A 13-day Trip to Northern Europe


Highlight Pictures of All Days (2017.07.18~30) ---


(click a day to see tours in that day) 


1 TAIWAN --- Day 00
2 NORWAY --- Day 01,   Day 02,   Day 03,   Day 04,   Day 05,   Day 06
3 FINLAND --- Day 07,   Day 08,   Day 09
4 SWEDEN --- Day 10,   Day 11a
5 DENMARK --- Day 11b,   Day 12
6 TAIWAN --- Day 13



(Click thumbnail images to see enlarged images)



Day 00 ---  Overview of Routes in This 13-day Trip       Back to page top

D00-01-01_Map of the details of this 13-day trip to Northern Europe (note: a move specified by a line or a curve with no transportation symbol in the map mean that the tour was by bus)

D00-01-02_The national flags of the four countries we visited in this trip: NORWAY => FINLAND => SWEDEN => DENMARK

D00-01-03_The four countires and Iceland consist of the part of Europe which is called Scandinavia

D00-02-01_Major symbol of NORWAY: Troll (note: this kind of doll is numerous and can be seen in every souvenir shop in Norway --> Link)

D00-02-02_Major symbol of FINLAND: Santa Claus (note: this is the only UN-verified Santa Claus in the world among the many Santa Clauses claimed by many countries in the world -->Link)

D00-02-03_Major symbol of SWEDEN: Dala Horse (this is a major symbol of Sweden because a large model of Dala Horse was put at the entrance of the Sweden Pavlion in the 2010 World Expo in Sganghai, China --> Link) (My website of 2010 World Expo --> Link)

D00-02-04_Major symbol of DENMARK: "The Little Mermaid" (note: the statue of the Little Mermaid was moved to the Denmark Pavilion as the central exhibited object in the 2012 World Expo in Shanghai, China --> Link) (My website of 2010 World Expo -->Link)

Day 01 ---  Setout, Transfer, & Arrival                            Back to page top

D01-01-05_The counter of the KLM Airline at Taoyuan Airport where we checked in to take plane (桃園機場KLM航空櫃台check-in)

D01-01-03_A plane of the KLM Airline which we took at Taoyuan Airport to start the trip (搭KLM航空飛機出發)

D01-02-01_Amsterdam Airport Schiphol where we transferred to fly to Oslo, Norway (在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹機場轉機)

D01-02-05_Oslo Airport where we arrived at the first country of this trip, Norway (抵達挪威奧斯陸機場)

Day 02 ---  Tours in Oslo, Norway                                     Back to page top

D02-02-06_Oslo City Hall (Radhuset) (奧斯陸市政廳) --- The hall is full of wall paintings advocating world peace

D02-02-03_Oslo City Hall (Radhuset) (奧斯陸市政廳) --- The local guide at Oslo (right) and our group guide (left)

D02-02-04a_Oslo City Hall (Radhuset) (奧斯陸市政廳) --- A panoramic view of a large wall painting on the first floor of in the hall (the peson standing in front is a member of our tour group)

D02-05-06a_Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) --- A broader view of the "Pole of Life" in the park created by Gustav Vigeland between 1924 and 1943

D02-06-10a_Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) --- A broader view of the entire park

D02-06-07_Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) --- A statue of "the Angry Boy" ("Do you know why he is angry?")

D02-06-07_Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) --- Two of the series of sculptures on the two sides of the main walk in the park

D02-07-04a_National Opera & Ballet (Den Norske Opera & Ballett) (國家歌劇院和芭蕾舞團 ) --- A full view of the building

D02-04-06a_Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset) (維京船博物館) --- The statue of Anne Stine and Helge Ingstad made in 2001 by the sculptor Nils Sigurd Aas (about Helge Ingstad and Anne Stine Ingstad, see the caption of the image to the right)

D02-04-06b_Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset) (維京船博物館) --- An old Viking ship (Note: Helge Ingstad, an adventurer and Anne Stine Ingstad, an archaeologist, together found archaeological evidence of the Viking voyages to America in 1961-1968)

Day 03 ---  Train Tours + Fjord Cruise in Norway           Back to page top

D03-03-06a_Flåmsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) --- A scene of a river side from Gol Station to Ustaoset Station

D03-04-08a_Flamsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) --- An impressive view of snow mountains between Gol Station and Ustaoset Station

D03-05-03_Flamsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) --- A deep valley of the town of Flåm seen from the moving train between Myrdal Station and Flåm Station

D03-05-01_Flåmsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) --- Kjosfossen Waterfall (奇歐斯福森瀑布) seen during a brief train stop on the way between Myrdal Station and Flåm Station

D03-06-06a_Sognefjord (索格納峽灣) --- A scenic view of a part of the fjord

Day 04 ---  Glacier Hiking + Fjord Cruise in Norway       Back to page top

D04-09-04a_Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) --- A panoramic view of the fjord seen from the pier of the town of Hellesylt

D04-10-06a_Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) --- A boader view of a scenic spot before reaching the Seven-sister Waterfall at the left side in the fjord

D04-12-06a_Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) --- A full view of Seven-sister Waterfall in the fjord

D04-11-06a_Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) --- A shot of a group of sea birds from the cruise ship on the fjord

Day 05 ---  Curved Roads + Train & Bus Tours in Norway 

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D05-02-04a_Ornesvingen (Eagle Road) from Geiranger to Eidsdal (老鷹之路) -- A panoramic view of the entire curved Geirangefjord seen from the Eagle Road (note: Geirangefjord is a UNESCO World Heritage Site 聯合國認可世界遺跡)

D05-05-10a_The Troll Path (Trollstigen) from Linge to Andalsnes (精靈之路) -- An unnamed lake near a spot named Slettvikane in the path

D05-08-06a_The Troll Path (Trollstigen) from Linge to Andalsnes (精靈之路) -- The scenic windiing curved road of the Troll Path from high to low

D05-09-08a_The Troll Path (Trollstigen) from Linge to Andalsnes (精靈之路) -- A panoramic view of the surrounding mountains seen at the Trollstigen Camping Area in the north part of the Troll Path

D05-11-04a_Rauma Scenic Train Tour (Rauma Banent) from Andalsnes to Hamar (勞馬景觀鐵道) --- A panoramic view of a pretty mountain scene along the way

D05-11-08a_Rauma Scenic Train Tour (Rauma Banent) from Andalsnes to Hamar (勞馬景觀鐵道) --- Another panoramic view of a pretty river scene along the way

Day 06 ---  Catching King Crabs + Visiting Europe's Northernmost Point in Norway                                                                                         Back to page top

D06-02-06_Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta (北光天主堂) --- A panoramic view of the interior of the Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta

D06-03-06a_Experiencing King-Crab Catching (體驗抓帝王蟹) --- A panoramic view of the cute houses on the shore of the water area where we caught king crabs

D06-04-10a_Experiencing King-Crab Catching (體驗抓帝王蟹) --- Another panoramic of the water area where we tried to catch king crabs

D06-08-08a_Visiting North Cape (NordKapp) (訪問北角) -- A panoramic view of sunset over a small fjord seen on the way to the North Cape

D06-09-06a_Visiting North Cape (NordKapp) (訪問北角) -- Standing right on the spot of the North Cape

Day 07 ---  Leaving Norway to Visit Finland                 Back to page top

D07-01-02_Entering Finland (進入芬蘭) --- A reindeer seen on the way (Note: Santa Claus rides a sleigh dragged by reindeers)

D07-02-02_Entering Finland (進入芬蘭) --- An exhibition room showing an indoor environment of the daily life of Sami people

D07-02-08a_Siida Museum (薩米博物館) --- A tented house of the Sami people

D07-02-08b_Siida Museum (薩米博物館) --- A lady wearing the Sami-style dress

Day 08 ---  Visiting Attractions in Finland                     Back to page top

D08-01-04_Tankavaara Gold Museum at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- Wanha Waskoolimies Cafe in the entrance area of the museum

D08-03-02_Tankavaara Gold Museum at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- Looking at the exhibitions in the museum

D08-02-10a_Tankavaara Gold Museum at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- It seems we have panned gold (Actually not! That's sunlight reflection all from sand!)

D08-02-10b_Tankavaara Gold Museum at Saariselka (坦卡瓦拉黃金村) --- Our group members were working hard to pan gold!

D08-04-03_The northernmost McDonald's (世界最北麥當勞) --- the group leader suggested us to have lunch there

D08-04-04_The northernmost MacDonald (世界最北麥當勞) --- our group members were ordering meals

D08-05-01_Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- The entrance of the village

D08-05-07_Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- Everybody of our group obtained an "Artic Circle crossing certificate" saying "At the Artic Circle with Santa Claus"

D08-06-08_Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- Crossing the Arctic Line!

D08-07-04a_Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) ---Sending a letter to a freind in Taiwan from Santa Claus Village

D08-08-01_Santa Claus Village at Rovaniemi (聖誕老人村) --- Everybody of our group members had a shot with the "UN-verified" Santa Claus (與聯合國認證的聖誕老人合影)

D08-10-02_Taking Santa Claus Express to Helsinki (搭聖誕老人夜快車到赫爾辛基) --- We stayed overnight on the train which ran to Helsinki

D08-10-06_Taking Santa Claus Express to Helsinki (搭聖誕老人夜快車到赫爾辛基) ---There are double beds, one on the top and the other at the bottom, in the room

Day 09 ---  Tours in Helsinki, Finland + Cruise to Sweden

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D09-02-01_ Rock Church (岩石教堂) --- The top of the church is constructed by a rock

D09-02-04_Rock Church (岩石教堂) --- The pipe organ of the church

D09-02-06a_Rock Church (岩石教堂) --- A panoramic view of the interior of the church

D09-03-02_Sibelius Park & Monument (西貝流士公園) --- A closer look at the monument constructed by Eila Hiltunen, which is dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1885-1957)

D09-03-03_Sibelius Park & Monument (西貝流士公園) --- Another part of the monument, which is a face of Sibelius

D09-03-06a_Sibelius Park & Monument (西貝流士公園) --- A wider view of the park

D09-04-02_Uspenski Cathedral (烏斯本斯基大教堂) --- A closer look at Uspenski Cathedral built in 1868, which is an Eastern Orthodox church

D09-04-06_Uspenski Cathedral (烏斯本斯基大教堂) --- A solemn altar in the church

D09-04-10a_Uspenski Cathedral (烏斯本斯基大教堂) --- A closer view of the top of the cathedral

D09-05-03_Helsinki Cathedral & Old City Hall (赫爾辛基教堂與老市政廳) --- A statue of Alexander II (erected in 1894) in front of the cathedral, who initiated several reforms that increased Finland's autonomy from Russia

D09-05-07_Helsinki Cathedral & Old City Hall (赫爾辛基教堂與老市政廳) --- Old City Hall of Helsinki at the two sides of the Senate Square in front of Helsinki Cathedral

D09-05-08a_Helsinki Cathedral (Helsingin tuomiokirkko) & Old City Hall (赫爾辛基教堂與老市政廳) -- A wider view of the cathedral

D09-06-03_Kouppatori Market & Helsinki Design District (卡烏帕多利市集與設計特區) --- People there were enjoying discovering and shopping favorate objects

D09-06-05_Kouppatori Market & Helsinki Design District (卡烏帕多利市集與設計特區) --- A fountain at the side of the market with a mermaid statue on the top, called Amanda Mermaid, which is shown clearer in the right image

D09-06-06a_ Kouppatori Market & Helsinki Design District (卡烏帕多利市集與設計特區) --- The mermaid statue of the fountain, called Havis Amanda or the Mermaid (Merenneito), created in 1906 by the sculptor Ville Vallgren (1855–1940)

Day 10 ---  Tours in Stockholm, Sweden                      Back to page top

D10-01-08c_Cruise to Sweden Continued (繼續航向瑞典) -- A panoramic view of approached small islands at Sweden seashore

D10-02-10a_Cruise to Sweden Continued (繼續航向瑞典) -- Another panoramic view of approached small islands at Sweden seashore

D10-03-08a_Cruise to Sweden Continued (繼續航向瑞典) -- A panoramic view of a part of approached Sweden seashore that is full of colorful houses

D10-06-04_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- The inner yard

D10-07-08b_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- The Blue Hall

D10-06-02_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- The front of the hall

D10-06-09_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- A statue of a woman called "The Dancer" near the embankment, made by Carl Eldh in copper in 1953

D10-07-08_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- A golden statue of a young man whicih fits into the wall of the second floor of the Blue Hall

D10-08-08c_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) ---A panoramic view of the Golden Hall

D10-09-05_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- Impressive wall relief seen in the lobby of the conference room 1

D10-09-02_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- Impressive wall relief seen in the lobby of the conference room 2

D10-10-01_Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) --- The entrance of the museum

D10-10-04_Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) --- The major exhibition is an old 17-century viking warship which was salvaged from the sea in 1961

D10-10-07_Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) --- A model of the real 64-gun warship Vasa with the proportion of 10-to-1, wich sank on her maiden voyage in 1628

D10-10-08_Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) --- A shot of the tail of the 10-to-1 colorful model of the real ship (shown left), which was built with clear and lifelike colors

D10-10-07_ Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet) (瓦薩博物館) _Some pretty and cute dolls that were created to imitate the decorations found at the rear part of the real ship (see the above two images of the rear parts of the shiip)

D10-11-05_Kaknas TV Tower (Kaknastornet) (斯德哥爾摩電視塔) --- The interior of the Kaknastornet Restaurant on the top of the tower

D10-11-04_Kaknas TV Tower (Kaknastornet) (斯德哥爾摩電視塔) --- The tower was constructed in 1967 with a height of 170 metres

D10-11-06a_Kaknas TV Tower (Kaknastornet) (斯德哥爾摩電視塔) --- A panoramic view of downtown Stockholm from the top of the TV tower

D10-14-08_Artistic Metro Stations (藝術地鐵) --- Environment of the T-Centralen Station

D10-15-11_Artistic Metro Stations (藝術地鐵) --- The platform of the Kungstradgarden Station

D10-12-12a_Artistic Metro Stations (藝術地鐵) --- A wide view of the subway space of Solna Centrum Station

D10-16-05_Stockholm Old Town (斯德哥爾摩舊城區) --- Walking and shopping in the narrow lanes in the old town area

D10-16-06_Stockholm Old Town (斯德哥爾摩舊城區) --- The window of a shop with a Dalecarlian horse (or Dala horse) which is a traditional carved, painted wooden statue of a horse originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna (Dalecarlia)

D10-17-02_Stockholm Old Town (斯德哥爾摩舊城區) --- A broader view of Nobel Prize Museum located at a side of the old town square

D10-17-03_Stockholm Old Town (斯德哥爾摩舊城區) --- The Parliament House located near the old town square

D10-16-03a_Stockholm Old Town (斯德哥爾摩舊城區) --- A wide view of the Old Town Square

D10-17-01_Swedish Royal Palace (瑞典皇家王宮)?--- The back of Swedish Royal Palace located near the Old Town

D10-17-03_Swedish Royal Palace (瑞典皇家王宮)?--- Two wall-fitting statues at the left side of the back entrance door of the palace

D10-17-03a_Swedish Royal Palace (瑞典皇家王宮) --- An enlarged version of the right wall-fitting statue of the two ones in the above right image which is similar to "Abduction of a Sabine Woman, 1581 - 1583," a Mannerism sculpture of Giambologna (1529 - 1608) in Florence, Italy

D10-17-03b_Swedish Royal Palace (瑞典皇家王宮) --- An enlarged version of the left wall-fitting statue of the two ones in the above right image which is similar to "Abduction of a Sabine Woman, 1581 - 1583," a Mannerism sculpture of Giambologna (1529 - 1608) in Florence, Italy

Day 11a ---  Flight from Stockholm to Malmo in Sweden

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D11-02-05_Flight to Malmo (飛航至馬爾摩) --- Having a rest here at a Max Burger

D11-03-01_Flight to Malmo (飛航至馬爾摩) --- An interesting buiding that becomes a landmark of Malmo

Day 11b ---  From Sweden to Denmark                            Back to page top

D11-04-03_From Sweden to Denmark (從瑞典到丹麥) --- We took a train which ran from Malmo in Sweden to Copenhagen in Denmark

D11-05-07_From Sweden to Denmark (從瑞典到丹麥) --- A street scene in Copenhagen

D11-04-03_Christiansborg Palace (克里斯蒂安堡宮) --- D11-07-01_The entrance of the palace

D11-06-08_Christiansborg Palace (克里斯蒂安堡宮) --- The corridor at one side of the entrance

D11-06-07_Christiansborg Palace (克里斯蒂安堡宮) --- A panoramic view of the palace

D11-08-01_"Black Diamond" Royal Library (黑珍珠皇家圖書館) --- The library is located at a riverside

D11-10-01_Marriot AC Hotel (瑪莉爾特AC旅館) --- The shape of the hotel is roughly the letter H

Day 12 ---  Tours in Copenhagen, Denmark                   Back to page top

D12-01-01_Copenhagen City Hall (哥本哈根市政廳) --- A side view of the city hall

D12-01-08_Copenhagen City Hall (哥本哈根市政廳) --- The statue of Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875) in the street nearby

D12-02-07_Amalienborg (阿瑪連皇宮) --- A door guard

D12-02-08_Amalienborg (阿瑪連皇宮) --- Marching guards!

D12-02-08a_Amalienborg (阿瑪連皇宮) --- A panoramic view of the front of the palaces

D12-03-04a_Gefion springvandet & Vacinity (吉菲昂女神噴泉與近處景緻) -- A panoramic view of the St. Alban's Church and the river nearby

D12-05-06a_ Gefion springvandet & Vacinity (吉菲昂女神噴泉與近處景緻) --Gefion is a Norse goddess of Scandinavian origin, meaning "One Who Endows Wealth"

D12-04-06a_The Little Meimaid (Den Lille Havfrue) (小美人魚雕像) --- A symbol of Denmark, which is a bronze statue created by Edvard Eriksen in 1913, depicting a mermaid becoming human

D12-05-06a_2nd-time Visit to NyHavn (第二次造訪新港) -- A broader view of Nyhavn which is full of colorful houses at the two riversides

Day 13 ---  Back to Taiwan                                       Back to page top

D12-07-01_Back toTaiwan (回到台灣) --- Starting from Copenhagen Airport

D12-07-04_Back toTaiwan (回到台灣) ---Shopping when transferring at Amsterdam Airport, Netherlands

D13-01-02_Back toTaiwan (回到台灣) --- Back to Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan

D13-01-01_Back toTaiwan (回到台灣) --- Taking the KLM Airline from Copenhagen back to Taiwan

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