09-13 (Extended) Metropolitan Museum of Art (L) --- Fauvism (野獸派), Expressionism (表現主義), Post-Impressionism (後印象派), Symbolism (象徵主義), &
Intimism (家庭室內情景描繪畫派) |
D09-13-07_"Head of A Woman" again |
D09-13-08_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-09_"Seated Odalisque" again |
D09-13-10_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-11_"Springtime" again |
D09-13-12_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-13_"Nasturtiums with the painting 'Dance' I" again |
D09-13-14_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-15_A detailed part of "Springtime" |
D09-13-16_A scene of the exhibition space of the blue-period painting of Picasso |
D09-13-17_"Portrait Of Serena Lederer" again |
D09-13-18_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-19_"Mada Primavesi" again |
D09-13-20_A comment on the left painting |
D09-13-21_Another detailed part of the painting "The Album" |
D09-13-22_A comment on the painting "The Album" |