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© J R Stockton, ≥ 2009-07-13

Pascal Links, Page 1.

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Links within this site :-
In May 1998, Borland renamed itself Inprise. Therefore, URLs (http://, ftp://) referring to their own sites could need a corresponding change. The newsgroup names have not changed. It seems to have reverted to being Borland.

(Note : I generally check out URLs before listing them. Frames-only sites were not included before Oct 1998. "FNF" means File Not Found))

Please let me know of changed or permanently broken links. When doing so, please state the exact defective link as well as the replacement.

Where a file no longer exists at the Web site linked to (e.g. SURPAS), it may be worth trying a search engine.

There is a UK Borland User Group; also.

Pascal FAQ Links

Before resorting to the FAQs, do consider the Help provided with your software - the on-line help and the manuals.

Get and read Prof. Timo Salmi's indispensable current Turbo-Pascal FAQ from Garbo at the University of Vaasa in Finland, or from a mirror site such as SimtelNet. Note however that Garbo mirrors are not monitored, and are of variable quality, some being no longer updated (q.v.).

The comp.lang.pascal.borland / borland.public.turbopascal newsgroup mini-FAQ was initiated by Tom Wheeley in c.l.p.b. and is now maintained by Robert AH Prins. I will try to maintain here a copy of the current mini-FAQ, and I have a ZIPped collection of earlier versions. For regular access, please use Garbo (ZIP), Demon ZIP.

Ing. Franz Glaser (http://www.meg-glaser.biz/, http://www.meg-glaser.com/, office@meg-glaser.biz) has maintained and updated the successor to Jeroen Prins' valuable Links page.

The Sourceware Archive Group's reference collection of many contributed Pascal and Delphi routines also contains at least one FAQ file. There is an FTP-downloadable file set swag*.zip at Garbo and its mirrors. I believe that Pascal additions have ceased. SWAG used to be via GDSOFT; try there.
The HTML SWAG Home Page.

Berend de Boer's Pascal Turbo Vision FAQ, dated 1995, is/was, with limited access, at Zeta (HTML, with ASCII downloadable); an ASCII copy.

Pascal Central is maintained by Bill Catambay; it is substantially non-Borland, and largely Macintosh. Pascal Central is here, and Pascal Central is here. It has John Reagan's Pascal Standards FAQ (Rev. 001, 3-Apr-1995).

Portions of the news:comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ are applicable.

ASM: FAQ by FTP - seek asm*.zip in directory : HTML was asm0004h.zip, text was asm0004t.zip.

Parts of the Borland Delphi ObjectPascal Q&A are applicable, if it still exists.

Peter Gerwinski :-

There is also a new ISO Standard for the Pascal language which adds even other extensions to the original Pascal: Extended Pascal according to ISO-10206.

About.com - Pascal info, FAQ links. Or About.com.

Non-Borland Pascal Compilers


The International Standard for Pascal is ISO 7185:1990.

JR 2001-01-22: "Prospero are the current distributor of the BSI Pascal Validation Suite."

Turbo/Borland Pascal & TV(P) Bug Lists

For files in my own programs directory : my bugs.

Pascal Newsgroups


Please use an ASCII-compatible character set (few can display Cyrillic, let alone read it, so cross-posting with news:relcom.* may not be useful; likewise Korean and Japanese).

Don't just write "my program does not work" - be sure to give any error messages in full, explain what you expected and what you got, and, before posting a failing program, reduce it to the minimum that shows the problem.

For some of my views on general newsgroup use, see About News-Posting.


The prime Usenet ones for Turbo/Borland Pascal are comp.lang.pascal.borland and borland.public.turbopascal, which are the only general groups that should be used for matters specific to Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal, and Borland Pascal for Windows.

Other Pascal groups, which should not be used for those specific topics, include comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso, comp.lang.pascal.mac and comp.lang.pascal.misc. The old group comp.lang.pascal has been formally removed, and should not be used, even if it seems to exist. There are several alt.*.delphi.*, borland.*.delphi.*, and comp.lang.pascal.delphi.* groups; Delphi-related matter should not appear in Pascal groups (nor vice versa) unless it is reasonably certain that the matter is applicable to both products.

Prof. Timo Salmi posts a list of related Usenet newsgroups in said groups and writes much FAQ material (as well as running the Garbo FTP site, etc.). See also his

 52703 Jun 14 1995 ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/doc-net/pasgroup.zip
 pasgroup.zip Information about the comp.lang.pascal.* newsgroups


Borland (ex-a.k.a. Inprise) run their own news-server newsgroups.borland.com; there is at their Web site an index to their news:borland.* newsgroups, and these include a TurboPascal or TurboPascal or TurboPascal group.

Before using those newsgroups, read the Introduction and linked material very carefully.

"Borland is pleased to announce that the newsgroup archive is available for searching" (present location?).

August 2008 : CodeGear and Delphi now belong to Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. The above server died about 2008-08-07 and the newsgroups are said to be available at Embarcadero.

Distribution Leakage

The Borland groups now appear to be carried on at least some standard Usenet News servers as, for example, TurboPascal; Demon has them (on news.demon.co.uk for customers; and on pubnews.demon.co.uk, now generally not available, for anyone).

However, this is due to an unapproved, one-way gating; those reading the Borland server see one set of posts, and those using an outside server see a larger set, but articles posted via other servers are not seen on the Borland one. This is a silly situation, meaning that Borland users (including TeamB) are deprived of outside correction, and outside users are deprived of TeamB correction. The easy remedy would be for Borland to make their groups robo-moderated, with the 'bot set to accept anything within their Guidelines.

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