Detailed Highlight ---


D13-06 (Extended) Review of memorable water scenery (回味感動水景) --- D. Panoramic images seen in city tours (all days)

D13-06-13_Flying northward to Alta (北飛阿爾塔) --- Visiting Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta (from D06-02-06a, Day 6, NORWAY)

D13-06-14_Uspenski Cathedral (Uspenskin katedraali) (烏斯本斯基大教堂) ---_A wider view of the church (from D09-04-10a, Day 9, FINLAND)

D13-06-15_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- An overview of the Blue Hall (from D10-07-08g, Day 10, SWEDEN)

D13-06-16_Stockholm City Hall (Stadshus) (斯德哥爾摩市政廳) --- A panoramic view of the embroidery painting set (from D10-09-08, Day 10, SWEDEN)

D13-06-17_Christiansborg Palace (Christiansborg Slot) (克里斯蒂安堡宮) --- A panoramic view of the palacet (from D11-06-08a, Day 11, SWEDEN)
