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The following material is presented on behalf of Teemu Leisti of Helsinki, to whom any comment should be addressed. NOTE the date above.

Table 1.  European nations, and their memberships in various
organizations and treaties
EU                = the European Union
EEA               = the European Economic Area
the Schengen area = the European passport-free travel zone
the euro          = the pan-European currency
NATO              = the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
                    (which also includes the USA and Canada)
X = member, or uses
- = not a member, or doesn't use
* = expected to join the Schengen area around 2007
                            in     in   in        the     in
    nation                  EU     EEA  Schengen  euro   NATO
 1. Albania                  -      -      -       -      -
 2. Andorra                  -      -      -       X      -
 3. Austria                  X      X      X       X      -
 4. Belarus                  -      -      -       -      -
 5. Belgium                  X      X      X       X      X
 6. Bosnia and Herzegovina   -      -      -       -      -
 7. Bulgaria                 -      -      -       -      X
 8. Croatia                  -      -      -       -      -
 9. Cyprus                   X      X      *       -      -
10. Czech Republic, the      X      X      *       -      X
11. Denmark                  X      X      X       -      X
12. Estonia                  X      X      *       -      X
13. Finland                  X      X      X       X      -
14. France                   X      X      X       X      X
15. Germany                  X      X      X       X      X
16. Greece                   X      X      X       X      X
17. Hungary                  X      X      *       -      X
18. Iceland                  -      X      X       -      X
19. Ireland                  X      X      -       X      -
20. Italy                    X      X      X       X      X
21. Kosovo                   -      -      -       X      -
22. Latvia                   X      X      *       -      X
23. Liechtenstein            -      X      -       -      -
24. Lithuania                X      X      *       -      X
25. Luxembourg               X      X      X       X      X
26. Macedonia                -      -      -       -      -
27. Malta                    X      X      *       -      -
28. Moldova                  -      -      -       -      -
29. Monaco                   -      -      -       X      -
30. Montenegro               -      -      -       X      -
31. Netherlands, the         X      X      X       X      X
32. Norway                   -      X      X       -      X
33. Poland                   X      X      *       -      X
34. Portugal                 X      X      X       X      X
35. Romania                  -      -      -       -      X
36. Russia                   -      -      -       -      -
37. San Marino               -      -      -       X      -
38. Serbia                   -      -      -       -      -
39. Slovakia                 X      X      *       -      X
40. Slovenia                 X      X      *       -      X
41. Spain                    X      X      X       X      X
42. Sweden                   X      X      X       -      -
43. Switzerland              -      -      *       -      -
44. Turkey                   -      -      -       -      X
45. Ukraine                  -      -      -       -      -
46. United Kingdom, the      X      X      -       -      X
47. Vatican, the             -      -      -       X      -
  2. Andorra is a microstate between France and Spain, and depends
     strongly on these two nations.
  9. Cyprus is an eastern Mediterranean island geographically in Asia,
     but it is generally counted among the European nations for
     historical and cultural reasons.  EU law only applies to the
     southern part, not the Turkish-occupied northern part.  However,
     the whole island is formally part of the EU, except for the UK
     sovereign base areas.  (See last table below.)
 18. Iceland is an Atlantic island closer to the North American island
     of Greenland than to the European mainland, but it is counted
     among the European nations for historical and cultural reasons.
 21. Kosovo is formally a province of Serbia, i.e., not a nation, but
     it is currently administered by the United Nations as a
     protectorate, and Serbia has little influence over it.
 23. Liechtenstein is a microstate between Switzerland and Austria.
     It is in a monetary and customs union with Switzerland, and is
     dependent on it for its defence.
 29. Monaco is microstate on the Mediterranean.  On land, it is
     surrounded by France, on which it strongly depends.
 30. "Serbia and Montenegro" is nominally one nation of two provinces
     in a loose federation, but probably not for many more years.
 36. Russia is geographically only partly in Europe, and mostly in
 37. San Marino is a microstate surrounded by Italy, on which it
     strongly depends.
 38. "Serbia and Montenegro" is nominally one nation of two provinces
     in a loose federation, but probably not for many more years.
 44. Turkey is geographically only partly in Europe, and mostly in
 47. The Vatican city state (officially, "the Holy See") is a
     microstate surrounded by Italy, on which it strongly depends.

Table 2.  European nations' inhabited exclaves, dependencies, overseas
provinces and territories, areas outside the EU customs union, and
other anomalies
All these areas have either limited home rule, or, if they are
"normal" with the exception of being in exclaves or on islands, they
have the normal level of self-rule inherent to their level of
administrative division.
X = member, or uses
- = not a member, or doesn't use
* = uses the CFP franc, which has a fixed ratio with the euro
                                                        uses   in EU
                   parent                      part of  the    customs
territory          nation       location       the EU   euro   union
Åland Islands      Finland      Baltic Sea        X      X       -
Anguilla           UK           Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Aruba              Netherlands  Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Azores             Portugal     Atlantic Ocean    X      X       X
Bermuda            UK           Atlantic Ocean    -      -       -
Büsingen am        Germany      [1]               X      X       -
British Virgin     UK           Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Campione d'Italia  Italy        [2]               X      -       -
Canary Islands     Spain        Atlantic Ocean    X      X       -
Cayman Islands     UK           Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Ceuta              Spain        [3]               X      X       -
Faeroe Islands     Denmark      Atlantic Ocean    -      X       -
Falklands Islands  UK           Atlantic Ocean    -      -       -
French Guiana      France       S. America        X      X       -
French Polynesia   France       Pacific Ocean     -      *       -
Gibraltar          UK           [4]               X      -       -
Greenland          Denmark      Atlantic Ocean    -      X       -
Guadeloupe         France       Caribbean Sea     X      X       -
Guernsey           [5]          English Channel   -      -       X
Heligoland         Germany      North Sea         X      X       -
Isle of Man        [5]          Irish Sea         -      -       X
Jersey             [5]          English Channel   -      -       X
Kaliningrad        Russia       [6]               -      -       -
Livigno            Italy        the Alps          X      X       -
Llívia             Spain        [7]               X      X       X
Madeira            Portugal     Atlantic Ocean    X      X       X
Martinique         France       Caribbean Sea     X      X       -
Mayotte            France       Indian Ocean      -      X       -
Melilla            Spain        [3]               X      X       -
Montserrat         UK           Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Mount Athos        Greece       [8]               X      X       -
Neth. Antilles     Netherlands  Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
New Caledonia      France       Pacific Ocean     -      *       -
Pitcairn Islands   UK           Pacific Ocean     -      -       -
Réunion            France       Indian Ocean      X      X       -
Saint-Pierre and   France       Atlantic Ocean    -      X       -
Svalbard           Norway       Arctic Ocean      -      -       -
Turks and Caicos   UK           Caribbean Sea     -      -       -
Wallis and Futuna  France       Pacific Ocean     -      *       -
Saint Helena       UK           Atlantic Ocean    -      -       -
[1] An exclave surrounded by Switzerland, and in a customs union in
    Switzerland.  The euro is the legal tender, but Swiss francs are
    also commonly accepted.
[2] An exclave surrounded by Switzerland, and in a customs union in
    Switzerland.  The Swiss franc is the legal tender, but euros are
    also commonly accepted.
[3] An enclave on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, and claimed by
[4] An exclave on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, and claimed by
[5] Not part of the UK, but a "British crown dependency".
[6] An exclave on the Baltic Sea, between Lithuania and Poland.
[7] An exclave surrounded by France.
[8] A monastery "state" on a peninsula in northeastern Greece.

Table 3.  European nations' uninhabited or only temporarily inhabited
overseas islands, military bases, and Antarctic territories
territory                nation    location          administered from
Bassas da India          France    Indian Ocean      Réunion
Bouvet Island            Norway    Atlantic Ocean    Oslo
British Antarctic        UK        the Antarctic     London [1]
British Indian           UK        Indian Ocean      London
  Ocean Territory
Clipperton Island        France    Pacific Ocean     French Polynesia
Europa Island            France    Indian Ocean      Réunion
French Southern          France    Indian Ocean      Paris [1]
  Territories                       + the Antarctic
Glorioso Islands         France    Indian Ocean      Réunion
Jan Mayen                Norway    Atlantic Ocean    Oslo
Juan de Nova Island      France    Indian Ocean      Réunion
South Georgia and the    UK        Atlantic Ocean    Falkland Islands
  South Sandwich Islands
sovereign base areas of  UK        Cyprus            London
  Akrotiri and Dhekelia
Tromelin Island          France    Indian Ocean      Réunion
[2]                      Spain     Mediterranean     Madrid
[1] Territorial claims on the Antarctic are not recognized by most
    other nations, and the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 freezes (so to
    speak) all such claims.
[2] Spain claims the following uninhabited islands and groups of
    islands in the Mediterranean, near Morocco's shore: Isla Perejil,
    Islas Chafarinas, Peñón de Alhucemas, and Peñón de Vélez de la

Compiled by Teemu Leisti
version of 2004-06-27



2009-08-28 : The terms "Holy See" and "Vatican City" are not equivalent, according to Wikipedia.

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