Itinerary of 12 days ---


  Day 01 Day 02 Day 03 Day 04


  Day 05 Day 06 Day 07 Day 08


  Day 09 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12





Day 1 --- From_Taiwan_to_Seattle

01-01_Taoyuang_Airport  Þ

Before an artwork in Taoyuan Airport

01-01-01_Before an artwork in Taoyuan Airport


01-02_Seattle_Airport Þ

An artwork seen in Seattle Airport

01-02-01_An artwork seen in Seattle Airport



First night in Holiday Inn in Seattle

01-03-01_First night in Holiday Inn in Seattle


Big Mickey and little Mickey were with us

01-03-02_Big Mickey and little Mickey were with us


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Day 2 --- From Seattle to Pocatello

02-01_Seattle_Airport  Þ

Went to Seattle Airport again

02-01-01_Went to Seattle Airport again


02-02_First_Glance_at_Salt_Lake_City Þ

First glance at Salt Lake City

02-02-01_First glance at Salt Lake City


02-03_Winter_Olympic_Fields_at_Salt_Lake_City Þ

2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Park

02-03-01_2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Park


In front of main field in Univ. of Utah

02-03-02_In front of main field in Univ. of Utah


02-03-3 A shot of Meimei

02-03-03_A shot of Meimei


02-03-4 The entrance

02-03-04_The entrance


02-04_Utah_State_Capitol Þ

Utah State Capitol

02-04-01_Utah State Capitol


A statue seen at the Capitol

02-04-02_A statue seen at the Capitol


02-05_Countryside_Scenes Þ

Country side scene in Utah

02-05-01_Country side scene in Utah



2nd night in Red Lion Hotel in Pocatello

02-06-01_2nd night in Red Lion Hotel in Pocatello


Yellow narcissus flowers seen in the hotel

02-06-02_Yellow narcissus flowers seen in the hotel


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Day 3 --- From_Pocatello_to_Yellowstone

03-01_Morning_at_the_Hotel  Þ

Pretty morning scene at Red Lion

03-01-01_Pretty morning scene at Red Lion Hotel


A happy morning

03-01-02_A happy morning


Colorful cereal for breakfast

03-01-03_Colorful cereal for breakfast


03-02_On_Way_to_Yellowstone Þ

On way to Yellowstone

03-02-01_On way to Yellowstone 1


On way to Yellowstone

03-02-02 On way to Yellowstone 2


03-03_Old_Car_Parade_Seen_at_the_Park_Entrance Þ

Encountering an antique car festival at park entrance 1

03-03-01_Encountering an antique car festival at park entrance 1

Encountering an antique car festival at park entrance 2

03-03-02_Encountering an antique car festival at park entrance 2


03-04_Impressions_of_the_Yellowstone_Park  Þ

First impression of the park

03-04-01_First impression of the park


The park is natural and undisturbed

03-04-02_The park is natural and undisturbed


The park is the first of its kind in the world

03-04-03_The park is the first of its kind in the world


03-05_Mammoth_Hot_Springs_in_the_Park Þ

Eating hamburg as lunch

03-05-01_Eating hamburg as lunch


A funny stone (Liberty Cap) at Mammoth Hot Springs

03-05-02_A funny stone (Liberty Cap) at Mammoth Hot Springs


03-05-3 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 1

03-05-03_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 1


03-05-4 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 2

03-05-04_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 2


03-05-5 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 3

03-05-05_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Canary Spring scene 3


03-05-6 Mammoth Hot Springs --- A shot at Canary Spring

03-05-06_Mammoth Hot Springs --- A shot at Canary Spring


03-05-7 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Mound Terrace

03-05-07_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Mound Terrace


03-05-8 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Minerva Terrace

03-05-08_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Minerva Terrace


03-05-9 Mammoth Hot Springs --- Devil's Thumb

03-05-09_Mammoth Hot Springs --- Devil's Thumb


03-06_Norris_Geyser_Basin_in_the_Park Þ

03-06-1 Norris Geyser Basin --- Emerald Spring

03-06-01_Norris Geyser Basin --- Emerald Spring


03-06-2 Norris Geyser Basin --- Steam Boat Geyser

03-06-02_Norris Geyser Basin --- Steam Boat Geyser


03-06-3 A shot in Norris Geyser Basin

03-06-03_A shot in Norris Geyser Basin


03-07_West_Yellowstone_Street_Scenes Þ

03-07-1 Street scene of West Yellowstone where we stayed overnight

03-07-01_Street scene of West Yellowstone where we stayed overnight




03-08-1 The motel we stayed overnight

03-08-01_The motel we stayed overnight


03-08-2 We had dinner at Timber Line Restaurant

03-08-02_We had dinner at Timber Line Restaurant


03-08-3 Typical American food

03-08-03_Typical American food

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Day 4 --- In_Yellowstone_Park

04-01_Morning_at_Motel  Þ

04-01-1 Harley Motorcycles seen at the motel

04-01-01_Harley Motorcycles seen at the motel


04-01-2 Typical American breakfast

04-01-02_Typical American breakfast


04-02_Gibbon_Fall Þ

04-02-1 Gibbon Fall in the park

04-02-01_Gibbon Fall in the park


04-02-2 Our group guide

04-02-02_Our group guide


04-03_Elks_and_Scenery_Seen_on_the_Way Þ

04-03-1 Elks seen on the way

04-03-01_Elks seen on the way


04-03-2 A pretty scene on the way

04-03-02_A pretty scene on the way


04-03-3 What an easy mood in a wide atmosphere

04-03-03_What an easy mood in a wide atmosphere


04-04_Grand_Canyon_of_Yellowstone Þ

04-04-1 Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

04-04-01_Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

04-04-2 A closer look with Lower Fall in the distance

04-04-02_A closer look with Lower Fall in the distance

04-04-3 The part of the canyon in the opposite direction

04-04-03_The part of the canyon in the opposite direction


04-05_Bisons_Seen_on_the_Way Þ

04-05-1 Bison seen on the way

04-05-01_Bison seen on the way


04-05-2 All cars gave thw way to a crossing bison

04-05-02_All cars gave thw way to a crossing bison


04-05-3 A close encounter

04-05-03_A close encounter


04-05-4 What a harmonic scene

04-05-04_What a harmonic scene


04-05-5 A group of bisons drinking water

04-05-05_A group of bisons drinking water


04-05-6 A relaxing walk way

04-05-06_A relaxing walk way


04-06_Mud_Vocano_Area Þ

04-06-1 Mud Volcano area --- colorful grass around a pond

04-06-01_Mud Volcano area --- colorful grass around a pond


04-06-2 Mud Volcano area --- a lonely bison

04-06-02_Mud Volcano area --- a lonely bison


04-06-3 Mud Volcano area --- Dragon's mouth spring

04-06-03_Mud Volcano area --- Dragon's mouth spring


04-06-4 Mud Volcano area --- the vocano itself

04-06-04_Mud Volcano area --- the vocano itself


04-06-5 Mud Volcano area --- Grizzly Fumarole

04-06-05 _Mud Volcano area --- Grizzly Fumarole

04-06-6 A scene to find nowhere

04-06-06_A scene to find nowhere

04-07_Forest_Fires Þ

04-07-1 We encountered a forest fire fighting action

04-07-01_We encountered a forest fire fighting action


04-08_Lunch_at_Lake_Lodge_Cabins Þ

04-08-1 Lunch at Lake Lodge Cabins

04-08-01_Lunch at Lake Lodge Cabins


04-08-2 The outside view of Lake Lodge Cabins

04-08-02_The outside view of Lake Lodge Cabins


04-08-3 How relaxed a life here

04-08-03_How relaxed a life here


04-09_Yellowstone_Lake_Shore Þ

04-09-1 Yellowstone Lake shore 1

04-09-01_Yellowstone Lake shore 1


04-09-2 Yellowstone Lake shore 2

04-09-02_Yellowstone Lake shore 2


04-10_Old_Faithful_Geyser Þ

04-10-1 Old Faithful Geyser

04-10-01_Old Faithful Geyser


04-10-2 An interesting spectacle of observing people

04-10-02_An interesting spectacle of observing people


04-10-3 The geyser erupts surprisingly on predicted times for decades

04-10-03_The geyser erupts surprisingly on predicted times for decades


04-10-4 This is the main show in Yellowstone National Park

04-10-04_This is the main show in Yellowstone National Park


04-11_Midway_Geyser_Basin Þ

04-11-1 Midway Geyser Basin --- an overview

04-11-01_Midway Geyser Basin --- an overview


04-11-2 Midway Geyser Basin --- the environment

04-11-02_Midway Geyser Basin --- the environment


04-11-3 Midway Geyser Basin --- Turquoise Pool

04-11-03_Midway Geyser Basin --- Turquoise Pool

04-11-4 Midway Geyser Basin --- Opal Pool

04-11-04_Midway Geyser Basin --- Opal Pool


04-11-5 Midway Geyser Basin --- Grand Prismatic Spring

04-11-05_Midway Geyser Basin --- Grand Prismatic Spring


04-11-6 Midway Geyser Basin --- one more clearer look

04-11-06_Midway Geyser Basin --- one more clearer look


04-11-7 Midway Geyser Basin --- Excelsior Geyser Crater

04-11-07_Midway Geyser Basin --- Excelsior Geyser Crater



04-12-1 2nd night at West Yellowstone --- an old automobile

04-12-01_2nd night at West Yellowstone --- an old automobile


04-12-2 2nd night at West Yellowstone --- main street of the town

04-12-02_2nd night at West Yellowstone --- main street of the town


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Day 5 --- West_Yellowstone_to_Idaho_Falls

05-01_Second_Impression_of_Yellowstone  Þ

05-01-1 Impression of 2nd day - geysers everywhere

05-01-01_Impression of 2nd day - geysers everywhere


05-02_West_Thumb_Geyser_Basin Þ

05-02-1 West Thumb Geyser Basin --- scene 1

05-02-01_West Thumb Geyser Basin --- scene 1


05-02-2 West Thumb Geyser Basin --- scene 2

05-02-02_West Thumb Geyser Basin --- scene 2


05-02-3 West Thumb Geyser Basin --- the other lake side view

05-02-03_West Thumb Geyser Basin --- the other lake side view

05-03_Colter_Lake_of_Great_Teton_Park Þ

05-03-1 Colter Lake of Great Teton National Park

05-03-01_Colter Lake of Great Teton National Park


05-03-2 Colter Lake side 1

05-03-02_Colter Lake side 1


05-03-3 Colter Lake side 2

05-03-03_Colter Lake side 2


05-04_Teton_Range_&_Snake_River Þ

05-04-1 Teton Range seen from inside the bus

05-04-01_Teton Range seen from inside the bus


05-04-2 A sweet smile in front of a Teton Range and Snake River

05-04-02_A sweet smile in front of a Teton Range and Snake River


05-05_Jackson_Hole Þ

05-05-1 Jackson Hole town

05-05-01_Jackson Hole town


05-05-2 What is made of the park gate

05-05-02_What is made of the park gate


05-05-3 Old time memorial room seen in a shop

05-05-03_Old time memorial room seen in a shop


05-05-4 We visited America once again since 1995

05-05-04_We visited America once again since 1995



05-06_Way_to_Idaho State Þ

05-06-1 Way to Idaho State

05-06-01_Way to Idaho State


05-07_The City of Idaho_Falls Þ

05-07-1 A rest at downtown Idaho Falls City

05-07-01_A rest at downtown Idaho Falls City


05-07-2 The city name comes from these artificial falls

05-07-02_The city name comes from these artificial falls


05-07-3 I want to become one of them

05-07-03_I want to become one of them



05-08-1 We stayed in an Holiday Inn again

05-08-01_We stayed in an Holiday Inn again


05-08-2 We went to shop at a supermarket

05-08-02_We went to shop at a supermarket


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Day 6 --- From_Idaho_Falls_to_Salt_Lake_City

06-01_On_the_Way  Þ

06-01-1 On way to Salt Lake City (automatic water spray facility)

06-01-01_On way to Salt Lake City (automatic water spray facility)


06-01-2 Street car in Salt Lake City

06-01-02_Street car in Salt Lake City


06-02_Temple_Square Þ

06-02-1 TempleSquare --- headquarter of Mormonism Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

06-02-01_TempleSquare --- headquarter of Mormonism Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)


06-02-2 TempleSquare --- harmonic statues

06-02-02_TempleSquare --- harmonic statues


06-02-3 TempleSquare --- solemn statue of Jesus Christ

06-02-03_TempleSquare --- solemn statue of Jesus Christ


06-02-4 TempleSquare --- a volunteer missionary led us in the visit

06-02-04_TempleSquare --- a volunteer missionary led us in the visit


06-03_Bingham_Canyon_Mine Þ

06-03-1 Bingham Canyon Mine of copper

06-03-01_Bingham Canyon Mine of copper


06-03-2 A giant wheel of the mining truck

06-03-02_A giant wheel of the mining truck


06-04_Salt_Lake Þ

06-04-1 Salt Lake

06-04-01_Salt Lake


06-04-2 It is no good now

06-04-02_It is no good now



06-05-1 We stayed in Red Lion Hotel

06-05-01_We stayed in Red Lion Hotel


06-05-2 We had dinner in a Chinese restaurant

06-05-2 We had dinner in a Chinese restaurant


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Day 7 --- From_Salt_Lake_City_to_Pittsburgh

07-01_On_the_Way_&_Pittsburgh  Þ

07-01-1 Salt Lake Airport

07-01-01_Salt Lake Airport


07-01-2 We dropped out of tour group and flied to Pittsburgh

07-01-02_We dropped out of the tour group and flied to Pittsburgh


07-01-3 University of Pittsburgh

07-01-03_University of Pittsburgh


07-02_CMU_campus Þ

07-02-1 CMU campus scene 1

07-02-01_CMU campus scene 1


07-02-2 CMU campus scene 2

07-02-02_CMU campus scene 2


07-02-3 CMU campus scene 3

07-02-03_CMU campus scene 3


07-03_Hsin-Mu's_House Þ

07-03-1 Hsin-Mu's house

07-03-01_Hsin-Mu's house


07-03-2 A room of Hsin-Mu's house

07-03-02_A room of Hsin-Mu's house


07-03-3 Who are there

07-03-03_Who are there


07-03-4 Reception room of Hsin-Mu's house

07-03-04_Reception room of Hsin-Mu's house



07-04-1 We stayed in a hotel near CMU

07-04-01_We stayed in a hotel near CMU


07-04-2 Hsin-Mu treated us Japanese sushi dinner

07-04-02_Hsin-Mu treated us Japanese sushi dinner


07-04-3 Delicious



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Day 8 --- From_Pittsburgh_to_Niagara_Falls

08-01_Downtown_Pittsburgh  Þ

08-01-1 Downtown Pittsburgh

08-01-01_Downtown Pittsburgh


08-02_Prime_Outlets Þ

08-02-1 Shopping at Prime Outlets at Grove City

08-02-01_Shopping at Prime Outlets at Grove City


08-02-2 Discussing what to shop

08-02-02_Discussing what to shop


08-03_Way_to_Niagara_Falls Þ

08-03-1 Way to Niagara Falls

08-03-01_Way to Niagara Falls


08-03-2 We had dinner at a Wendy's

08-03-02_We had dinner at a Wendy's


08-04_Colored_Niagara_Falls_at_Night Þ

08-04-1 Colorful Niagara Falls 1

08-04-01_Colorful Niagara Falls 1


08-04-2 Colorful Niagara Falls 2

08-04-02_Colorful Niagara Falls 2


08-05_Foreworks_at_Niagara Þ

08-05-1 Fireworks over the falls 1

08-05-01_Fireworks over the falls 1


08-05-2 Fireworks over the falls 2

08-05-02_Fireworks over the falls 2




08-06-1 Stayed in Crowne Plaza Hotel

08-06-01_Stayed in Crowne Plaza Hotel



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Day 9 --- From_Niagara_Falls_to_Pittsburgh

09-01_Crowne_Hotel_Breakfast  Þ

09-01-1 Delicious breakfast

09-01-01_Delicious breakfast

09-02_American_Falls Þ

09-02-1 American Falls 1

09-02-01_American Falls 1


09-02-2 American Falls 2

09-02-02_American Falls 2


09-02-3 American Falls 3

09-02-03_American Falls 3


09-02-4 Maid of the Mist

09-02-04_Cruise boat 'Maid of the Mist'


09-03_Horseshoe_Falls Þ

09-03-1 The Horseshoe Falls

09-03-01_The Horseshoe Falls


09-03-2 Seen from the Maid of Mist

09-03-02_Seen from 'Maid of Mist'


09-04_Boating_on_Maid_of_the_Mist Þ

09-04-1 On Maid of the Mist

09-04-1 On 'Maid of the Mist'


09-04-2 So close and such a shock

09-04-2 So close and such a shock


09-05_Niagara_Falls_State_Park Þ

09-05-1 Niagara Falls State Park 1

09-05-01_Niagara Falls State Park 1


09-05-2 Niagara Falls State Park 2

09-05-02_Niagara Falls State Park 2


09-05-3 Niagara Falls State Park 3

09-05-03_Niagara Falls State Park 3


09-06_On_the_Way Þ

09-06-1 On way back to Pittsburgh

09-06-01_On way back to Pittsburgh


09-07-1 Lunch in Niagara Falls Park

09-07-1 Lunch in Niagara Falls Park


09-07-2 Dinner at eat'n Park in Prime Outlets

09-07-2 Dinner at Eat'n Park in Prime Outlets


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Day 10 --- A_Day_in_Pittsburgh

10-01_Morning_at_Pittsburgh  Þ

10-01-1 Breakfast at Einstein  Bros Bagels

10-01-01_Breakfast at Einstein Bros Bagels


10-01-2 First time to eat a bagel as breakfast

10-01-02_First time to eat a bagel as breakfast


10-02_On_the_Way Þ

10-02-1 On way to Fallingwater Museum

10-02-01_On way to Fallingwater Museum


10-02-1 Typical houses near Pittsburgh

10-02-02_Typical houses near Pittsburgh


10-03_Fallingwater Museum Þ

10-03-1 Hsin-Mu and Meimei

10-03-01_Hsin-Mu and Meimei


10-03-2 Mamma at a pathway in the garden

10-03-02_Mamma at a pathway in the garden


10-03-3 Against the house on the fall

10-03-03_Against the house on the fall


10-03-4 The ticket booth

10-03-04_The ticket booth


10-03-5 The water is reachable

10-03-05_The water is reachable


10-03-6 It is also in a forest (by Meimei)

10-03-06_It is also in a forest (by Meimei)


10-03-7 What is this

10-03-07_What is this


10-04_Night_Meal_at_Thai_Restaurant Þ

10-04-1 Dinner in a Thai Restaurant

10-04-01_Dinner in a Thai Restaurant


10-05-1 Took cable car of Duquesni Incline

10-05-01_Took cable car of Duquesni Incline


10-05-2 Night Scene seen at Duquesni Incline

10-05-02_Night Scene seen at Duquesni Incline


10-05-3 Interior of cable car

10-05-03_Interior of the cable car


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Days 11 & 12 --- On_Way_Back_to_Taiwan

                 (simple, no detailed category)

11-01-1 At Pittsburgh Airport

11-01-01_At Pittsburgh Airport

11-01-2 An AD of CMU at Pittsburgh Airport

11-01-02_An AD of CMU at Pittsburgh Airport


12-01-1 At LA  Airport (joining the tour group again)

12-01-01_At LA Airport (joining the tour group again)

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