Introduction ---


The last time when I visited New York (NY) is in 1976 during my stay in the USA seeking for the PhD degree. After 40 years, I visited New York again. This time I with my wife Chih-Hua accompanied my daughter Wan-Jung to come to Manhattan, NY for her to seek a master's degree at the School of Visual Arts.


NY, especially its heart, Manhattan, is regarded as a core of the USA's "melting pot" of people in the world, or a good place for seeking an "American dream." It is also considered as the "capital of arts" in the world.


We spent 14 days in Manhattan and visited as many famous sightseeing sides as possible, staying in two hotels, one for 10 days and the other for two days. The remaining two days were used for back-and-forth travelling on plane.


The overall impression is that NY is really a city of cultures and arts, full of variety which cannot be completely visited in a short time. And two years later we will come again when Meimei graduates and gets her degree of Master of art.  

(Left: my daughter on a high floor of the Empire State Building)