Three Preceding Technologies

Mauchly and Eckert

The ENIAC in Action

Speed and Money

Dawn of a New Age

We Love Computers

Cloud Computing Software and and Data Storage History(suggested by Payton. Thanks to her.)


We Love Computers

The electronic revolution that started with the ENIAC affects our lives every day. Now that you know some of the history of the ENIAC, let's take just a moment to appreciate all that computers do for us. Computers allow us to...

Be more productive
  1. Programming can remove the tedium of repetitive tasks
  2. Do math much faster (and more accurately) than humans
  3. Search for almost anything using Google
  4. Online Shopping and Banking
  5. Personal Digital Assistants
Have more fun, more often, at less cost and risk
  1. Digital music, photography
  2. Simulators
  3. Video Games
Build new communities
  1. Cell Phones
  2. E-mail and Instant Messaging
  3. USENET newsgroups
Find a friend
  1. Old classmates
  2. Same interests
  3. Romance?

All thanks to COMPUTERS!

For more information on computer history and the ENIAC, visit:

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