A Trip around Russia and Baltic Nations

8-5~19, 2002

A view of Peterhof (Summer Palace) from the upper garden

West Russia Map and our tour route

A Russian doll

Paintings of Monet  --- Lady in the Garden --- seen in The Hermitage Museum

Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Red Square





A statue "Psyche & Cupid in love with her" in Estorian Art Museum


A beauty in front of the painting of another


Meimei and the star dogs in the circus show in Moscow


A marble sculpture by Antonio Canova --- The Three Graces


A statue in lower garden of Peterhof in Petersburg




A star in the circus show seen in Moscow



Island Castle in Lithuania

Trinity_St. Sergius Monastery in the Golden Ring near Moscow

A view of the back of the Peterhof Palace in Petersburg

Skyline seen from Kiek in de Kok in Tallinn.


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