Copyright, >= 2001-07-18 I have just been told that Norton Anti-Virus claims a virus in TPPATCH.EXE; however F-PROT v.2.28 does not find one. Caveat Emptor! JRS 1998/01/26 --- Another correspondent : >The only scanner which found a virus was Norton AntiVirus. I had also >this scanner until it found a virus in my config.sys... the found virus >in tppatch.exe was also a com-virus - it is obviously that this must >be a detection error. I also scanned with TNT-Virus and F-Prot and these >scanners didn't find any viruses... And another : Current Mcafee reported no problems. ISTR that there *was* a version of one AV software (and it may well have been Norton Antivirus) that generated false reports for a number of genuine files. If your correspondent has access to a later version of Norton AV, perhaps its worth trying against this as well. JRS 1998/01/29 === So I renamed to in order to break the link, while leaving the file accessible by way of its directory. Anyone who can find should also notice 000-warn.txt in the same directory. I intent to restore the usual name for the file when I have received sufficient assurance that it is virus-free - for this I need, I feel, two OK reports, or one OK report from an authoritative source; these to use something independent of F-PROT, of course (unless by Fridrik Skulason himself !!). ### Yet another, 1998/03/04 : >For your information I download the TPPATCH.EXE and LANDESK Virus >Protect report a virus too, it was "HLLP_4496"... However I don't know >if it is true... *** 2000-01-12 : Dr Solomon's antivirus toolkit v 8.01 finds it clean. 2001-03-30 : And Norton Anti-virus (2001/3/6 virus definitions). === 1998/09/09 : I'm thinking of removing this directory, or rather the Runtime Error 200 fixes in it, because I'm conscious that I have not in general maintained sufficient traceability to the original authors. Possibly we should all attempt to supply just URLs for sites where the originators remain in effective control of the material - their own sites, or Garbo - rather than supplying the fixes themselves. Since I created the directory, Item 124 has appeared in Timo Salmi's Pascal FAQ; it gives URLs of that nature for several fixes. Refer to that. -- 1998/11/03 : I have become aware that this site is being used in support of profit-making by software suppliers who link to it and encourage their customers to fetch RTE200 patches from it; this is improper, since it is their own sites, or the large public ones, which should bear that load and expense. The patches will therefore be moved. --