Itinerary Highlight 6 ---



  Day 11, Day 12


Day 11 --- Meimei got enrolled into the SVA (School of Visual Arts)                                                                                                  Back to page top

11-01 Meimei's school --- SVA

D11-01-01_The main building of the SVC (209 E. 23rd St) D11-01-02_The building of Meimei's department (spot for class everyday; on the corner of 2nd St. & E. 22nd St.)
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11-02 Meimei's Dorm of SVA

D11-02-01_The interior of Meimei's room of SVA Dorm in Ludlow St. D11-02-02_A view looking outside from the window
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Day 12 --- 2nd-time Visit to Rockefeller Center

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  12-01 2nd-time Visit to Rockefeller Center (A) --- Climbing Up to Building Top (called Top of Rock)

D12-01-01_A ceiling painting in the hall (part of the mural painting "American Progress") by Jose Maria Sert, Spanish 1876-1945 (aged 69) (Neo-Baroque, late 19th century ~ early 20th century) D12-01-02_Magnificent ceiling decoration of the hall
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  12-02 2nd-time Visit to Rockefeller Center (B) --- Night Scenes seen from Top of Rock

D12-02-01_The Empire State Building is in the background D12-02-02_Sunset seen from the top of Rockefeller Building
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