being Borland.

In November 2006, I read that "Borland has announced the spin- off of it's developers tools group into a separate, wholly owned subsidiary named CodeGear."

August 2008 : CodeGear and Delphi now belong to Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

General PC links are in PC Links Reference.


Programmers :- you must get an up-to-date copy of Prof. Timo Salmi's Turbo Pascal FAQ, from Garbo or from a mirror site such as SimtelNet, and study it intently. It is a Turbo Pascal FAQ, not a Borland Pascal FAQ, and not a Delphi FAQ; however, much of it applies equally to Delphi, BP and TPW/BPW. I will not cover here anything that it deals with, except where I feel that an alternative point of view may help.

Also, read the Newsgroup borland.public.delphi.objectpascal (???? Aug 2008), and other newsgroups in that hierarchy; and the Newsgroup comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc with its mini-FAQ and Examples (now maintained by Maarten Wiltink).

And news:alt.lang.delphi and news:alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi.

Also read the Pascal mini-FAQ (ZIP), and other documents accessible via my Pascal Links pages.

Don't make a fool of yourself by asking questions for which the answers are well documented, in FAQs, newsgroups, and/or elsewhere; another good way of doing it is by asking fundamentally Delphi questions in plain-Pascal newsgroups.

Information Sources

Borland Newsgroups

There is/was a much-used news hierarchy, news:borland.*. The only server intended is Borland's newsgroups.borland.com; and the TeamB (Blogs) experts only read news which has been posted there directly. Before using those newsgroups, carefully read the Introduction, linked Guidelines (especially the closing items), Etiquette, etc.

Newsgroups terminated or superseded at Borland may still appear on Usenet servers; do not use them.

The structure of the news:borland.* hierarchy has been known to change; bear this in mind if using archives.

The newsgroups have apparently moved to Embarcadero.

Other Newsgroups

Other newsgroups, distributed among many standard Usenet servers, about the Delphi language (beware : there is also a Delphi on-line service) include :-
*   alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi
*   alt.lang.delphi
*   comp.lang.pascal.delphi.announce
*   comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc
*   and others in comp.lang.pascal.delphi.*
*   and others.

Borland TI Pages

Numbers of the Borland TI pages have failed to display in a browser. In several cases, it suffices to save to disc, add the missing </TITLE> to the <TITLE> line, and display the local file. Tidy, from W3, will show any other HTML errors.

In news:borland.public.community, Ralph Friedman (TeamB)
wrote (pruned) on Fri, 9 Mar 2001 :-
  >... wrote:
  >> I remember the time when you could download the complete
  >> TI's and FAQ's, those were the good old days...
  >ah, but you can. You even have your choice of formats:

Quality Central

CodeGear's Quality Central HomePage leads to bug reports, such as #57477.

Versions of Delphi

16-bit: D1; 32-bit: D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 (D8 is considerably different, being for '.NET'), D2005, D2006, D2007.

The D2, D3, & D4 CDROMS, but not D5, contain D1 as well. D8 includes D7.01.

Route to download Delphi from Borland.

In the UK, full D2 or D3, at least, have been on magazine cover-CDs.

My version.pas is an IMHO-useful Include file for programs and units which may be compiled with Borland Pascal, Borland Delphi, or TMT Pascal. Borland Version Symbols for Conditional Compilation (Pascal/Delphi) are listed by Mark Brooks of AIMTec Pty Ltd.

Delphi in DOS

I have read that 32-bit Delphi (console mode) may be run, without Win32, by using a DOS extender such as Wuschel's DOS eXtender WDOSX; try Google for more.

For 16-bit Delphi 1 in 16-bit DOS, see the c.l.p.b mFAQ.


I know almost nothing of this or of its future, if any (it may now be discontinued); these pages substantially refer only to Delphi for 32-bit Windows.

My Public Delphi Programs

My public programs are available via an Index Page. Where only of use as source, just the PAS file is provided; otherwise everything is in a ZIP file. Use is entirely at your own risk. Programs may change, including their parameters, at any time.

Some of my Pascal (≤ BP7) programs are Delphi-compatible; others could be made so without much difficulty.

GUI indicates programs expected to be run in Win-32 fashion; DOS indicates console-mode ones. D3 & D2006 indicate what the current version was compiled with. This is not a complete list.


D3. For plotting Demon BWUSAGE.TXT files and count-vs-date files. Demon no longer provide BWUSAGE.TXT. Page sitedata plots files of count and the new Quota Usage.


D3. Pascal LONGCALC is faster and larger-range in Delphi, but then lacks command editing. Compile with PROGRAM defined; needs version.pas.


D3. GUI version of LONGCALC; uses longcalc.pas as a Unit.


D3. A scriptable pipeable program to print text-mode files on a Windows-32 printer; control of overall font size, colour, 2-up, 4-up, columns, orientation, ...


D3, tz-check.pas; D2006, tz-check.dpr. Reads Time Zone + Summer Time info; shows GMT + C's time_t; includes other timing calls.


D3. Generalised directory-type information - also FILGEN16 for DOS.


D2006. A unit supplementary to, and with substitutes for defects in, Turbo Delphi 2006 unit DateUtils.


D2006. Tests unit DateUtys, and provides converstion between GMT and other times.

External Delphi Links

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© Dr J R Stockton, near London, UK.
All Rights Reserved.
These pages are tested mainly with Firefox 3.0 and W3's Tidy.
This site, http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/, is maintained by me.