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Wireless Communication Systems


20161007: The deadline of Lab1 is postponed to Oct. 21 (Fri.), 23:59. The demo time is moved to Oct. 21 (Fri.), 10:00 -- 12:00 (or by appointment). Demo sign up form: link
20161006: Team number assignment: link
20161006: Presentation assignment: link
20160922: Sign up form for presentation: link
20160920: Sign up form for elevator pitch topics will be announced at 18:00 on Sep. 22 (Thu.). Each group will be assigned one topic, and you can present any paper of that topic.
20160920: Find your team members and send the list to the TA (wcchang1115 [at] cs.nctu.edu.tw). For labs and the project, 3-4 members per group. For elevator pitch, 2 members per group. Contact us if you have difficulty in finding collaborators.
20160913: Paper list in Mendeley group page.