

  • J.-M. Liang*, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Tseng, and B.-S. Lin, “Priority-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Traffics in IEEE 802.16 Networks,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’09), 2009.

  • J.-M. Liang*, C.-W. Wang, L.-C. Wang, and Y.-C. Tseng, “The Upper Bound of Capacity for a Concurrent-transmission-based Ad-Hoc Network with Single Channel,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’09), 2009.

  • J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang*, and Y.-C. Tseng, “An Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling Considering QoS Diversity for IEEE 802.16e Wireless Networks,” IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC’10), 2010.

  • J.-M. Liang*, J.-J. Chen, H.-C. Wu, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Simple and Regular Mini-slot Scheduling for IEEE 802.16d Grid-based Mesh Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’10), 2010.

  • J.-M. Liang*, Y.-C. Wang, J.-J. Chen, J.-H. Liu, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Efficient Resource Allocation for Energy Conservation in Uplink Transmissions of IEEE 802.16j Transparent Relay Networks,“ IEEE/ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’10), 2010.

  • J.-M. Liang*, J.-J. Chen, H.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Sleep Scheduling with QoS Considerations in 3GPP LTE-Advanced Networks,” IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC’13), 2013.

  • J.-M. Liang*, P.-C. Hsieh, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient DRX Scheduling for Multicast Transmissions in 3GPP LTE-Advanced Wireless Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Networking Conference (WCNC’13), 2013.

  • H.-S. Huang, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Sleep Scheduling in IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’13), pp. 2951-2955, 2013.

  • P.-M. Hsu, J.-J. Chen, and J.-M. Liang, “Dynamic Cooperating Set Planning for Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) in LTE/LTE-Advanced Systems,” The 15th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS’13), pp. 1-6, 2013. (Best Paper Award)

  • Z.-Y. Chen, J.-J. Chen, and J.-M. Liang, “Energy-Efficient Uplink Resource Allocation in LTE-A Relay Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’13), 2013.

  • C.-S. Fan, J.-M. Liang*, Y.-T. Lin, K.-R. Wu, K.-Y. Li, T.-Y. Lin, and Y.-C. Tseng, “A Survey of Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems: History, Applications and Future,” International Computer Symposium (ICS’14), 2014.

  • J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, and Z.-Y. Chen, “Energy-Efficient Uplink Radio Resource Management in LTE-A Relay Networks for Internet of Things,” The Machine-to-Machine Communications & Internet of Things Workshop (conjunction with IEEE IWCMC’14), pp. 745-750, Aug. 2014.

  • J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, C.-H. Hu, and T.-S. Chen, “Green Dynamic Configuration in 4G Macrocell-Femtocell Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’14), 2014.

  • H.-S. Huang, T.-C. Su, J.-M. Liang, Y.-C. Tseng, "A Dynamic Reservation Scheme in Online Charging System for Family Shared Plan," IEEE Wireless Communications Networking Conference (WCNC’15), pp. 2279-2284, 2015.

  • K.-Y. Li, J.-M. Liang*, C.-S. Fan, Y.-C. Tseng, Y.-T. Lin, K.-R. Wu, T.-Y. Lin, “A Web-based Camera Dispatch System for Video Surveillance with Dynamic Requirements,” IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’15), p.p. 384-385, April 2015. (demo)

  • K.-Y. Li, J.-M. Liang*, C.-S. Fan, K.-R. Wu, Y.-T. Lin, T.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Tseng, “A Web-based, Real-time Video Surveillance System by Leveraging PTZ Cameras,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP’15), 2015. (demo)

  • J.-J. Chen, K.-D. Lin, and J.-M. Liang, “Energy Saving Resource Allocation in LTE-A MU-MIMO Uplink,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’15), 2015.

  • L. Sharma, S.-L. Wu, J.-M. Liang, “Power-Efficient Communication Strategy for Wi-Fi Aware Technology,” International Computer Symposium (ICS’16), 2016.

  • I.-A. Wang, J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, P.-Y. Chang, K.-R. Wu, Y.-C. Tseng, etc., “A Cross-Layer Sleep Scheme in LTE-A Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’16), 2016.

  • S.-C. Lee, K.-R. Wu, C.-K. Hsu, P.-Y. Chang, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, “Aggregating Small Packets in M2M Networks: An OM2M Implementation,” IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS’16), 2016. (demo)

  • P.-W. Chung, Y.-C. Chien, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, K.-R. Wu, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for LTE-A MBSFN Networks,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’17), 2017.

  • J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, P.-M. Hsu, Y.-C. Huang, “Energy Efficient Dynamic Cooperating Set Planning for CoMP in LTE/LTE-A Systems,” International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology & Third International Symposium of Creative Computing (ISPAN-FCST-ISCC), pp. 385-390, 2017.

  • C.-K. Hsu, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, K.-R. Wu, Y.-C. Tseng, “Data Offloading for Dynamic Point Selection in Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RAN),” IEEE Wireless Communications Networking Conference (WCNC’18), pp. 1-6, 2018.

  • P.-Y. Liu, K.-R. Wu, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Uplink Resource Units Scheduling for Ultra-Reliable Communications in NB-IoT Networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’18), pp. 1-5, 2018.

  • P.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Lin, C.-T. Hung, J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, “The Autonomous Shopping-Guide Robot in Cashier-Less Convenience Stores,” International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation (ICATI’19), pp. 1-7, 2019.

  • C.-K. Hsu, Y.-H. Chiu, K.-R. Wu, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, “Design and Implementation of Image Electronic Fence with 5G technology for Smart Farms,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS’19) , 2019.

  • J.-M. Liang, Y.-L. Cheng, "Intelligent Aquarium System for Fish Physiological Detection based on Image Recognition and Sensor Analysis", IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI'21), 2021.


  • J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, C.-W. Liu, S.-L. Wu, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Uplink Resource Allocation in OFDMA Broadband Wireless Networks,” The 7th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN'11), 2011.

  • H.-S. Huang, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Sleep Scheduling in IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks,” The 17th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’12), 2012.

  • J.-M. Liang, P.-C. Hsieh, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Multicast Scheduling in LTE-A Networks,” The 17th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’12), 2012.

  • J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, C.-W. Liu, S.-L. Wu, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Uplink Resource Allocation in OFDMA Broadband Wireless Networks,” The 7th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN'11), 2011.

  • H.-S. Huang, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Sleep Scheduling in IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks,” The 17th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’12), 2012.

  • J.-M. Liang, P.-C. Hsieh, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Multicast Scheduling in LTE-A Networks,” The 17th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’12), 2012.

  • J.-M. Liang, Y.-C. Hsiao, J.-J. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Downlink Scheduling in Multi-Cell, Multi-Antenna LTE-A Networks,” The 18th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’13), 2013. (Best Paper Candidate)

  • Z.-Y. Chen, J.-J. Chen, C.-W. Luo and J.-M. Liang, “Design an Uplink Green Resource Allocation Method in LTE-A Relay Networks,” The 18th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’13), 2013. (Best Paper Award)

  • Y.-C. Chien, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen and Y.-C. Tseng, “Energy-Efficient Cell Clustering and Multicast Scheduling for LTE-A MBSFN Networks,” The 10th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN’14), 2014.

  • Y.-C. Huang, J.-J. Chen, I.-A. Wang and J.-M. Liang, “Energy-Efficient Dynamic Cooperating Set Planning for CoMP Dynamic Cell,” The 19th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’14), 2014. (Best Paper Award)

  • Y.-Z. Chu, J.-M. Liang, Y.-C. Tseng, “Home Activity Recognition System based on Appliance Usage and Activity Relevance”, The 19th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’14), 2014.

  • Y.-T. Lin, J.-M. Liang, K.-R. Wu, K.-Y. Li, C.-S. Fan, T.-Y. Lin and Y.-C. Tseng, “Video Surveillance System for 3D Objects/Spaces/Areas Covering by PTZ Cameras”, The 19th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’14), 2014.

  • P.-Y. Chang, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, “Efficient Uplink Data Aggregation in LTE-A M2M Networks”, The 20th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’15), 2015. (Best Paper Award)

  • X. Zhang, K.-Y. Li, J.-M. Liang, Y.-T. Lin, K.-R. Wu, T.-Y. Lin, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, “Real-Time Camera Dispatching and Tracking System with Environmental Sensing and Localization Capabilities,” The 20th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’15), 2015.

  • J.-J. Chen, S.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Chang, J.-M. Liang, K.-R Wu, “Design of A Cross-layer DRX Scheduling Scheme Considering System Level Power Model in LTE-A networks,” The 21th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’16), Aug. 2016.

  • K.-R. Wu, J.-M. Liang, S.-C. Lee, C.-K. Hsu, P.-Y. Chang, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, “An OM2M Plugin with Small Data Aggregation for IoT,” The 21th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’16), Aug. 2016.

  • M.-C. Li, Y.-K. Peng, S.-L. Wu, J.-M. Liang, C.-T. Ding, “An Elderly Care and Emergency Notification System based on Wearable Localization Technology,” The 22th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’17), Aug. 2017.

  • C.-K. Hsu, J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, K.-R. Wu, Y.-C. Tseng, “DRX Scheduling for Dynamic Point Selection with Data Offloading in Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RAN),” The 23th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC’18), Aug. 2018.

  • M.-H. Wang, W.-C. Chang, J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang, “Design of a PHY-MAC Cross-layer Dynamic Sleep Scheduling and Radio Resource Allocation Scheme in LTE-A/B4G networks,” The 15th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN’19), Aug. 2019. (Best Paper Award)

  • Y.-W. Huang, M.-C. Yeh, M.-H. Tu, Y.-J. Nieh, W.-C. Chang, J.-J. Chen, J.-M. Liang*, “The Eye of Healthcare: Visualization of Personal Physiological Condition,” The 16th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN’21), 2021. (Honorable Mention Paper Award)

  • Y.-J. Nieh, M.-H. Tu, Y.-W. Huang, J.-M. Liang*, J.-J. Chen, “Remote Healthcare System Based on I2C and MQTT Design,” Conference on Information Technology and Application in Outlying Islands (ITAOI'22), 2021. (Taiwan) (Best Paper Award)


  • J.-M. Liang, Y.-C. Wang, and Y.-C. Tseng, “Scheduling Problems and Solutions in WiMAX Networks,” Scheduling problems and solutions, Nova Science Publishers, 2011. (ISBN: 978-1-61470-689-2)

  • J.-M. Liang, J.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, and B.-S. P. Lin, “Scheduling in WiMAX Mesh Networks,” Horizons in Computer Science Research, Volume 5, Nova Science Publishers, 2011. (ISBN: 978-1-61324-789-1)

  • 梁家銘,“WiMAX協定,”無線網路 - 通訊協定、感測網路、射頻技術與應用服務”, 碁峰出版社, 2011. (ISBN978-9-86276-309-4)


  • 台灣專利 (證書號:I533253),“應用於即時付費系統共享方案上之動態餘額預留方法,” owned by中華電信, 2016/05/11.

  • 台灣專利 (證書號: I556651),“具攝影機自動調派功能之3D影像監控系統及其監控方法,” owned by台達電子, 2016/11/01.

  • 台灣專利 (證書號:I615802),“用於照護的意外事件監控方法及系統,” owned by長庚大學, 2018/02/21.

  • 台灣專利 (證書號:I646816),“基地台以及基地台所執行的上傳資源單位規劃方法,” owned by工研院, 2019/01/01.

  • 台灣專利 (證書號:I654892),“基地台及其跨協定層睡眠排程方法,” owned by資策會 2019/10/24.

  • 台灣專利 (證書號:I702845),“攝影機佈建與排程方法、監控系統以及非暫態電腦可讀取媒體,” owned by台達電, 2020/08/21.

  • USA Patent (No. US9584773B2),“Safety Monitoring System Capable of Proactively Detecting Locations of Terminal Devices,”owned by D-link.

  • USA Patent (No. US10356802B2),“Base Station and Scheduling Method of Uplink Resource Unit,”owned by ITRI.


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