Itinerary Highlight 3 ---



  Day 5 (May 14), Day 6 (May 15)


Day 5 ---  Alice's graduation                                                

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  05-01 Activities in the graduation ceremony ...

D05-01-01_Alice obtained an MFA degree (a shot with papa) D05-01-02_Alice graduates from the SVA (School of Visual Arts) (a shot with mom)

D05-01-03_The ceremony in progrss with the president of the school giving a speech D05-01-04_A broader view of the ceremony in progress

D05-01-05_VIDEO --- Alice on the stage answering questions from committee members to defense her MFA thesis D05-01-06_VIDEO --- Alice on the stage accepting the MFA certificate from the school president
(More to see: more features seen in the ceremony)

  05-02 Family photo shots taken after the ceremony ...

D05-02-01_A shot with Papa and Mom D05-02-02_A shot with a classmate and her parents
(More to see: more family photos)

  05-03 Photo shots with teachers and classmates ...

D05-03-01_With all teachers and classmates D05-03-02_With a teacher

D05-03-03_With a classmate D05-03-04_With another classmate
(More to see: more photos)

  05-04 Strolling over Brooklyn Bridge ...

D05-04-01_Walking on the bridge D05-04-02_The environment of a subway station
(More to see: taking subway train and walk on the bridge)

Day 6 --- Visiting Alice's Graduation Exhibition + Strolling in Downtown

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  06-01 Visiting Alice's graduation exhibition (A) ...

D06-01-01_Exhibition Theme of Alice: How do you bring your memories to life? D06-01-02_Alice sitting in front of her exhibited works

D06-01-03_Alice standing in front of her works D06-01-04_A piece of her works
(More to see: the exhibition environment)

  06-02 Visiting Alice's graduation exhibition (B) ...

D06-02-01_The title of the entire exhibition D06-02-02_Papa in the exhibition hall
(More to see: other classmates' works)

  06-03 Walking in streets ...

D06-03-01_New York University D06-03-02_A typical food stand in streets
(More to see: more street scenes)

  06-04 Re-visiting High Line Park (last time 2013) ...

D06-04-01_A "Frame" artwork on High Line Park D06-04-02_A scene along the park
(More to see: scenes along High Line Park)

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