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© J R Stockton, ≥ 2004-05-01

JavaScript Doubles.

Cited, Daily Telegraph, 2001-03-08 Thu, page 4E.

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Doubles JavaScript

This repeatedly randomly assigns players to matches in rounds of a doubles tournament, assessing the demerit of each distribution and retaining the best one. A perfect score, of zero, is at best improbable.

Players are assumed to be Pairs, e.g. Mr. & Mrs.; and Pairs are known by the symbols A-Z a-z 0-9 # $. Enter the number of Pairs, the number of Rounds per tournament, and the number of Tournaments to try.

In the M/F rows of the output, the first M and the first F play the second of each, the thirds play the fourths, the fifths ... .

Note : the actual counting of penalties remains uncertain.

There is a possible alternative page for other browsers, displaying results differently.

Tournament :

Penalty scores (use 1e9 for Pair banned) :

(Window non-responsive during a Round)
A Round
A Trial Tournament
The Best Tournament in the Run

Use Copy'n'Paste into an Editor or Word Processor to capture results;
e.g. WordPad with a fixed-width font
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These pages are tested mainly with Firefox 3.0 and W3's Tidy.
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