Itinerary (text) ---


A 13-day Trip to Northern Europe

(Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark)

July 18~30, 2019



1 NORWAY --- Day 01,   Day 02,   Day 03,   Day 04,   Day 05,   Day 06
2 FINLAND --- Day 07,   Day 08,   Day 09
3 SWEDEN --- Day 10,   Day 11a
4 DENMARK --- Day 11b,   Day 12
5 TAIWAN --- Day 13


(click a day above to see a daily tour, or click an arrow below to see a tour spot)

(An asterisk * attached to a day's description means there are videos in this day)




Day 1 --- On the Way & Transfer

(A) Set-out (出發) ---

01-01 Starting the trip from Taoyuan Airport (Taiwan)

(B) Transfer & Arrival (轉機與抵達) ---

01-02 Transfer at Amsterdam (Netherlands) & arrival at Oslo (Norway)


Day 2 --- City Tours in Oslo, Norway

(A) On Way to Oslo (沿途所見) ---

02-01 First impressions about Norway)

(B) Oslo City Hall (Radhuset) (奧斯陸市政廳) ---

02-02 A. Place for awarding Nobel Peace Prize (part I: interior)

02-03 B. Place for awarding Nobel Peace Prize (part II: exterior)

(C) Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset) (維京船博物館) ---

02-04 Exhibitions showing the history of viking people & their ships

(D) Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) ---

02-05 A. 212 artworks by Gustav Vigeland (1869-1943)

02-06 B. Many bronze sculptures

(E) Nat'l Opera & Ballet (Den Norske Opera & Ballett) (國家歌劇院和芭蕾舞團 ) ---

02-07 With a modern architecture

(F) Dinner and Hotel (晚餐與旅館) ---

02-08 Staying overnight in Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel


Day 3 --- Train Tours + Fjord Cruise in Norway

(A) Flamsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) ---

03-01 A. Starting from Oslo

03-02 B. From Oslo to Gol Station

03-03 C. From Gol Station to Ustaoset Station

03-04 D. From Ustaoset Station to Myrdal Station

03-05 E. *From Myrdal Station to Flam Station

(B) Sognefjord Ferry (索格納峽灣渡輪) ---

03-06 A. Start of cruise from Flam

03-07 B. More picturesque fjord scenes

03-08 C. Reaching the goal of cruise, Gudvangen

(C) Hotel (旅館) ---

03-09 Staying in a hotel in the town of Sognedal


Day 4 --- Glacier Hiking + Fjord Cruise in Norway

(A) Jostedal Glacier Park (約斯特達冰河公園) ---

04-01 A. Mountains and lakesides along the way to the park

04-02 B. Lakes and villages along the way to the park

04-03 C. Passing Briksdal waterfall

04-04 D. In front of Briksdal Glacier

04-05 E. Scenes seen during the walk

04-06 F. Back to the souvenir shop

(B) Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) ---

04-07 A. On way to Hellesylt, the start site of the fjord cruise

04-08 B. Scenes seen in the town of Hellesylt

04-09 C. Waiting the cruise to start at the port

04-10 D. Scenes seen on the water during the cruise

04-11 E. Birds seen over the fjord during the cruise

04-12 F. *Seven-sister waterfall in the fjord

(C) Hotel & Vacinity (旅館與近處) ---

04-13 Staying overnight at the town of Geiranger


Day 5 --- Curved Roads + Train & Bus Tours in Norway

(A) Ornesvingen (Eagle Road) from Geiranger to Eidsdal (老鷹之路) ---

05-01 A. Along-way scenes

05-02 B. Scenes at Ornesvingen Viewing Point

05-03 C. Reaching the end at Eidsdal

(B) The Troll Path (Trollstigen) from Linge to Andalsnes (精靈之路) ---

05-04 A. Gudbrandsjuvet (a ravine)

05-05 B. *An unnamed lake near Slettvikane

05-06 C. Stigfossen Waterfall

05-07 D. Trollstigen Rest Area

05-08 E. The scenic curve of the Troll Path

05-09 F. Trollstigen Camping Area at the north of the path

05-10 G. Reaching Andalsnes

(C) Rauma Train Tour (Rauma Banent) from Andalsnes to Hamar (勞馬景觀鐵道) ---

05-11 A. Scenes from Andalsnes to Dombas

05-12 B. A stop at Dombas & moving to Hamar by bus


Day 6 --- Catching King Crabs + Visiting Europe's Northernmost Point in Norway

(A) Flying northward to Alta (北飛阿爾塔) ---

06-01 A. Set-out at Oslo Airport & Arrival at Alta

06-02 B. Visiting Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta

(B) Experiencing King-Crab Catching (體驗抓帝王蟹) ---

06-03 A. Going to Honningsvag by bus

06-04 B. Crab catching by boat using nets

06-05 C. Crab cutting before cooking for eating

06-06 D. Enjoying king crab meal in a tent

(C) Visiting North Cape (NordKapp) (訪問北角) ---

06-07 A. Scenes seen on the way

06-08 B. Sunset over a small fjord on the way

06-09 C. *Standing right on the North Cape

06-10 D. Sunset and sunrise in a short period

06-11 E. A statue "Children of the Earth"

06-12 F. Activities & scenes around, and hotel


Day 7 --- Leaving Norway to Visit Finland

(A) Entering Finland (進入芬蘭) ---

07-01 On the way from the north

(B) Visiting Siida Museum & Hotel (薩米博物館與過夜旅館) ---

07-02 Appreciating culture & nature, and staying oovernight at Inari


Day 8 --- Visiting Attractions in Finland

(A) Tankavaara Gold Museum (Kultamuseoat) at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) ---

08-01 A. Visiting Gold Village (Kultakyla) in the museum

08-02 B. *Enjoying Kultahuuhtomo gold panning

08-03 C. Visiting the gold museum

(B) Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) ---

08-04 A. Having lunch at Northernmost McDonald in the world

08-05 B. Visiting the village (exterior environment)

08-06 C. *Crossing the Arctic Circle

08-07 D. Sending postcards from the village

08-08 E. Visiting the village (interior activities)

08-09 F. Having dinner in a Chinese restaurant

(C) Taking Santa Claus Express to Helsinki (搭聖誕老人夜快車到赫爾辛基) ---

08-10 A new experience of train taking overhight in a guest room


Day 9 --- Tours in Helsinki, Finland + Cruise to Sweden

(A) Going around in downtown Helsinki (赫爾辛基市區巡禮) ---

09-01 *First impressions of Helsinki

(B) Rock Church (Temppeliaukion Kirkko) (岩石教堂) ---

09-02 A church with a big dorm

(C) Sibelius Park (Sibeliusuisto) (西貝流士公園) ---

09-03 In memory of the composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)

(D) Uspenski Cathedral (Uspenskin Katedraali) (烏斯本斯基大教堂) ---

09-04 Eastern Orthodox cathedral built in 1868

(E) Helsinki Cathedral (Helsingin Tuomiokirkko) & Old City Hall (赫爾辛基教堂與老市政廳) ---

09-05 Around the Senate Square

(F) Kouppatori Market & Helsinki Design District (卡烏帕多利市集與設計特區) ---

09-06 Supporting Helsinki to be selected as World Design Capital

(G) Cruise to Sweden (航向瑞典) ---

09-07 A. Taking Silja Line to Stockholm (part I - ship facilities)

09-08 B. Taking Silja Line to Stockholm (part II - guest room and amusement program)


Day 10 --- Tours in Stockholm, Sweden

(A) Cruise to Sweden Continued (繼續航向瑞典) ---

10-01 A. Scenic sea and islands on the way (part I: midway on sea)

10-02 B. Scenic sea and islands on the way (part II: close to Sweden)

10-03 C. Scenic sea and islands on the way (part III: along the seashore)

10-04 D. Scenic sea and islands on the way (part IV: micellaneous scenes)

(B) On Way to Stockholm (沿途所見) ---

10-05 First impressions on Sweden

(C) Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) ---

10-06 A. Exterior architecture and environment

10-07 B. Interior structures and decorations

10-08 C. Golden Hall & Conference Room

10-09 D. Reliefs, paintings and embroidery on the walls

(D) Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) ---

10-10 Exhibiting old Viking war ships

(E) Kaknas TV Tower (Kaknastornet) (斯德哥爾摩電視塔) ---

10-11 Observing "Venince in Northern Europe (Sotockholm)" & had lunch

(F) Artistic Metro Stations (藝術地鐵) ---

10-12 A. Environment of Solna Centrum Station

10-13 B. Wall paintings seen at Solna Centrum Station

10-14 C. Environment & paintings of T-Centralen Station

10-15 D. Environment & paintings of Kungstradgarden Station

(G) Old Town & Hotel (舊城區與過夜旅館) ---

10-16 A. Old Town Square (Stortorget)

10-17 B. Swedish Royal Palace

10-18 C. Monuments & memorable sites nearby, and the hotel for overnight stay


Day 11a --- Malmo in Sweden

(A) Flight to Malmo (飛航至馬爾摩) ---

11-01 A. From Arlanda Airport in Stockholm to Malmo Airport

11-02 B. On way to downtown Malmo

(B) Malmo Turning Torso (馬爾摩旋轉大樓) ---

11-03 A landmark of Malmo

Day 11b --- Copenhagen in Denmark

(C) From Sweden to Denmark (從瑞典到丹麥) ---

11-04 A. From Malmo to Copenhagen by train

11-05 B. First impressions on Copenhagen

(D) Christiansborg Palace (Christiansborg Slot) (克里斯蒂安堡宮) ---

11-06 A. The main hall and yard

11-07 B. The entrance and surroundings

(E) "Black Diamond" Royal Library (黑珍珠皇家圖書館) ---

11-08 The library building and its vacinity

(F) 1st-time Visit to NyHavn (第一次造訪新港) ---

11-09 Seeing colorful house series and enjoying dinner

(G) Marriot AC Hotel (瑪莉爾特AC旅館) ---

11-10 Staying overnight in a wierd-shaped building


Day 12 --- Tours in Copenhagen, Denmark

(A) Copenhagen City Hall (Kobenhavns Radhus) (哥本哈根市政廳) ---

12-01 The statue of Hans Christian Andersen is nearby

(B) Amalienborg (阿瑪連皇宮) ---

12-02 *Residences of nobles in the 18th century

(C) Gefion Springvandet & Vacinity (吉菲昂女神噴泉與近處景緻) ---

12-03 Copenhagen Port is nearby

(D) The Little Meimaid (Den Lille Havfrue) (小美人魚雕像) ---

12-04 A symbol of Denmark

(E) 2nd-time Visit to NyHavn (第二次造訪新港) ---

12-05 Appreciating the street scenes & activities

(F) Returning to Taiwan (啟程回台) ---

12-06 A. Lunch and last glances at Copenhagen

12-07 B. Setting out and transfer at Amsterdam


Day 13 --- Back to Taiwan & Review of Highlights

(A) Back to Taoyuan Airport (Taiwan) (回到桃園機場) ---

13-01 End of trip and review of tour routes in this trip

(B) Major Symbols of the Four Countries (四國主要的象徵) ---

13-02 People or objects

(C) Review of Memorable Scenery (回味感動情景) ---

13-03 A. Panoramic images involving seas, rivers & waterfalls (part I: days 01~04)

13-04 B. Panoramic images involving seas, rivers & waterfalls (part II: days 05~08)

13-05 C. Panoramic images involving seas, rivers & waterfalls (part III: days 09~13)

13-06 D. Panoramic images seen in city tours (all days)

13-07 E. Sculptures, statues & wall reliefs seen in this trip (all days)


Note --- More Links on the Main Page of This Website

A. Family & Tour-group Members' Pictures --- Day 01~06 and Day 07~13

B. Highlight Pictures --- Link to all days