Introduction ---

Visiting Yellowstone and Niagara Falls have been one of our goals of world travels after we returned to Taiwan in 1979. This summer our dream has come true.

Yellowstone is the first national park in the world. Established in 1872 and encompassing 2.2 million acres (~1/4 Taiwan), the park has more geysers (about 250 active ones amidst 10,000 thermal features) than anywhere. Situated atop a huge volcanic basin, Yellowstone is also known for its spectacular Grand Canyon, and is an open refuge for wildlife, including grizzly bear, elk, American bison, moose and wolf. We also visited Grand Teton National Park briefly on the way.

Niagara Falls are on the Niagara River, straddling Canada and the U.S. The falls are composed of two major sections separated by Goat Island: Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side and American Falls on the US side. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls also is located on the American side, separated from the main falls by Luna Island.

Finally, we went to visit Hsin-Mu in CMU. This is really a trip of satisfaction.

(Pictures below: Yellowstone National Park; below: Niagara Falls)

in Reina Sofia Art Center