Introduction ---

Since my daughter Alice entered the School of Visual Art in New York (NY) in 2013, two years has passed, and now comes the day of her graduation, May 14, 2015.


On way to NY to attend her graduation ceremony, we also went to San Francisco (SF) for a short stay, visited a quiet and picturesque town, Sausalito, as well as part of downtown SF, all by a rented car.


Then, we flied to NY to attend Alice's graduation cenremony the next day and strolled in downtown NY in the remaining days. We returned to Taiwan on May 19.


Because we had visited NY two years ago when Alice entered the SVA, we did not have many impressive tours in NY this time. However, the greatest joy of this trip is that we saw Alice got her master's degree!.

(Picture above: my daughter Alice at her graduation exhibition)