Itinerary Highlight 3 ---



  Day 5, Day 6


Day 5 --- High Line                                                                                                   Back to page top

  05-01 On the way to & from High Line

D05-01-01_Breakfast we had in the hotel D05-01-02_The room we stayed for 10 days in the hotel

D05-01-03_Taco we had for today's lunch D05-01-04_A street (W. 14th St.) near High Line which we have passed
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  05-02 High Line(A) --- Scenes on the line

D05-02-01_A shot on the line (A) D05-02-02_A shot on the line (B)

D05-02-03_A shot on the line (C) D05-02-04_A shot on the line (D)
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  05-03 High Line (B) --- Pretty flowers and plants

D05-03-01_The line is built on the removed railroad way D05-03-02_Various pretty flowers and plants are grown on the line

D05-03-01a_There are many kinds of beautiful flowers D05-03-02a_The idea is very good
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  05-04 High Line (C) --- Scenes outside the line

D05-04-01_Hudson River and the New Jersey side can be seen D05-04-02_The structure of the walk line is two-story (facing W. 18th St.)
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  05-05 Dinner in E. 28th St.

D05-05-01_We had dinner in Maguro Sushi in E. 28th St. near the hotel we stayed D05-05-02_We ate many nigiri & magi
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Day 6 --- MoMA

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  06-01 MoMA (A) --- Way to, exterior, & interior

D06-01-01_Sign D06-01-02_Entrance

D06-01-03_Part of Interior D06-01-04_A church on the way to MoMA (Saint Thomas Episcopal Church)(in the 53rd St. near MoMA)
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  06-02 MoMA (B) --- Impressionism (印象派): Claude Monet, French, 1840–1926

D06-02-01_"Water Lilies" 1914-1926 D06-02-02_"Agapanthus" (百子蓮) 1914-1926

D06-02-03_"Water Lilies" c. 1920 (triptych) (1/3 of a triptych version) D06-02-04_"The Japanese Bridge" c. 1920-1922)
(More to see: other Monet's works)
(More to see: Western Art History)
(More to see: 9 best things to see in MoMA)

  06-03 MoMA (C) --- Cubism (立體派): Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881–1973

D06-03-01_"Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" 1907("The Young Ladies of Avignon")(one of 9 must-see's in MoMA) D06-03-02_"Girl with a Mandolin" 1910

D06-03-03_"Three Musicians" 1921 D06-03-04_"Girl before a Mirror" 1932
(More to see)

  06-04 MoMA (D) --- Fauvism (野獸派): Henri Matisse, French, 1869–1954

D06-04-01_"Dance" 1909 (one of 9 must-see's in MoMA) D06-04-02_Study for "Luxe, calme et volupte" 1904 ("Luxury, calm and voluptuousness 艷麗")

D06-04-03_"Woman on a High Stool (Germaine Raynal)" 1914 D06-04-04_"Bather" 1909
(More to see: Matisse's paintings)

  06-05 MoMA (E) --- Neo-impressionism, Post-impressionism & Art Nouveau (新藝術主義)

D06-05-01_"Evening, Honfleur" 1886 by Georges-Pierre Seurat, French 1859-1891 (Neo-impressionism) D06-05-02_"The Starry Night. Saint Remy" 1889 by Vincent van Gogh, Dutch 1853-1890 (Post-impressionism)

D06-05-03_"Still Life with Apples" 1895–98 by Paul Cezanne, French 1839-1906 (Post-impressionism) D06-05-04_"Still Life with Three Puppies" 1888 by Paul Gauguin, French 1848-1903 (Post-impressionism)
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 06-06 MoMA (F) --- Futurism (未來主義) & Synchomism (色彩交響主義)

D06-06-01_"Armored Train in Action" 1915 by Gino Severini, Italian 1883-1966 (Futurism} D06-06-02_“States of Mind II: The Farewells” 1911 by Umberto Boccioni, Italian 1982-1916 (Futurism)

D06-06-03_ "Swifts: Paths of Movement + Dynamic Sequences" 1913 by Giacomo Balla, Italian 1871-1958 (Futurism) D06-06-04_"Spring Synchromy" 1918 by Stanton MacDonald-Wright, American 1890-1973(Synchromism)
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 06-07 MoMA (G) --- Cubism, Synthetic Cubism, and Cubo-Futurism

D06-07-01_"Three Women" 1921-1922 by Fernand Leger, French 1881-1955 (Cubism) D06-07-02_Explanation of "Three Women"

D06-07-03_"Guitar, Bottle And Glass" 1914 by Juan Gris (Synthetic Cubism) D06-07-04_"Woman with Pails: Dynamic Arrangement" 1912-1913 by Kazimir Malevich, Russian 1878-1935 (Cubo-Futurism)
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 06-08 MoMA (H) --- Neoplaticism (新造型主義; De Stijl (The Style)) & Abstract Art (抽象藝術)

D06-08-01_"Composition with Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Gray" 1921 by Piet Mondrian, Dutch 1872-1944 (Neoplasticism) D06-08-02_"Simultaneous Counter Composition V" 1924 by Theo van Doesburg, Dutch 1883-1931 (Neoplasticism)

D06-08-03_"Composition in Oval with Color Planes 1" 1914 by Piet Mondrian, Dutch 1872-1944 (Neoplasticism) D06-08-04_"Painterly Architectonic" 1918 by Lyubov Popova, Russian, 1889-1924 (Abstract Art)
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 06-09 MoMA (I) --- Surrealism (超現實主義)

D06-09-01_"Diary Of A Seducer" 1929 by Arshile Gorky, American 1904-1948 (Surrealism) D06-09-02_"Hirondelle Amour" ("Swallow Love") 1933-1934 by Joan Miro, Spanish 1893-1983 (Surrealism)

D06-09-03_"Constellation with Five White and Two Black Forms: Variation 2" 1932 by Jean Arp, German-French 1886-1966 (Surrealism) D06-09-04_"Watching The Clock" 1958 by Kay Sage, American 1898-1963 (Surrealism)
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 06-10 MoMA (J) --- Pop Art (普普藝術)

D06-10-01_"Gold Marilyn Monroe" 1962 by Andy Warhol, American 1928-1987 (Pop Art) (one of 9 must-see's in MoMA) D06-10-02_"Girl with Ball" 1961 by Roy Lichtenstein, American 1923-1997 (Pop Art)

D06-10-03_"Campbell's Soup Cans" 1962 by Andy Warhol, American 1928-1987 (Pop Art) D06-10-04_"Pin-Up" 1961 by Richard Hamilton, British 1922-2011 (Pop Art)
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 06-11 MoMA (K) --- Metaphysical Art, Constructivism, Action Painting, Dadaism, Abstract expressionism, and others

D06-11-01_"The Song of Love" 1914 by Giorgio de Chirico, Italian 1888-1978 (Metaphysical art 形而上藝術) D06-11-02_"Non-Objective Painting" 1919 by Aleksandr Rodchenko, Russian, 1891–1956 (Constructivism 構成主義)

D06-11-03_"Number 1A" 1948 by Jackson Pollock, American 1912-1956 (Action Painting; Gestural Abstraction; Abstract Expressionism 行動繪畫)(one of 9 must-see's in MoMA) D06-11-04_"Network Of Stoppages" 1914 by Marcel Duchamp, French->American 1887-1968 (Dadaism 達達主義)

D06-11-05_"Bicycle Wheel" 1951 by Marcel Duchamp, French->American 1887-1968 (Dadaism 達達主義) (one of 9 must-see's in MoMA) D06-11-06_"Vir heroicus sublimis" 1950-1951 by Barnett Newman, American 1905-1970 (Abstract Expressionism)
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 06-12 MoMA (L) --- Lunch in the museum

D06-12-01_Meimei in the restaurant D06-12-02_The salad we ordered

D06-12-03_The environment of the restaurant D06-12-04_The garden of MoMA seen through the window of the restaurant
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 06-13 MoMA (M) --- Minimalism, Conceptual Art, & Hard Edge Painting

D06-13-01_"Triple Disk Red Metal Flake - Black Edge" 1966 by De Wain Valentine, American 1936- (Minimalism) D06-13-02_"Untitled (Stack)" 1967 by Donald Judd, American1928-1994 (Minimalism)

D06-13-03_"Untitled" 1969 by Dan Flavin, American 1933-1996 (Installation art) D06-13-04_"Colored Paper Images" 1976 (part I) by Ellsworth Kelly 1923-2015 (Hard Edge Painting)
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