

# svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/sdcc/code/trunk/sdcc/
$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdcc/files/sdcc/3.4.0/sdcc-src-3.4.0.tar.bz2/download
$ tar xvf download
$ mkdir sdcc.build
$ cd sdcc.build
$ sudo apt-get install g++ flex bison libboost-all-dev
$ ../sdcc/configure --disable-mcs51-port --disable-z80-port \
  --disable-z180-port --disable-r2k-port --disable-r3ka-port   \
  --disable-gbz80-port --disable-tlcs90-port --disable-ds390-port \
  --disable-ds400-port --disable-pic14-port --disable-pic16-port --disable-s08-port 
$ make
$ ./bin/sdcc
# 會被 strip 調除錯訊息。
$ make install
  • 編譯完 SDCC 之後,會再用 SDCC 編譯 C 函式庫。
  -S                        Compile only; do not assemble or link
  -c  --compile-only        Compile and assemble, but do not link
Internal debugging options:
      --dump-ast            Dump front-end AST before generating i-code
      --dump-i-code         Dump the i-code structure at all stages
      --dump-graphs         Dump graphs (control-flow, conflict, etc)
      --i-code-in-asm       Include i-code as comments in the asm file
      --fverbose-asm        Include code generator comments in the asm output
# 會列出產生代碼過程中,編譯器內部被調用的函式。


Visual Studio


  1. 透過 Cygwin Ports 安裝 Boost。
  2. 以 MinGW 交叉編譯。
    $ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdcc/files/sdcc/3.5.0/sdcc-src-3.5.0.tar.bz2/download
    $ tar xvf download
    $ mkdir sdcc.build; cd sdcc.build
    $ ../sdcc/configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
      --disable-mcs51-port --disable-z80-port \
      --disable-z180-port --disable-r2k-port --disable-r3ka-port   \
      --disable-gbz80-port --disable-tlcs90-port --disable-ds390-port \
      --disable-ds400-port --disable-pic14-port --disable-pic16-port --disable-s08-port
    $ make
    # 為解決 sdcc.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-6.dll 的問題。 
    $ export PATH=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/:$PATH


yyparse (SDCCmain.c) → AST (SDCCast.c) → iCode (SDCCicode.c) → BBlock (SDCCopt.c) → iCode (SDCCicode.c) → CodeGen

  • hc08 為主要研究對象 (s08 是 hc08 的後續衍生型)。
  1. yyparse (SDCCmain.c)
      if (fullSrcFileName || options.c1mode)
          preProcess (envp);
          initSymt ();
          initiCode ();
          initCSupport ();
          initBuiltIns ();
          initPeepHole ();
          if (options.verbose)
            printf ("sdcc: Generating code...\n");
          yyparse ();
    • function_definition (SDCC.y)。沒有返回執型別的函式,其預設型別為 int。C 的型別基本上是以 Type Link (Chain) 的方法表示。
         : function_declarator
               {   /* function type not specified */
                   /* assume it to be 'int'       */
                   $1 = createFunctionDecl($1);
            function_body  {
                                         $$ = createFunction($1,$3);
         | declaration_specifiers function_declarator
                    $2 = createFunctionDecl($2);
                                          $$ = createFunction($2,$4);
    1. createFunction (SDCCast.c)
      /* createFunction - This is the key node that calls the iCode for  */
      /*                  generating the code for a function. Note code  */
      /*                  is generated function by function, later when  */
      /*                  add inter-procedural analysis this will change */
      ast *
      createFunction (symbol * name, ast * body)
        /* snip */
        ex = newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (name)); /* create name */
        ex = newNode (FUNCTION, ex, body);
        ex->values.args = FUNC_ARGS (name->type);
        ex->decorated = 1;
        /* snip */
        /* create the node & generate intermediate code */
        GcurMemmap = code;           // 代碼相關 memmap。
        codeOutBuf = &code->oBuf;    // 代碼輸出緩衝區。
        piCode = iCodeFromAst (ex);  // AST -> iCode
        name->generated = 1;
        eBBlockFromiCode (piCode);   // iCode -> eBBlock
        /* snip */
    2. iCodeFromAst (SDCCicode.c)
      /* iCodeFromAst - given an ast will convert it to iCode            */
      iCode *
      iCodeFromAst (ast * tree)
        returnLabel = newiTempLabel ("_return");
        entryLabel = newiTempLabel ("_entry");
        ast2iCode (tree, 0);
        return reverseiCChain ();
      • ast2iCode (SDCCicode.c) 將樹狀結構的 AST 轉成串列型式的 iCode。
        /* ast2iCode - creates an icodeList from an ast                    */
        operand *
        ast2iCode (ast * tree, int lvl)
    3. eBBlockFromiCode (SDCCopt.c)
      /* eBBlockFromiCode - creates extended basic blocks from iCode     */
      /*                    will return an array of eBBlock pointers     */
      eBBlock **
      eBBlockFromiCode (iCode * ic)
        /* optimize the chain for labels & gotos
           this will eliminate redundant labels and
           will change jump to jumps by jumps */
        ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (ic);
        /* break it down into basic blocks */
        ebbi = iCodeBreakDown (ic);
        /* 底層架構無關的優化。 */
        /* allocate registers & generate code */
        port->assignRegisters (ebbi); // 分配暫存器,並產生代碼。
        /* throw away blocks */
        setToNull ((void *) &graphEdges);
        return NULL;
    4. assignRegisters (hc08/ralloc.c)。存在新舊兩種暫存器分配器。
      /* assignRegisters - assigns registers to each live range as need  */
      hc08_assignRegisters (ebbIndex * ebbi)
      #ifdef OLDRALLOC
        if (options.oldralloc)
          hc08_oldralloc (ebbi);
          hc08_ralloc (ebbi);
      • hc08_oldralloc (hc08/ralloc.c)
        /* Old, obsolete register allocator                                */
        hc08_oldralloc (ebbIndex * ebbi)
          /* first determine for each live range the number of
             registers & the type of registers required for each */
          regTypeNum (*ebbs);
          /* and serially allocate registers */
          serialRegAssign (ebbs, count);
          /* snip */
          /* now get back the chain */
          ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (iCodeFromeBBlock (ebbs, count)); // 再將 eBBlock 轉成 iCode。
          genhc08Code (ic); // 針對 iCode 產生代碼。
      • hc08_ralloc (hc08_ralloc)
        /* New register allocator                                          */
        hc08_ralloc (ebbIndex * ebbi)
          /* The new register allocator invokes its magic */
          ic = hc08_ralloc2_cc (ebbi);
          /* now get back the chain */
          ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (iCodeFromeBBlock (ebbs, count)); // 再將 eBBlock 轉成 iCode。
          genhc08Code (ic); // 針對 iCode 產生代碼。
    5. genhc08Code (hc08/gen.c)
      /* genhc08Code - generate code for HC08 based controllers          */
      genhc08Code (iCode *lic)
        for (ic = lic; ic; ic = ic->next)
            /* snip */
            /* snip */
    6. genhc08iCode (hc08/gen.c)
      /* genhc08iode - generate code for HC08 based controllers for a single iCode instruction */
      static void
      genhc08iCode (iCode *ic)
        /* depending on the operation */
        switch (ic->op)
          case '!':
            genNot (ic);
    7. genNot (hc08/gen.c)
      /* genNot - generate code for ! operation                          */
      static void
      genNot (iCode * ic)
        bool needpulla;
        D (emitcode (";     genNot", ""));
        /* assign asmOps to operand & result */
        aopOp (IC_LEFT (ic), ic, FALSE);
        aopOp (IC_RESULT (ic), ic, TRUE);
        needpulla = pushRegIfSurv (hc08_reg_a);
        asmopToBool (AOP (IC_LEFT (ic)), TRUE);
        emitcode ("eor", one);
        regalloc_dry_run_cost += 2;
        storeRegToFullAop (hc08_reg_a, AOP (IC_RESULT (ic)), FALSE);
        pullOrFreeReg (hc08_reg_a, needpulla);
        freeAsmop (IC_RESULT (ic), NULL, ic, TRUE);
        freeAsmop (IC_LEFT (ic), NULL, ic, TRUE);
    • 至此已產生出匯編。
  2. do_glue() (SDCCmain.c)。產生段及其中的變數,並將所有匯編合併 (glue) 成一份。
          if (port->general.do_glue != NULL)
            (*port->general.do_glue) ();
    • glue (SDCCglue.c)
      /* glue - the final glue that hold the whole thing together        */
      glue (void)
        /* emit code for the all the variables declared */
        emitMaps ();
    • emitMaps (SDCCglue.c)
      /* emitMaps - emits the code for the data portion the code         */
      emitMaps (void)
        namedspacemap *nm;
        int publicsfr = TARGET_IS_MCS51;      /* Ideally, this should be true for all  */
                                              /* ports but let's be conservative - EEP */
        /* no special considerations for the following
           data, idata & bit & xdata */
        emitRegularMap (data, TRUE, TRUE);
    • emitRegularMap (SDCCglue.c)
      /* emitRegularMap - emit code for maps with no special cases       */
      static void
      emitRegularMap (memmap * map, bool addPublics, bool arFlag)


    • 常用巨集
      #define LRVAL(x) x->left->rvalue    // 左節點是否為右值
      #define RRVAL(x) x->right->rvalue
      #define TRVAL(x) x->rvalue          // 根節點是否為右值
      #define LLVAL(x) x->left->lvalue    
      #define RLVAL(x) x->right->lvalue   // 右節點是否為左值
      #define TLVAL(x) x->lvalue          // 根節點是否為左值
      #define RTYPE(x) x->right->ftype    // 右節點的型別鏈其開頭節點
      #define RETYPE(x) x->right->etype
      #define LTYPE(x) x->left->ftype     
      #define LETYPE(x) x->left->etype    // 左節點的型別鏈其末端節點
      #define TTYPE(x) x->ftype           // 根節點的型別鏈其開頭節點
      #define TETYPE(x) x->etype          // 根節點的型別鏈其末端節點
  • createFunction (SDCCast.c)
      body = resolveSymbols (body); /* resolve the symbols */
      body = decorateType (body, RESULT_TYPE_NONE); /* propagateType & do semantic checks */
    • resolveSymbols (SDCCast.c) 檢視 AST 中所使用到的符號是否存在符號表中,若否,則報出錯誤。
      /* resolveSymbols - resolve symbols from the symbol table          */
      ast *
      resolveSymbols (ast * tree)
        /* walk the entire tree and check for values */
        /* with symbols if we find one then replace  */
        /* symbol with that from the symbol table    */
        /* make sure we resolve the true & false labels for ifx */
        if (tree->type == EX_OP && tree->opval.op == IFX)
            symbol *csym;
            if (tree->trueLabel)
                if ((csym = findSym (LabelTab, tree->trueLabel, tree->trueLabel->name)))
                  tree->trueLabel = csym;
                  werrorfl (tree->filename, tree->lineno, E_LABEL_UNDEF, tree->trueLabel->name);
            if (tree->falseLabel)
                if ((csym = findSym (LabelTab, tree->falseLabel, tree->falseLabel->name)))
                  tree->falseLabel = csym;
                  werrorfl (tree->filename, tree->lineno, E_LABEL_UNDEF, tree->falseLabel->name);
    • decorateType (SDCCast.c) 計算 (推導) AST 根節點的型別,並做語意分析 (semantic analysis)。Attribute grammar
      /* decorateType - compute type for this tree, also does type checking.*/
      /* This is done bottom up, since type has to flow upwards.            */
      /* resultType flows top-down and forces e.g. char-arithmetic, if the  */
      /* result is a char and the operand(s) are int's.                     */
      /* It also does constant folding, and parameter checking.             */
      ast *
      decorateType (ast * tree, RESULT_TYPE resultType)
            /* snip */
            /*      multiplication        */
            if (!IS_ARITHMETIC (LTYPE (tree)) || !IS_ARITHMETIC (RTYPE (tree)))
                werrorfl (tree->filename, tree->lineno, E_INVALID_OP, "multiplication");
                goto errorTreeReturn;
            /* if they are both literal then */
            /* rewrite the tree */
            if (IS_LITERAL (RTYPE (tree)) && IS_LITERAL (LTYPE (tree)))
                // 常數折疊 (constant folding)。
                tree->type = EX_VALUE;
                tree->opval.val = valMult (valFromType (LETYPE (tree)), valFromType (RETYPE (tree)));
                tree->right = tree->left = NULL;
                TETYPE (tree) = getSpec (TTYPE (tree) = tree->opval.val->type);
                return tree;
            /* if left is a literal exchange left & right */
            if (IS_LITERAL (LTYPE (tree)))
                ast *tTree = tree->left;
                tree->left = tree->right;
                tree->right = tTree;
            /* if right is a literal and */
            /* we can find a 2nd literal in a mul-tree then */
            /* rearrange the tree */
            if (IS_LITERAL (RTYPE (tree)))
                ast *parent;
                ast *litTree = searchLitOp (tree, &parent, "*");
                if (litTree)
                    DEBUG_CF ("mul") ast *tTree = litTree->left;
                    litTree->left = tree->right;
                    tree->right = tTree;
                    /* both operands in litTree are literal now */
                    decorateType (parent, resultType);
            LRVAL (tree) = RRVAL (tree) = 1;
            tree->left = addCast (tree->left, resultTypeProp, FALSE);   // 在左右子樹插入 Cast 節點。
            tree->right = addCast (tree->right, resultTypeProp, FALSE);
            TETYPE (tree) = getSpec (TTYPE (tree) = computeType (LTYPE (tree), RTYPE (tree), resultType, tree->opval.op));
            return tree;
      • valFromType (SDCCval.c) 由 struct sym_link 轉成 struct value。
      • valMult (SDCCval.c) 對兩個 struct value 做乘法運算。
        /* valMult - multiply constants                                     */
        value *
        valMult (value * lval, value * rval)
          value *val;
          /* create a new value */
          val = newValue ();
          val->type = val->etype = computeType (lval->etype, rval->etype, RESULT_TYPE_INT, '*');
          SPEC_SCLS (val->etype) = S_LITERAL;   /* will remain literal */
          if (IS_FLOAT (val->type))
            SPEC_CVAL (val->type).v_float = floatFromVal (lval) * floatFromVal (rval);
      • addCast (SDCCast.c) 視情況插入轉型節點。
        /* addCast - adds casts to a type specified by RESULT_TYPE         */
        static ast *
        addCast (ast * tree, RESULT_TYPE resultType, bool promote)
          sym_link *newLink;
          bool upCasted = FALSE;
          switch (resultType)
            case RESULT_TYPE_NONE:
              /* if thing smaller than int must be promoted to int */
              if (!promote || getSize (tree->etype) >= INTSIZE)
                /* promotion not necessary or already an int */
                return tree;
              /* char and bits: promote to int */
              newLink = newIntLink ();
              upCasted = TRUE;
              /* snip */
              return tree;
          tree->decorated = 0;
          tree = newNode (CAST, newAst_LINK (newLink), tree);
          tree->filename = tree->right->filename;
          tree->lineno = tree->right->lineno;
          /* keep unsigned type during cast to smaller type,
             but not when promoting from char to int */
          if (!upCasted)
            SPEC_USIGN (tree->left->opval.lnk) = IS_UNSIGNED (tree->right->etype) ? 1 : 0;
          return decorateType (tree, resultType);
      • computeType (SDCCsymt.c)
        /* computeType - computes the resultant type from two types         */
        sym_link *
        computeType (sym_link * type1, sym_link * type2, RESULT_TYPE resultType, int op)

AST 輸出解說

  • createFunction (SDCCast.c)
      ex = newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (name)); /* create name */
      ex = newNode (FUNCTION, ex, body);
      ex->values.args = FUNC_ARGS (name->type);
      ex->decorated = 1;
      if (options.dump_ast)
        PA (ex);


int main() {
  int a = 0;
    int a = 0;
    int b = 1;
    int c = a + b;
  return 0;
                         type chain (return type, storage class) 
FUNCTION (_main=0x9d81ab8) type (int fixed) args (void)
            |       |                        |
            v        ----> ast node address   ----> args type chain
         function name  
tree (0x9d81a60) not decorated ----> left node is not decorated

             ---- L (level), B (block)
(null):0:{ L1 B0
(null):0:  DECLARE SYMBOL (L1 B1 a=0x9d7ef00) type (int fixed)
(null):0:  { L2 B1
(null):0:    DECLARE SYMBOL (L2 B2 a=0x9d7f538) type (int fixed)
(null):0:    DECLARE SYMBOL (L2 B2 b=0x9d7fa78) type (int fixed)
(null):0:    DECLARE SYMBOL (L2 B2 c=0x9d7ffb8) type (int fixed)
(null):0:  }
test.c:11:  RETURN (0x9d80b50) type (int literal)
test.c:0:    CONSTANT (0x9d81550) value = 0, 0x0, 0.000000 type (int literal)


int main() {
  char a = 0;
  int  b = 1;
  a + b;
  return 0;
FUNCTION (_main=0xa204f60) type (int fixed) args (void)
tree (0xa204f08) not decorated
(null):0:{ L1 B0
(null):0:  DECLARE SYMBOL (L1 B1 a=0xa2030a0) type (char fixed)
(null):0:  DECLARE SYMBOL (L1 B1 b=0xa2035e0) type (int fixed)
test.c:4:  ADD (0xa2040c8) type (int fixed)
test.c:4:    CAST (0xa204878) from type (char fixed) to type (int fixed)
test.c:4:      SYMBOL (L1 B1 a=0xa203d68 @ 0xa2030a0) type (char fixed)
test.c:4:    SYMBOL (L1 B1 b=0xa204070 @ 0xa2035e0) type (int fixed)
test.c:6:  RETURN (0xa2042c0) type (int literal)
test.c:0:    CONSTANT (0xa2049f8) value = 0, 0x0, 0.000000 type (int literal)
  • 這裡可以看到 C 語言要求的整型提升。
                        ADD (int)
                       /   \
                    CAST  SYMBOL (int)
                SYMBOL (char)


yyparse (SDCCmain.c) → AST (SDCCast.c) → iCode (SDCCicode.c) → BBlock (SDCCopt.c) → iCode (SDCCicode.c) → CodeGen

  • iCode 的種類定義在 SDCC.y。各檔案透過引用 SDCCy.h 得到。
    %token RRC RLC
    %token ASM
    • ulrrcnd: union, left, right, result, condition。
    • 常用巨集
      /* definition for intermediate code */
      #define IC_RESULT(x)     (x)->ulrrcnd.lrr.result        // 取得 iCode 的結果 operand
      #define IC_LEFT(x)       (x)->ulrrcnd.lrr.left          // 取得 iCode 的左 operand
      #define IC_RIGHT(x)      (x)->ulrrcnd.lrr.right         // 取得 iCode 的右 operand
      #define IC_COND(x)       (x)->ulrrcnd.cnd.condition     // 取得 iCode 中的條件表達式
      #define IC_TRUE(x)       (x)->ulrrcnd.cnd.trueLabel     // 取得 iCode 中,條件為真的 label
      #define IC_FALSE(x)      (x)->ulrrcnd.cnd.falseLabel    // 取得 iCode 中,條件為假的 label
      #define IC_LABEL(x)      (x)->label                     // 取得 goto 跳轉到的 label
      #define IC_JTCOND(x)     (x)->ulrrcnd.jmpTab.condition  // 取得 jump table 中的條件表達式
      #define IC_JTLABELS(x)   (x)->ulrrcnd.jmpTab.labels     // 取得 jump table 中,欲跳轉到的 label 所成之集合
      #define IC_INLINE(x)     (x)->inlineAsm
      #define IC_ARRAYILIST(x) (x)->arrayInitList
    • svt: symbol, value, type
    • 常用巨集
      #define OP_SYMBOL(op)        validateOpType(op, "OP_SYMBOL", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand
      #define OP_SYMBOL_CONST(op)  validateOpTypeConst(op, "OP_SYMBOL", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand
      #define OP_VALUE(op)         validateOpType(op, "OP_VALUE", #op, VALUE, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.valOperand
      #define OP_SYM_TYPE(op)      validateOpType(op, "OP_SYM_TYPE", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->type
      #define OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)     validateOpType(op, "OP_SYM_ETYPE", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->etype
      #define SPIL_LOC(op)         validateOpType(op, "SPIL_LOC", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->usl.spillLoc
      #define OP_LIVEFROM(op)      validateOpType(op, "OP_LIVEFROM", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->liveFrom
      #define OP_LIVETO(op)        validateOpType(op, "OP_LIVETO", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->liveTo
      #define OP_REQV(op)          validateOpType(op, "OP_REQV", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->reqv
      #define OP_KEY(op)           validateOpType(op, "OP_REQV", #op, SYMBOL, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.symOperand->key
      #define OP_TYPE(op)          validateOpType(op, "OP_TYPE", #op, TYPE, __FILE__, __LINE__)->svt.typeOperand


  • eBBlockFromiCode (SDCCopt.c)
    • dumpraw0
        /* optimize the chain for labels & gotos
           this will eliminate redundant labels and
           will change jump to jumps by jumps */
        ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (ic);
        /* compute the control flow */
        computeControlFlow (ebbi);
        /* dumpraw if asked for */
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RAW0, ebbi);
    • dumpraw1
        /* replace the local variables with their
           register equivalents : the liveRange computation
           along with the register allocation will determine
           if it finally stays in the registers */
        replaceRegEqv (ebbi);
        /* create loop regions */
        loops = createLoopRegions (ebbi);
        /* dumpraw if asked for */
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RAW1, ebbi);
    • dumpcse
        optimizeCastCast (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count);
        /* Burn the corpses, so the dead may rest in peace,
           safe from cse necromancy */
        computeDataFlow (ebbi);
        killDeadCode (ebbi);
        /* do common subexpression elimination for each block */
        change = cseAllBlocks (ebbi, FALSE);
        /* dumpraw if asked for */
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_CSE, ebbi);
    • dumpdflow
        /* compute the data flow */
        computeDataFlow (ebbi);
        /* dumpraw if asked for */
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_DFLOW, ebbi);
    • dumpgcse
        /* global common subexpression elimination  */
        if (optimize.global_cse)
            change += cseAllBlocks (ebbi, FALSE);
            if (options.dump_i_code)
              dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_GCSE, ebbi);
            // compute the dataflow only
            assert(cseAllBlocks (ebbi, TRUE)==0);
    • dumpdeadcode
        /* kill dead code */
        kchange = killDeadCode (ebbi);
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_DEADCODE, ebbi);
    • dumploop
        /* do loop optimizations */
        change += (lchange = loopOptimizations (loops, ebbi));
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_LOOP, ebbi);
    • dumploopg & dumploopd
        /* recompute the data flow and apply global cse again
           if loops optimizations or dead code caused a change:
           loops will brings out of the loop which then may be
           available for use in the later blocks: dead code
           elimination could potentially disconnect some blocks
           conditional flow may be efected so we need to apply
           subexpression once more */
        if (lchange || kchange)
            computeDataFlow (ebbi);
            change += cseAllBlocks (ebbi, FALSE);
            if (options.dump_i_code)
              dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_LOOPG, ebbi);
            /* if loop optimizations caused a change then do
               dead code elimination once more : this will
               get rid of the extra assignments to the induction
               variables created during loop optimizations */
            killDeadCode (ebbi);
            if (options.dump_i_code)
              dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_LOOPD, ebbi);
    • dumplospre (Lifetime-optimal speculative partial redundancy elimination)
        offsetFoldGet (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count);
        /* lospre */
        computeControlFlow (ebbi);
        loops = createLoopRegions (ebbi);
        computeDataFlow (ebbi);
        computeLiveRanges (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count, FALSE);
        adjustIChain (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count);
        ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (iCodeFromeBBlock (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count));
        if (optimize.lospre && (TARGET_Z80_LIKE || TARGET_HC08_LIKE || TARGET_IS_STM8)) /* Todo: enable for other ports. */
            lospre (ic, ebbi);
            if (options.dump_i_code)
              dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_LOSPRE, ebbi);
            /* GCSE, lospre and maybe other optimizations sometimes create temporaries that have non-connected live ranges, which is bad. Split them. */
            ebbi = iCodeBreakDown (ic);
            computeControlFlow (ebbi);
            loops = createLoopRegions (ebbi);
            computeDataFlow (ebbi);
            recomputeLiveRanges (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count, FALSE);
            adjustIChain (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count);
            ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (iCodeFromeBBlock (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count));
            separateLiveRanges (ic, ebbi);
    • dumprange
        /* compute the live ranges */
        recomputeLiveRanges (ebbi->bbOrder, ebbi->count, TRUE);
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RANGE, ebbi);
  • hc08_oldralloc (hc08/ralloc.c)
    • dumppack
        /* change assignments this will remove some
           live ranges reducing some register pressure */
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
          packRegisters (ebbs, i);
        /* liveranges probably changed by register packing
           so we compute them again */
        recomputeLiveRanges (ebbs, count, FALSE);
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_PACK, ebbi);
    • dumprassign & dumprange
        /* first determine for each live range the number of
           registers & the type of registers required for each */
        regTypeNum (*ebbs);
        /* and serially allocate registers */
        serialRegAssign (ebbs, count);
        freeAllRegs ();
        /* after that create the register mask
           for each of the instruction */
        createRegMask (ebbs, count);
        /* Convert the old sym->accuse flag into normal register assignments */
        replaceAccuse (ebbs, count);
        /* redo that offsets for stacked automatic variables */
        if (currFunc)
            redoStackOffsets ();
        if (options.dump_i_code)
            dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RASSGN, ebbi);
            dumpLiveRanges (DUMP_LRANGE, liveRanges);

eBBlock 輸出解說

  • eBBlockFromiCode (SDCCopt.c)
    • 將 iCode 分為數個 eBBlock,進行優化。
        /* break it down into basic blocks */
        ebbi = iCodeBreakDown (ic);
        /* compute the control flow */
        computeControlFlow (ebbi);
        /* dumpraw if asked for */
        if (options.dump_i_code)
          dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RAW0, ebbi);
  • dumpEbbsToFileExt (SDCCBBlock.c)
    • 輸出基本塊信息。
      /* dumpEbbsToFileExt - write all the basic blocks to a file        */
      dumpEbbsToFileExt (int id, ebbIndex * ebbi)
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
            fprintf (of, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
            fprintf (of, "Basic Block %s (df:%d bb:%d lvl:%d): loopDepth=%d%s%s%s\n",
                     ebbs[i]->dfnum, ebbs[i]->bbnum, ebbs[i]->entryLabel->level,
                     ebbs[i]->noPath ? " noPath" : "",
                     ebbs[i]->partOfLoop ? " partOfLoop" : "", ebbs[i]->isLastInLoop ? " isLastInLoop" : "");
            // a --nolabelopt makes this more readable
            fprintf (of, "\nsuccessors: ");
            for (bb = setFirstItem (ebbs[i]->succList); bb; bb = setNextItem (ebbs[i]->succList))
                fprintf (of, "%s ", bb->entryLabel->name);
            fprintf (of, "\npredecessors: ");
            for (bb = setFirstItem (ebbs[i]->predList); bb; bb = setNextItem (ebbs[i]->predList))
                fprintf (of, "%s ", bb->entryLabel->name);
            fprintf (of, "\ndominators: ");
            for (d = 0; d < ebbs[i]->domVect->size; d++)
                if (bitVectBitValue (ebbs[i]->domVect, d))
                    fprintf (of, "%s ", ebbi->bbOrder[d]->entryLabel->name);  //ebbs[d]->entryLabel->name);
            fprintf (of, "\n");
            fprintf (of, "\ndefines bitVector :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->defSet, of);
            fprintf (of, "\nlocal defines bitVector :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->ldefs, of);
            fprintf (of, "\npointers Set bitvector :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->ptrsSet, of);
      #if 0
            fprintf (of, "\nin coming definitions :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->inDefs, of);
            fprintf (of, "\nout going definitions :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->outDefs, of);
            fprintf (of, "\ndefines used :");
            bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->usesDefs, of);
            if (ebbs[i]->isLastInLoop)
                fprintf (of, "\nInductions Set bitvector :");
                bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->linds, of);
            fprintf (of, "\ninExprs:");
            for (cseSet = ebbs[i]->inExprs; cseSet; cseSet = cseSet->next)
                cseDef *item = cseSet->item;
                fprintf (of, " %s(%d)", OP_SYMBOL (item->sym)->name, item->diCode->key);
                if (item->fromGlobal)
                  fprintf (of, "g");
            fprintf (of, "\noutExprs:");
            for (cseSet = ebbs[i]->outExprs; cseSet; cseSet = cseSet->next)
                cseDef *item = cseSet->item;
                fprintf (of, " %s(%d)", OP_SYMBOL (item->sym)->name, item->diCode->key);
                if (item->fromGlobal)
                  fprintf (of, "g");
            fprintf (of, "\nkilledExprs:");
            for (cseSet = ebbs[i]->killedExprs; cseSet; cseSet = cseSet->next)
                cseDef *item = cseSet->item;
                fprintf (of, " %s(%d)", OP_SYMBOL (item->sym)->name, item->diCode->key);
                if (item->fromGlobal)
                  fprintf (of, "g");
            fprintf (of, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
            printiCChain (ebbs[i]->sch, of);
        fflush (of);
    • 再輸出 iCode 信息 SDCCicode.c
        for (loop = icChain; loop; loop = loop->next)
            if ((icTab = getTableEntry (loop->op)))
                struct dbuf_s dbuf;
                fprintf (of, "%s(l%d:s%d:k%d:d%d:s%d)\t",
                         loop->filename, loop->lineno, loop->seq, loop->key, loop->depth, loop->supportRtn);
                dbuf_init (&dbuf, 1024);
                icTab->iCodePrint (&dbuf, loop, icTab->printName);
                dbuf_write_and_destroy (&dbuf, of);
                fflush (of);


int main()
  return 0;
Basic Block _entry (df:1 bb:0 lvl:1): loopDepth=0

successors: _return
dominators: _entry

defines bitVector :
local defines bitVector :
pointers Set bitvector :
test.c(l1:s0:k0:d0:s0)   _entry($2) :
test.c(l1:s0:k1:d0:s0)          proc _main [k1 lr0:0 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{int function ( ) fixed}
                                     symbol 的內部名稱
                                            symbol 屬性
                                            k : key
                                            lr: live range
                                            so: stack (local or global symbol)
                                                            symbol & operand 屬性
                                                            ia : is an address
                                                            a2p: aggregate to pointer to aggregate
                                                            re : is the register equivalent of a symbol
                                                            rm : can be remateriazed
                                                            nos: cannot be assigned a spil location
                                                            ru : used in return statement only
                                                            dp : (8051) data pointer
                                                                                           symbol type
                                                                                                            storage class
test.c(l3:s0:k2:d0:s0)          ret 0x0 {int literal}

Basic Block _return (df:2 bb:1 lvl:1): loopDepth=0

predecessors: _entry
dominators: _entry _return

defines bitVector :
local defines bitVector :
pointers Set bitvector :
test.c(l3:s0:k3:d0:s0)   _return($1) :
test.c(l3:s0:k4:d0:s0)          eproc _main [k1 lr0:0 so:0]{ ia0 a2p0 re0 rm0 nos0 ru0 dp0}{int function ( ) fixed}


__xdata int * p;
int gint;
/* This function does nothing useful. It is used
for the purpose of explaining iCode */
short function (__data int *x)
  short i=10;   /* dead initialization eliminated */
  short sum=10; /* dead initialization eliminated */
  short mul;
  int j ;
  while (*x) *x++ = *p++;
  sum = 0 ;
  mul = 0;
  /* compiler detects i,j to be induction variables */
  for (i = 0, j = 10 ; i < 10 ; i++, j--) {
   sum += i;
   mul += i * 3; /* this multiplication remains */
   gint += j * 3; /* this multiplication changed to addition */
  return sum+mul;


  • asmop (hc08/gen.h) 針對 iCode 的 operand 生成 asm 指令所需的 operand (暫存器、常數 … 等等)。
    /* type asmop : a homogenised type for
       all the different spaces an operand can be
       in */
    typedef struct asmop
  • genNot (hc08/gen.c)
    /* genNot - generate code for ! operation                          */
    static void
    genNot (iCode * ic)
      bool needpulla;
      D (emitcode (";     genNot", ""));
      /* assign asmOps to operand & result */
      aopOp (IC_LEFT (ic), ic, FALSE);         // 針對 ic 的左 operand 生成 asmop
      aopOp (IC_RESULT (ic), ic, TRUE);        // 針對 ic 的 result 生成 asmop
      needpulla = pushRegIfSurv (hc08_reg_a);  // 如果暫存器 a 當前的值還需要被使用,則入棧加以保存
      asmopToBool (AOP (IC_LEFT (ic)), TRUE);  // 針對 asmop 生成代碼,產生真假值。
      emitcode ("eor", one);
      regalloc_dry_run_cost += 2;
      storeRegToFullAop (hc08_reg_a, AOP (IC_RESULT (ic)), FALSE);
      pullOrFreeReg (hc08_reg_a, needpulla);
      freeAsmop (IC_RESULT (ic), NULL, ic, TRUE);
      freeAsmop (IC_LEFT (ic), NULL, ic, TRUE);
    • aopOp (hc08/gen.c) 針對 operand 產生對應的 asmop,並記錄在 operand 之中。
      /* aopOp - allocates an asmop for an operand  :                    */
      static void
      aopOp (operand *op, iCode * ic, bool result)
        /* snip */
        /* if this a literal */
        if (IS_OP_LITERAL (op))
            op->aop = aop = newAsmop (AOP_LIT);      // 注意! 生成的 asmop 記錄在 operand 的 aop 欄位。
            aop->aopu.aop_lit = OP_VALUE (op);
            aop->size = getSize (operandType (op));
            aop->op = op;
        /* snip */
    • freeAsmop (hc08/gen.c) 釋放 asmop。
    • pushRegIfSurv (hc08/gen.c)。如果暫存器當前的值還需要被使用,則入棧加以保存。
    • pullOrFreeReg (hc08/gen.c)。出棧回復暫存器值,否則將該暫存器釋放,以供之後配置使用。
    • AOP (IC_LEFT (ic)): 取出 ic 中的 operand,再取出 operand 中的 asmop。
    • regalloc_dry_run_cost: 累加指令所佔的 byte 數。本為 debug 輸出,現在為新版 register allocator 所調用。
      • 暫存器都有此種 global struct。
    • 將 asm operand 載入暫存器。
    • 這裡又將情況依據 asm operand 的類別和暫存器類別,而有不同代碼生成。
    • 將暫存器存放於 asm operand (暫存器或是棧)。
    • 資料搬移有時候可以直接在暫存器之間移動。
    • 調整棧空間。_G 存放相關信息。
    • 產生函式調用代碼。
      • 準備參數供函式調用。
    • 被調用方 (callee) 的 prologue。
      • 接受調用方傳送的參數。
    • 被調用方 (callee) 的 epilogue。
    • 滿足 C 語言要求的整型提升之要求。
    • 函式指針調用。
    • 如果 callee 符合特定條件 (如: 可變參數),前端產生 iCode 時,即會使用 IPUSH 傳參。


  • SDCC 會針對 leaf function 做 overlay,生成 overlay_name (OSEC) 段。
    • emitOverlay (SDCCglue.c)


SDCC 似乎存在有兩套除錯資訊,cdbFile 和 SDCCdwarf2。前者是另外寫至以 .adb 和 .cdb 後綴的檔案 (開啟 –debug 選項即會使用),後者則是將除錯資訊寫至匯編 (hc08 另外再開啟 –out-fmt-elf 選項下會使用)。

  • DEBUGFILE (SDCCdebug.h) 定義除錯訊息操作函式。
    typedef struct DebugFile
      int (*openFile) (const char *file);
      int (*closeFile) (void);
      int (*writeModule) (const char *name);
      int (*writeFunction) (symbol *pSym, iCode *ic);
      int (*writeEndFunction) (symbol *pSym, iCode *ic, int offset);
      int (*writeLabel) (symbol *pSym, iCode *ic);
      int (*writeScope) (iCode *ic);
      int (*writeSymbol) (symbol *pSym);
      int (*writeType) (structdef *sdef, int block, int inStruct, const char *tag);
      int (*writeCLine) (iCode *ic);
      int (*writeALine) (const char *module, int Line);
      int (*writeFrameAddress) (const char *variable, struct reg_info *reg, int offset);
    • cdbDebugFile (cdbFile.c) 註冊 CDB 除錯訊息相關函式。
      DEBUGFILE cdbDebugFile =
    • dwarf2DebugFile (SDCCdwarf2.c ) 註冊 DWARF 除錯訊息相關函式。
      DEBUGFILE dwarf2DebugFile =
    • 預設為 CDB 格式 (SDCCdebug.c)
      DEBUGFILE *debugFile = &cdbDebugFile;
  • _hc08_parseOptions 根據命令行選項選擇 CBD 或是 DWARF 格式。(hc08/main.c)
    static bool
    _hc08_parseOptions (int *pargc, char **argv, int *i)
      if (!strcmp (argv[*i], "--out-fmt-elf"))
          options.out_fmt = 'E';
          debugFile = &dwarf2DebugFile;
          return TRUE;
      if (!strcmp (argv[*i], "--oldralloc"))
          options.oldralloc = TRUE;
          return TRUE;
      return FALSE;
    • 後端於代碼生成時,會產生相應的除錯資訊。(hc08/gen.c)
      /* genEndFunction - generates epilogue for functions               */
      static void
      genEndFunction (iCode * ic)
        symbol *sym = OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic));
        if (IFFUNC_ISNAKED (sym->type))
            emitcode (";", "naked function: no epilogue.");
            if (options.debug && currFunc)
              debugFile->writeEndFunction (currFunc, ic, 0);
  • 後端需要指定 debugger 資料結構 (port.h),供 CDB 或是 DWARF 後端調用,其中 dwarf 資料結構 (port.h) 是專供 DWARF 後端調用。emitDebuggerSymbol 基本上是用來針對源代碼中的某一行,輸出除錯訊息 (字串)。
        void (*emitDebuggerSymbol) (const char *);
          int (*regNum) (const struct reg_info *);
          bitVect *cfiSame;
          bitVect *cfiUndef;
          int addressSize;
          int regNumRet;
          int regNumSP;
          int regNumBP;
          int offsetSP;
    • hc08 (hc08/main.c)
            4,                        /* addressSize */
            14,                       /* regNumRet */
            15,                       /* regNumSP */
            -1,                       /* regNumBP */
            1,                        /* offsetSP */
      • hc08_dwarfRegNum (hc08/main.c) 被 DWARF 後端函式 dwWriteFrameAddress (SDCCdwarf2.c) 調用。
        /* dwWriteFrameAddress - note the current position of the frame pointer  */
        /*                       address. The base address can be specified by   */
        /*                       either a register or pointer variable, leaving  */
        /*                       the other as NULL. If both are NULL, there is   */
        /*                       no current frame pointer address defined.       */
        dwWriteFrameAddress(const char *variable, struct reg_info *reg, int offset)
          /* snip */
          else if (reg)         /* frame pointer based from a register */
              regNum = port->debugger.dwarf.regNum (reg);
          /* snip */      
    • stm8 (stm8/main.c) 不支援 DWARF 格式,故只需提供 emitDebuggerSymbol。
        { stm8_emitDebuggerSymbol },
      • stm8_emitDebuggerSymbol (stm8/gen.c) 被 CDB 後端函式 cdbWriteFunction (cdbFile.c) 調用。
        cdbWriteFunction (symbol *pSym, iCode *ic)
          char debugSym[INITIAL_INLINEASM];
          if (getenv ("SDCC_DEBUG_FUNCTION_POINTERS"))
            fprintf (stderr, "cdbFile.c:cdbWriteFunction()\n");
          if (!cdbFilePtr) return 0;
          if (IS_STATIC (pSym->etype))
            sprintf (debugSym, "F%s$%s$0$0", moduleName, pSym->name);
            sprintf (debugSym, "G$%s$0$0", pSym->name);
          emitDebuggerSymbol (debugSym);
          return cdbWriteBasicSymbol (pSym, FALSE, TRUE);

Lex & Yacc

    • src/SDCC.lex
    • src/SDCC.y (Overview of C Statements)
         : labeled_statement
         | compound_statement
         | expression_statement
         | selection_statement
         | iteration_statement
         | jump_statement
         | critical_statement
         | asm_statement
      • labeled_statement
        case 10:
      • compound_statement
          // ... code ...
      • selection_statement
        if (cond) {
          // ... code ...
        else {
          // ... code ..
        switch (cond) {
          // ... code ...
      • iteration_statement
        while (cond) {
          //  ... code ...
        do {
          // ... code ...
        } while (cond);
        for ( init; cond; exp) {
          // ... code ...
      • jump_statement
        goto exit;
        for ( init; cond; exp) {
          // ... code ...
        for ( init; cond; exp) {
          // ... code ...
        func() {
   : IF '(' expr ')' { seqPointNo++;} statement else_statement
                              $$ = createIf ($3, $6, $7 );
                              $$->lineno = $3->lineno;
                              $$->filename = $3->filename;
/* createIf - creates the parsetree for the if statement           */
ast *
createIf (ast * condAst, ast * ifBody, ast * elseBody)
  static int Lblnum = 0;
  ast *ifTree;
  symbol *ifTrue, *ifFalse, *ifEnd;
  struct dbuf_s dbuf;
  /* if neither exists */
  if (!elseBody && !ifBody)
      // if there are no side effects (i++, j() etc)
      if (!hasSEFcalls (condAst))
          return condAst;
  /* create the labels */
  dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
  dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "_iffalse_%d", Lblnum);
  ifFalse = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
  dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  /* if no else body then end == false */
  if (!elseBody)
    ifEnd = ifFalse;
      dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
      dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "_ifend_%d", Lblnum);
      ifEnd = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
      dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
  dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "_iftrue_%d", Lblnum);
  ifTrue = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
  dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  /* attach the ifTrue label to the top of it body */
  ifBody = createLabel (ifTrue, ifBody);
  /* attach a goto end to the ifBody if else is present */
  if (elseBody)
      ifBody = newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, newNode (GOTO, newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (ifEnd)), NULL));
      /* put the elseLabel on the else body */
      elseBody = createLabel (ifFalse, elseBody);
      /* out the end at the end of the body */
      elseBody = newNode (NULLOP, elseBody, createLabel (ifEnd, NULL));
      ifBody = newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, createLabel (ifFalse, NULL));
  condAst = backPatchLabels (condAst, ifTrue, ifFalse);
  if (IS_IFX (condAst))
    ifTree = condAst;
    ifTree = newIfxNode (condAst, ifTrue, ifFalse);
  return newNode (NULLOP, ifTree, newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, elseBody));
while : WHILE  {  /* create and push the continue , break & body labels */
                  static int Lblnum = 0;
                  /* continue */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilecontinue_%d",Lblnum);
                  /* break */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilebreak_%d",Lblnum);
                  /* body */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilebody_%d",Lblnum++);
                  $$ = newSymbol(lbuff,NestLevel);

   : while '(' expr ')' { seqPointNo++;}  statement
                           $$ = createWhile ( $1, STACK_POP(continueStack),
                                              STACK_POP(breakStack), $3, $6 );
                           $$->lineno = $1->lineDef;
                           $$->filename = $1->fileDef;
  • continueStack 和 breakStack 用於記錄 continue 和 break 所需跳至的 label。
    /* createWhile - creates parse tree for while statement            */
    /*               the while statement will be created as follows    */
    /*                                                                 */
    /*      _while_continue_n:                                         */
    /*            condition_expression +-> trueLabel -> _while_boby_n  */
    /*                                 |                               */
    /*                                 +-> falseLabel -> _while_break_n */
    /*      _while_body_n:                                             */
    /*            statements                                           */
    /*            goto _while_continue_n                               */
    /*      _while_break_n:                                            */
    ast *
    createWhile (symbol * trueLabel, symbol * continueLabel, symbol * falseLabel, ast * condExpr, ast * whileBody)
      ast *whileTree;
      /* put the continue label */
      condExpr = backPatchLabels (condExpr, trueLabel, falseLabel);
      if (condExpr && !IS_IFX (condExpr))
          condExpr = newNode (IFX, condExpr, NULL);
          /* put the true & false labels in place */
          condExpr->trueLabel = trueLabel;
          condExpr->falseLabel = falseLabel;
      whileTree = createLabel (continueLabel, condExpr);
      whileTree->filename = NULL;
      whileTree->lineno = 0;
      /* put the body label in front of the body */
      if(whileBody && whileBody->type == EX_VALUE && !whileBody->left && !whileBody->right)
    	  whileBody = newNode (NULLOP, NULL, whileBody);
      whileBody = createLabel (trueLabel, whileBody);
      whileBody->filename = NULL;
      whileBody->lineno = 0;
      /* put a jump to continue at the end of the body */
      /* and put break label at the end of the body */
      whileBody = newNode (NULLOP,
                           whileBody, newNode (GOTO, newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (continueLabel)), createLabel (falseLabel, NULL)));
      /* put it all together */
      return newNode (NULLOP, whileTree, whileBody);
    • 將 symbol 和 ast 關聯,生成新的 ast。
   : statement
   | statement_list statement          {  $$ = newNode(NULLOP,$1,$2);}
          symbol <- lnk (描述 symbol 型別和屬性)


    • 編譯器內部內存分配。
      • 部分 storage class 是由目標平台各自定義 (3.5 SDCC Language Extensions)。
      • S_DATA 和 S_XDATA 可能分別指 PAGE0 和 NSEC (以 6502 為例)。
      • 表示型別或儲存類型。
        • 各個命名空間皆有對應的資料結構 memmap,供其寫入變數。
      • 定義函式或變數 (包函指針)。
      • sym_link 包含 specifier 或 declarator,或是函式相關屬性。
      • 符號,其中包含 sym_link 描述該 symbol 相關屬性。
    • 定義巨集以便處理 symbol 相關屬性。
      #define FUNC_HASVARARGS(x) (x->funcAttrs.hasVargs)
    • 定義巨集以便處理 specifier 相關屬性。
      #define SPEC_NOUN(x) validateLink(x, "SPEC_NOUN", #x, SPECIFIER, __FILE__, __LINE__)->select.s.noun
      #define SPEC_LONG(x) validateLink(x, "SPEC_LONG", #x, SPECIFIER, __FILE__, __LINE__)->select.s.b_long
    • 定義巨集以便處理 declarator 相關屬性。
      #define DCL_TYPE(l)  validateLink(l, "DCL_TYPE", #l, DECLARATOR, __FILE__, __LINE__)->select.d.dcl_type
      #define DCL_ELEM(l)  validateLink(l, "DCL_ELEM", #l, DECLARATOR, __FILE__, __LINE__)->select.d.num_elem
    • 定義巨集以便型別檢查。
      #define IS_FUNC(x)       (IS_DECL(x) && DCL_TYPE(x) == FUNCTION)
      #define IS_LONG(x)       (IS_SPEC(x) && x->select.s.b_long)
    • validateLink
      sym_link *
      validateLink (sym_link * l, const char *macro, const char *args, const char select, const char *file, unsigned line)
        if (l && l->xclass == select)
            return l; // 如果 sym_link l 的 xclass 同 select,是 specifier 或 declarator,返回 l。
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "Internal error: validateLink failed in %s(%s) @ %s:%u:"
                 " expected %s, got %s\n",
                 macro, args, file, line, DECLSPEC2TXT (select), l ? DECLSPEC2TXT (l->xclass) : "null-link");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
        return l;                     // never reached, makes compiler happy.
  • SDCCsymt.c
    bucket *SymbolTab[256];         /* the symbol    table  */
    bucket *StructTab[256];         /* the structure table  */
    bucket *TypedefTab[256];        /* the typedef   table  */
    bucket *LabelTab[256];          /* the Label     table  */
    bucket *enumTab[256];           /* enumerated    table  */
    bucket *AddrspaceTab[256];      /* the named address space table  */
   : function_declarator
         {   /* function type not specified */
             /* assume it to be 'int'       */
             $1 = createFunctionDecl($1);
      function_body  {
                                   $$ = createFunction($1,$3);
   | declaration_specifiers function_declarator
              $2 = createFunctionDecl($2);
                                    $$ = createFunction($2,$4);
   : declarator2 '('  ')'
          addDecl ($1, FUNCTION, NULL);
   | declarator2 '('
          STACK_PUSH(blockNum, currBlockno);
          btree_add_child(currBlockno, ++blockNo);
          currBlockno = blockNo;
          seqPointNo++; /* not a true sequence point, but helps resolve scope */
     parameter_type_list ')'
          sym_link *funcType;

          addDecl ($1, FUNCTION, NULL);

          funcType = $1->type;
          while (funcType && !IS_FUNC(funcType))
              funcType = funcType->next;

          assert (funcType);

          FUNC_HASVARARGS(funcType) = IS_VARG($4);
          FUNC_ARGS(funcType) = reverseVal($4);

          /* nest level was incremented to take care of the parms  */
          currBlockno = STACK_POP(blockNum);
          seqPointNo++; /* not a true sequence point, but helps resolve scope */

          // if this was a pointer (to a function)
          if (!IS_FUNC($1->type))
              cleanUpLevel(SymbolTab, NestLevel + 1);

          $$ = $1;
   | declarator2 '(' identifier_list ')'
          /* assume it returns an int */
          $1->type = $1->etype = newIntLink();
          $$ = $1;
   : while '(' expr ')' { seqPointNo++;}  statement
                           $$ = createWhile ( $1, STACK_POP(continueStack),
                                              STACK_POP(breakStack), $3, $6 );
                           $$->lineno = $1->lineDef;
                           $$->filename = $1->fileDef;
while : WHILE  {  /* create and push the continue , break & body labels */
                  static int Lblnum = 0;
                  /* continue */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilecontinue_%d",Lblnum);
                  /* break */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilebreak_%d",Lblnum);
                  /* body */
                  SNPRINTF (lbuff, sizeof(lbuff), "_whilebody_%d",Lblnum++);
                  $$ = newSymbol(lbuff,NestLevel);
/* createWhile - creates parse tree for while statement            */
/*               the while statement will be created as follows    */
/*                                                                 */
/*      _while_continue_n:                                         */
/*            condition_expression +-> trueLabel -> _while_boby_n  */
/*                                 |                               */
/*                                 +-> falseLabel -> _while_break_n */
/*      _while_body_n:                                             */
/*            statements                                           */
/*            goto _while_continue_n                               */
/*      _while_break_n:                                            */
ast *
createWhile (symbol * trueLabel, symbol * continueLabel, symbol * falseLabel, ast * condExpr, ast * whileBody)
  ast *whileTree;
  /* put the continue label */
  condExpr = backPatchLabels (condExpr, trueLabel, falseLabel);
  if (condExpr && !IS_IFX (condExpr))
      condExpr = newNode (IFX, condExpr, NULL);
      /* put the true & false labels in place */
      condExpr->trueLabel = trueLabel;
      condExpr->falseLabel = falseLabel;
  whileTree = createLabel (continueLabel, condExpr);
  whileTree->filename = NULL;
  whileTree->lineno = 0;
  /* put the body label in front of the body */
  whileBody = createLabel (trueLabel, whileBody);
  whileBody->filename = NULL;
  whileBody->lineno = 0;
  /* put a jump to continue at the end of the body */
  /* and put break label at the end of the body */
  whileBody = newNode (NULLOP,
                       whileBody, newNode (GOTO, newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (continueLabel)), createLabel (falseLabel, NULL)));
  /* put it all together */
  return newNode (NULLOP, whileTree, whileBody);
透過 –dump-ast 輸出 AST 可以幫助了解上述代碼。
void main()
  int i, j;
  bool flag = true;
  if (flag == false)
    i = 1;
    j = 2;
/* createIf - creates the parsetree for the if statement           */
/*                                                                 */
/*      condition_expression +-> ifTrue                            */
/*                           |           -> ifEnd                  */
/*                           +-> ifFalse                           */
ast *
createIf (ast * condAst, ast * ifBody, ast * elseBody)
  static int Lblnum = 0;
  ast *ifTree;
  symbol *ifTrue, *ifFalse, *ifEnd;
  struct dbuf_s dbuf;
  /* if neither exists */
  if (!elseBody && !ifBody)
      // if there are no side effects (i++, j() etc)
      if (!hasSEFcalls (condAst))
          return condAst;
  /* create the labels */
  dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
  dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "__iffalse_%d", Lblnum);
  ifFalse = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
  dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  /* if no else body then end == false */
  if (!elseBody)
      ifEnd = ifFalse;
      dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
      dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "__ifend_%d", Lblnum);
      ifEnd = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
      dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  dbuf_init (&dbuf, 128);
  dbuf_printf (&dbuf, "__iftrue_%d", Lblnum);
  ifTrue = newSymbol (dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NestLevel);
  dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
  /* attach the ifTrue label to the top of it body */
  ifBody = createLabel (ifTrue, ifBody);
  /* attach a goto end to the ifBody if else is present */
  if (elseBody)
      ifBody = newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, newNode (GOTO, newAst_VALUE (symbolVal (ifEnd)), NULL));
      /* put the elseLabel on the else body */
      elseBody = createLabel (ifFalse, elseBody);
      /* out the end at the end of the body */
      elseBody = newNode (NULLOP, elseBody, createLabel (ifEnd, NULL));
      ifBody = newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, createLabel (ifFalse, NULL));
  condAst = backPatchLabels (condAst, ifTrue, ifFalse);
  if (IS_IFX (condAst))
    ifTree = condAst;
    ifTree = newIfxNode (condAst, ifTrue, ifFalse);
  return newNode (NULLOP, ifTree, newNode (NULLOP, ifBody, elseBody));
  • backPatchLabels (SDCCast.c)
    • patch condition 語句的 true 和 false 的 goto label。
  • PORT (port.h)
    • 各個平台有各自的 port 資料結構。



  • 選擇與目標平台 Y 相近的現存後端 X,將其拷貝至新目錄 Y。
    $ cd sdcc-3.4.0/src/
    $ mkdir Y
    $ cp X/* Y/
  • 將新目錄 Y 底下檔案更名,並將檔案中現存後端 X 更換成目標平台 Y。
    // Y 必須符合 C 識別字命名規則,不可以數字開頭。
  • configure 腳本加入目標平台 Y,運行 autoconf 重新生成 configure 腳本。
    $ cd sdcc-3.4.0/
    $ vim configure.in
    $ autoconf
  • 修改剩餘檔案,新增目標平台 Y 至 SDCC 主程式。
    $ vi clean.mk
    $ vi port.h
    $ vi SDCCmain.c
  • 編譯試運行。修正編譯過程的錯誤
    $ ../sdcc-3.4.0/configure
    $ make
    $ ./bin/sdcc -h
    Special options for the Y port:
          --out-fmt-elf         Output executable in ELF format
          --oldralloc           Use old register allocator
    $ ./bin/sdcc -mY -S test.c
  • 依據目標平台 Y 實際情況,逐步修改後端。
  • 新增 port 目錄。
  • hc08.h
  • main.h & main.c
    • _hc08_defaultRules
      • peephole 規則
    • _hc08_keywords
      • 支援的關鍵字
    • hc08_assignRegisters
      • register allocator 接口
    • _hc08_regparm
      • 決定參數是否可以放在暫存器
  • ralloc.h, ralloc.c & ralloc2.cc
  • gen.h & gen.c
  • peeph.def



    • 為內存中一特定區塊,近似於 IO 埠。The 8051 family of microcontrollers provides a distinct memory area for accessing Special Function Registers (SFRs). SFRs are used in your program to control timers, counters, serial I/Os, port I/Os, and peripherals.
    • sbit 可以用來指定 IO 埠特定 Pin 腳。With typical 8051 applications, it is often necessary to access individual bits within an SFR. The sbit type provides access to bit-addressable SFRs and other bit-addressable objects.
    • 4 bits

C 程式語言

    • 代表 specifier 或是 declarator,最後用來修飾 symbol。
    • DCL_XXX 用來存取或驗證 sym_link 的 declarator 屬性。
    • SPEC_XXX 用來存取或驗證 sym_link 的 specifier 屬性。
    • Overview of Declarators
      int foo();
       |    |
       |     -----> declarator
    • 代表變數、函式名或是 label 一類的概念。
    • symbol 內會帶用來修飾該 symbol 的 sym_link。
    • IS_OP_XXX 用來存取或驗證 symbol 屬性。

SDCC 技術文件

      • iCode Operands Description C Equivalent
        • iCode 名稱。基本會有 genXXX 對應。
        • Operands。genXXX 會用到的 operand,由 IC_XXX 從 ic 取得。(genCall)
          /* genCall - generates a call statement                            */
          static void
          genCall (iCode * ic)
            sym_link *dtype;
            sym_link *etype;
          //  bool restoreBank = FALSE;
          //  bool swapBanks = FALSE;
            D (emitcode (";", "genCall"));
            /* if caller saves & we have not saved then */
            if (!ic->regsSaved)
              saveRegisters (ic);
            dtype = operandType (IC_LEFT (ic));
            etype = getSpec (dtype);
            /* if send set is not empty then assign */
            if (_G.sendSet && !regalloc_dry_run)
                if (IFFUNC_ISREENT (dtype))       /* need to reverse the send set */
                    genSend (reverseSet (_G.sendSet));
                    genSend (_G.sendSet);
                _G.sendSet = NULL;
            /* make the call */
            if (IS_LITERAL (etype))
                emitcode ("jsr", "0x%04X", ulFromVal (OP_VALUE (IC_LEFT (ic))));
                regalloc_dry_run_cost += 3;
                bool jump = (!ic->parmBytes && IFFUNC_ISNORETURN (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->type));
                emitcode (jump ? "jmp" : "jsr", "%s", (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rname[0] ?
                                        OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rname : OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->name));
                regalloc_dry_run_cost += 3;
            hc08_dirtyReg (hc08_reg_a, FALSE);
            hc08_dirtyReg (hc08_reg_hx, FALSE);
            /* if we need assign a result value */
            if ((IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (ic)) &&
                 (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->nRegs || OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->spildir)) || IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (ic)))
  • 舊資料


C 前處理器

  • support/cpp/sdcpp.c
  • 支援 multi-line comment
    • support/cpp/libcpp/lex.c
            else if (c == '/' && (CPP_OPTION (pfile, cplusplus_comments)
                                  || cpp_in_system_header (pfile)))
                /* Warn about comments only if pedantically GNUC89, and not
                   in system headers.  */
                if (CPP_OPTION (pfile, lang) == CLK_GNUC89 && CPP_PEDANTIC (pfile)
                    && ! buffer->warned_cplusplus_comments)
                    cpp_error (pfile, CPP_DL_PEDWARN,
                               "C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90");
                    cpp_error (pfile, CPP_DL_PEDWARN,
                               "(this will be reported only once per input file)");
                    buffer->warned_cplusplus_comments = 1;
                if (skip_line_comment (pfile) && CPP_OPTION (pfile, warn_comments))
                  cpp_warning (pfile, CPP_W_COMMENTS, "multi-line comment");

C 擴展語法

C 函式庫

  • device/include & device/lib
  • device/lib 目錄為通用 C 函式庫的實現。部分目標平台會有匯編實現的版本,其餘目標平台基本採用 C 實現的 C 函式庫。
  • device/lib 子目錄為目標平台特定的函式庫。
    • 如果欲以匯編實現現有 C 函式庫,參考 rxxxx
    • 並用 peeph.def 替換 C 函式調用。


  1. vprintf.c
    static void
    put_char_to_stdout (char c, void* p) _REENTRANT
      p;  //make compiler happy
      putchar (c);
    vprintf (const char *format, va_list ap)
      return _print_format (put_char_to_stdout, NULL, format, ap);
    printf (const char *format, ...)
      va_list arg;
      int i;
      va_start (arg, format);
      i = _print_format (put_char_to_stdout, NULL, format, arg);
      va_end (arg);
      return i;
  2. printf_large.c
    _print_format (pfn_outputchar pfn, void* pvoid, const char *format, va_list ap)
      while( c=*format++ )
        if ( c=='%' )
          /* 處理 format string */
          // nothing special, just output the character
          OUTPUT_CHAR( c, p );
      return charsOutputted;
    • printf 和 vprintf 底層都是調用 _print_format。_print_format 調用 put_char_to_stdout,put_char_to_stdout 最後再調用底層相關的 putchar 輸出字串符至裝置。
    • sprintf/vsprintf (device/lib/sprintf.c) 和 fprintf (device/lib/pic16/libc/stdio/fprintf.c) 都是類似的實現機制,只是傳給 _print_format 的第一個參數 put_char_to_xxx 有所不同。
    • The formats supported by this implementation are: 'd' 'u' 'c' 's' 'x' 'X'. Zero padding and field width (limited to 255) are also supported.
    • %[flags][width]specifier
    • specifier: 'd' 'u' 'c' 's' 'x' 'X'。
      // 分析 fmt 字串,取得型別資訊,再透過 var_arg 從可變參數取出對應值。
      void tfp_printf(char *fmt, ...)
              va_list va;
              char ch;
              char* p;
              while ((ch=*(fmt++))) {
                      if (ch!='%') {
                      else {
                              char lz=0; // lz: left zero
                              char w=0;  // width
                              if (ch=='0') {
                                      lz=1; // Left-pads the number with zeroes (0) instead of spaces
                              if (ch>='0' && ch<='9') {
                                      w=0; // Minimum number of characters to be printed.
                                      while (ch>='0' && ch<='9') {
                              // 遇到特定 specifier,從 va_arg 抓取參數。
                              switch (ch) {
                                      case 0:
                                              goto abort;
                                      case 'u':
                                      case 'd' :
                                              num=va_arg(va, unsigned int);
                                              if (ch=='d' && (int)num<0) {
                                                      num = -(int)num;
                                      case 'x':
                                      case 'X' :
                                          uc= ch=='X'; // 判斷 16 進制是否需要 uppercase。
                                              num=va_arg(va, unsigned int);
                                              divOut(0x1000); // 將 num 與 0x1000 (4096) 相除取商,並印出。
                                              outDgt(num);    // 印出最後一位。
                                      case 'c' :
                                              out((char)(va_arg(va, int)));
                                      case 's' :
                                              p=va_arg(va, char*);
                                      case '%' :
                              // 計算 width 需要補上的長度。
                              while (*bf++ && w > 0)
                              // 視條件,以 0 或是空白補充 width。
                              while (w-- > 0)
                                      putchar(lz ? '0' : ' ');
                              // 印出參數對應的字串。
                              while ((ch= *p++))
前述兩個 printf 函式,皆要求使用者自行提供 putchar,其中實做 IO 輸出功能。

