Itinerary Highlight 3 ---


Days 07 - 09 -- Finland


(2017. 07.24-26)


 Day 7, Day 8, Day 9


(Click thumbnail images to see enlarged images)


Day 7 --- Leaving Norway to Visit Finland                             Back to page top

D07-01 Entering Finland (進入芬蘭) --- On the way from the north of Norway

D07-01-00a_The map of our tours in Finland in which the first route was from Honningsvag in Norway to Inari in Finland D07-01-00b_National flag of Finland

D07-01-01_The national flags of the Scandinavian countries (icluding Iceland) are all similar in style (Why? That's because they are all countries related the the Christian Religion in the history, and the cross shape in the flags means the Christian Cross) D07-01-02_A reindeer seen on the way (note: Santa Clause rides a sleigh driven by reindeers)

D07-01-03_Scene seen on the way 1 D07-01-04_Scene seen on the way 2

D07-01-05_Scene seen on the way 3 D07-01-06_Scene seen on the way 4

D07-01-07_Scene seen on the way 5 D07-01-08_Scene seen on the way 6
(more to see: more scenes on the way)

D07-02 Visiting Siida Museum & Hotel (薩米博物館與過夜旅館) --- Appreciating culture & nature, and staying overnight at Inari

D07-02-01_The entrance of the museum D07-02-02_An exhibition room showing the accessories used in daily life of the Sami people

D07-02-03_A tent house used by the Sami people D07-02-04_A wooden house used by the Sami people

D07-02-05_A Sami lady dressed in the Sami style D07-02-06_A picture showing the dressing style of the Sami people

D07-02-07_It is an open-air museum D07-02-08_Lake Inari in the scope of the museum

D07-02-09_We stayed overnight in Riekonlinna Hotel in Inari D07-02-10_Our group members were checking in
(more to see: more related scenes)

Day 8 --- Visiting Attractions in Finland                     Back to page top

 D08-01 Tankavaara Gold Museum (Kultamuseoat) at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- A. Visiting Gold Village (Kultakyla) in the museum

D08-01-01_The entrance of the museum D08-01-02_The information board at the entrance

D08-01-03_Some old houses D08-01-04_ Wanha Waskoolimies Cafe

D08-01-05_A restaurant D08-01-06_Some stores

D08-01-07_A shot in front of another old house D08-01-08_A shot before an old machine
(more to see: more scenes of the museum)

D08-02 Tankavaara Gold Museum (Kultamuseoat Tankavaara) at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- B. Enjoying Kultahuuhtomo gold panning

D08-02-01_A sign frame D08-02-02_On the way to the gold panning site

D08-02-03_A sign board D08-02-04_A shot before a statue of a gold panning worker

D08-02-05_A creek where gold was panned in the old time D08-02-06_A workplace of old time

D08-02-07_We tried to pan gold in an artificial creek D08-02-08_It seems we have panned a lot of gold? (Actually not! Just sunlight reflection of a pan of sand!)

D08-02-09_Gold! We want gold! Ha ha! D08-02-10_Gold! We want gold! Ha ha ha!

VIDEO: D08-02-10v1_Panning gold 1

VIDEO: D08-02-10v2_Panning gold 2 VIDEO: D08-02-10v3_Panning gold 3
(more to see: more scenes of the museum)

D08-03 Tankavaara Gold Museum (Kultamuseoat Tankavaara) at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- C. Visiting the gold museum

D08-03-01_The sign of the museum D08-03-02_Looking at the exhibitions

D08-03-03_The interior of a typical house of old-time gold panners D08-03-04_ A wax gold panner

D08-03-05_A gold-panning plate used in old time D08-03-06_Some gold mine pieces

D08-03-07_A demo of gold finding by diving in the creek D08-03-08_Gold was also fitted into kimono as decorations in the old time
(more to see: more scenes of the museum)

D08-04 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- A. Having lunch at northernmost McDonald in the world

D08-04-01_In the street of the town of Rovaniemi D08-04-02_A map of the town

D08-04-03_The northernmost MacDonald where the group leader suggested us to have lunch D08-04-04_Our group members were ordering meals
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-05 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- B. Visiting the village (exterior environment)

D08-05-01_The entrance of the village D08-05-02_The main hall of the village

D08-05-03_A board explaining the meaning of the Arctic Circle (specified in the caption of the right picture) D08-05-04_Arctic Circle: the line north of which the sun never sets for at least one day in summer and never rises for at least one day in winter.

D08-05-05_A map of thelayout of the village D08-05-06_A pole of pointers to various famous cities in the world

D08-05-07_Everybody of our group obtained an "Artic Circle Crossing Certificate" saying "at the artic circle with Santa Claus" D08-05-08_The certificate was issued after taking photoes with the "real" Santa Claus (shown in the next set of photos)
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-06 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- C. Crossing the Arctic Circle

D08-06-01_A large temperature meter in the village D08-06-02_The Arctic Circle line is at the northern latitude of 66° 32' 35" in the village (but the formal data =  66°33'45.9")

D08-06-03_Crossing it! D08-06-04_Besides it!

D08-06-05_The Arctic Circle line in the village D08-06-07_More shots 1

D08-06-06_The Finnish version "Polarkreis" of "Arctic Circle" D08-06-07_More shots 2

Image: D08-06-08_Crossing the Arctic Circle
VIDEO: D08-06-08v1_Crossing the Arctic Circle
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-07 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- D. Sending postcards from the village

D08-07-01_The postal office in the village D08-07-02_The mailbox

D08-07-03_Sending a letter D08-07-04_Sending another

D08-07-05_Merchandises seen at the shop in the office D08-07-06_Santa Claus working as a postman
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-08 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- E. Visiting the village (interior activities)

D08-08-01_A shot with the "UN-verified" Santa Claus D08-08-02_The entrance of the main hall

D08-08-03_Gifts to be sent out by Santa Claus D08-08-04_A corner of the interior of the main hall

D08-08-05_Having a rest on the Santa Claus' sleigh D08-08-06_An illustration of the Arctic Circle
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-09 Santa Claus Village (Joulupukin Pajakyla) at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- F. Having dinner in a Chinese restaurant

D08-09-01_Ww had dinner in the restaurant "Da Zhong Hua" in downtown Rovaniemi D08-09-02_The interior of the restaurant

D08-09-03_The dish of soup we had D08-09-04_The dish of fish we had
(more to see: more scenes)

D08-10 Taking Santa Claus Express to Helsinki (搭聖誕老人夜快車到赫爾辛基) --- A new experience of overnight train taking in a guest room

D08-10-01_The Rovaniemi Station where we took the so-called Santa Clause Express to Helsinki, the capital of Finland D08-10-02_We stayed overnight on the train

D08-10-03_A full view of the train D08-10-04_Our group members were boarding the train

D08-10-05_The room we stayed in has a cute bath room, with a toilet in one half of the room and a shower in the other D08-10-06_There are double beds, one on the top and the other at the bottom

D08-10-07_The room space is small, being crowded with the luggages D08-10-08_The Helsinki Station where the Santa Claus Express ends
(more to see: more scenes)

Day 9 --- Tours in Helsinki, Finland + Cruise to Sweden    Back to page top

D09-01 Going around in downtown Helsinki (赫爾辛基市區巡禮) --- First impressions of Helsinki

D09-01-01_A street scene in Helsinki D09-01-02_Another street scene

D09-01-03_The main building of University Helsinki, Finland D09-01-04_The statue of Marshal Mannerheim 1867-1951, Finnish military leader and statesman

D09-01-05_The Music Center of the city D09-01-06_National Museum of Finland

D09-01-07_The Parliament House Image: D09-01-08_Streetcars seen on the way
VIDEO: D09-01-08v1_Streetcars seen on the way
(more to see: more city scenes)

D09-02 Rock Church (Temppeliaukion Kirkko) (岩石教堂) --- A church with a big dorm

D09-02-01_The entrance of the church constructed from a big rock D09-02-02_The ceiling is of a big dorm shape

D09-02-03_The pipe organ of the church D09-02-04_A closer look at the pipe organ

D09-02-05_A farther view D09-02-06_Pretty flowers in the yard of the church

D09-02-06a_A panoramic view of the interior of the Rock Church
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-03 Sibelius Park (Sibeliuspuisto) (西貝流士公園) --- In memory of the composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)

D09-03-01_The monument by Eila Hiltunen is dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) D09-03-02_A closer look at the monument

D09-03-03_Another part of the monument D09-03-04_A pair of buskers at the monument

D09-03-05_Interesting handover of raw coffee beans from one of our group members to another D09-03-06_An interesting ad in Japanese and English of a coffee house

D09-03-06a_A wider view of the park with the monument in the distance
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-04 Uspenski Cathedral (Uspenskin katedraali) (烏斯本斯基大教堂) --- Eastern Orthodox cathedral built in 1868

D09-04-01_An overview of the church D09-04-02_A closer look at the top

D09-04-03_A shot in front D09-04-04_Another

D09-04-05_The church architecture is unique D09-04-06_A solemn altar inside the church

D09-04-07_A photo of main priests (not belonging to this church) D09-04-08_A small altar

D09-04-09_The main altar seen from another direction D09-04-10_Another church, Helsinki Cathedral, seen in a far distance (visited next by us)

D09-04-10a_A wider view of the Uspenski Cathedral
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-05 Helsinki Cathedral (Helsingin tuomiokirkko) & Old City Hall (赫爾辛基教堂與老市政廳) --- Around the Senate Square

D09-05-01_An overview of the cathedral which is a Finnish Evangelical Lutheran cathedral bult in 1852 D09-05-02_A shot in the front yard called Senate Square

D09-05-03_A statue of Alexander II erected in 1894, who re-established the Diet of Finland in 1863 as well as initiated several reforms that increased Finland's autonomy from Russia D09-05-04_Another shot (note: the Diet of Finland means the legislative assembly of the Grand Duchy of Finland from 1809 to 1906)

D09-05-05_The statue seen from another direction D09-05-06_A ferris wheel nearby

D09-05-07_Old City Hall of Helsinki with buildings at the sides of the Senate Square in front of Helsinki Cathedrali D09-05-08_We had lunch here: Ravintola China Restaurant

D09-05-08a_A wider view of the Helsinki Cathedral
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-06 Kouppatori Market & Helsinki Design District (卡烏帕多利市集與設計特區) --- Supporting Helsinki to be selected as World Design Capital

D09-06-01_The market is full of tents that are used as shop spaces D09-06-02_Including white- and orange-colored tents

D09-06-03_People enjoying discovering and shopping D09-06-04_The market is at the port area

D09-06-05_A fountain at the side of the market (the Amanda Mermaid Statue in the middle is shown on the right)

D09-06-06_So is the ferris wheel mentioned previously D09-06-06a_The mermaid statue of the fountain, called Havis Amanda or the Mermaid (Merenneito), created in 1906 by the sculptor Ville Vallgren (1855–1940)

D09-06-07_We visited a shop selling souvenirs D09-06-08_The (new) city hall

D09-06-09_Street scene 1 nearby D09-06-10_Street scene 2 nearby
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-07 Cruise to Sweden (航向瑞典) --- A. Taking Silja Line to Stockholm (part I - ship facilities)

D09-07-01_The cruise ship of the Silja Line we took to sail to Sweden D09-07-02_The tail of the ship

D09-07-03_A glance at the sea at a side deck of the ship D09-07-04_The "main street" interiorof the ship, which is full of shops at the two sides

D09-07-05_The top deck D09-07-06_A set of game machines

D09-07-07_Easy time on the tail deck D09-07-08_Sunset seen on the tail deck
(more to see: more related scenes)

D09-08 Cruise to Sweden (航向瑞典) --- B. Taking Silja Line to Stockholm (part II - guest room and amusement program)

D09-08-01_The room we stayed in D09-08-02_A shot of the other side of the room

D09-08-03_The beds D09-08-04_Amusement program 1 seen in the ship

D09-08-05_Amusement program 2 D09-08-06_Amusement program 3
(more to see: more related scenes)

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