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 00INDEX.TXT >= 2003-01-30           Copyright,

  I have become unsatisfied with the traceability of some of these; and
  also with for-profit vampiring of this directory, and so may move it.

  Please do NOT set up automated downloads or use it to supply public-
  domain files to your clients directly; take and distribute copies instead,
  or use a large public site such as Garbo and its mirrors.

  N.B. Some file dates are originals, some are dates I fetched or made them.

  I use Bauer's TPPATCH myself; it seems OK, by test and by repute.

  In my active TURBO.TPL and TPP.TPL files :
  * on my 486/33, I have the standard Crt unit;
  * on my PII/300, I now have Pedt Scragg's Crt unit.

  I cannot advise on patch installation.

  It seems that at least one unspecified RTE200 fix, possibly one of those
  here, may fail above around 450 MHz  ... it's PENT2, out of c't, now here.

  Pedt Scragg's replacement CRT unit, which I also use,
  is good for "all" CPU frequencies; at

  There are text and HTML versions of this, and a list of this directory :

000-warn.txt - - - READ THIS if interested in tppatch.

 BP7PATC? - Fixes for RTE200 on BP7 Crt initialisation - BP7PATCH
 TPPATCH  - Fix for RTE200 on TP7 Crt initialisation.
 etc.       See also ..\programs\fdelay.pas for Osmo's code.

 NEWRTM?  - Revised Run-Time Managers for BP7.00/7.01 protected (DPMI) mode.

 - -  - from Borland's FTP site.  - from "The Pascal Magazine" Issue 2.  - ex c't; OK PII 450MHz, fails PIII 550MHz.  - by Andreas Bauer - I use this, and Pedt Scragg's fix.


 My own test files for BP7 RTE200

crt001.pas   - A simple program, using the Crt unit
crt001-a.exe - crt001.pas, real mode, compiled with Borland's Crt unit
crt001-b.exe - crt001-a.exe, patched with Andreas Bauer's TPPATCH
crt001-c.exe - crt001.pas, real mode, compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit
crt001-d.exe - crt001-a.exe, patched with c't T-PENT2 ($7E)

crt002.pas   - A better program, using the Crt unit
crt002-a.exe - crt002.pas, real mode, compiled with Borland's Crt unit
crt002-b.exe - crt002-a.exe, patched with Andreas Bauer's TPPATCH
crt002-c.exe - crt002.pas, real mode, compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit
crt002-d.exe - crt002-a.exe, patched with c't T-PENT2 ($7E)   - Those, zipped up together.

 Further files, 2001 Mar 17-18, needing verification :

crt001-n.exe - BP7, protected mode, Borland Crt unit ? (*)
crt001-o.exe - crt001-n.exe, patched with Bauer's TPPATCH.EXE
crt001-p.exe - as -n, but compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit
crt001-q.exe - crt001-n.exe, patched with c't T-PENT2 ($7E)
crt002-n.exe - BP7, protected mode, Borland Crt unit ?
crt002-o.exe - crt002-n.exe, patched with Bauer's TPPATCH.EXE
crt002-p.exe - as -n, but compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit
crt002-q.exe - crt002-n.exe, patched with c't T-PENT2 ($7E)

 (*) I believe that to be with the genuine Borland unit;
  but it does not fail on my PII/300.

 Further files, 2002 Mar 02, needing verification :

crt003.pas   - A better program, using the Crt unit
crt003-c.exe - real mode, compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit
crt003-p.exe - protected mode, compiled with Pedt Scragg's Crt unit

                           === DiDa ===

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