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Wireless Communication Systems




The main purpose of the final project is for you to apply the concepts learned from the lectures and the tools learned from the lab assignments to solve real-world problems. You will have the freedom of selecting the topic of your final project. The only requirement is that your system should be built using wireless signals, such as WiFi, USRPs, Bluetooth, RFID or audio signals. For most topics, you can choose to implement the same system as described in the related paper. However, we encourage you to also consider additional improvements over the original design. Teams with such considerations would receive higher grades.

Possible project topics

Detailed description (pdf)


Due: 2016/11/24 (Thu.) 23:59

A single-column one-page summary describing the objectives of your project. The purpose of this summary is for us to evaluate the scope and the topic is appropriate for the final project. In the proposal, you should mention: 1) the problem you want to solve, 2) the related work, 3) the possible solutions you plan to try, and 4) the results you expect to see. Please send the summary, as a PDF file, by the due date to msn.nctu@gmail.com. We will arrange a poster session in our lecture to present your proposal and stimulate discussion.

Progress Report

Due: 2016/12/22 (Thu.) 23:59

A single-column one-page summary describing your current status. The purpose of this summary is for you to check your progress and adjust your plan before the final presentation. In the proposal, you should mention: 1) what you have tried? 2) what are the current challenges you have faced? 3) do you need any assistance from the lecture or TAs? Please send the summary, as a PDF file, by the due date to msn.nctu@gmail.com.

Final Presentation

Presentation dates: 2017/01/03 (Tue.)

Each team will present their project in a poster session. The presentation should report the problem you are trying to solve, the experimental setup, and the results. You are encouraged to demo your system or prepare a short video demonstrating your working system.

Final Report

Due: 2017/01/12 (Tue.) 23:59

The final report should be in standard ACM conference paper format. The report should at least have the following: abstract, introduction, related works, experimental setup and results, conclusion, and references listed at the end of the paper. The report should have at least 4 pages and no more than 5 pages. Please send the report as a PDF file to msn.nctu@gmail.com by the due date.

The template for the report can be downloaded from here: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates (option 2)