Itinerary Highlight 7 ---



  Day 13, Day 14


Day 13 --- Columbus Circle and Central Park                                                                                                  Back to page top

13-01 Columbus Circle (A) --- The Park & Lunch

D13-01-01_The Statue of Columbus in the park of the Columbus Circle as seen from interior of Time Warner Center D13-01-02_We had pizza as lunch in Time Warner Center
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13-02 Columbus Circle (B) --- Time Warner Center

D13-02-01_The entrance hall of the Time Warner Center D13-02-02_A corner of the center
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13-03 Central Park (II) --- Vicinity near Park Entrance near W. 72nd St.

D13-03-01_A corner of the Central Park D13-03-02_A view of "The Lake" in the park
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13-04 Lunch in a Korean Restaurant

D13-04-01_We had lunch in a Korean restaurant D13-04-02_THe atmosphere and decoration was good
(More to see)

Day 14 --- Last Day in NY

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  14-01 Lunch

D14-01-01_Japanese food set D14-01-02_Noodle
(Might be too tired after so many days in NY, so no more photo was taken today)

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