Itinerary ---

Day 1 --- 1.1 Taipei Taoyuan Airport Þ 1.2 Flying to Nepal (via Hong Kong Airport and Dhaka Airport) Þ 1.3 Soaltee Crown Plaza Hotel, Kathmandu

Day 2 --- 2.1 Crown Plaza Hotel Þ 2.2 Flying to Bharatpur Airport Þ 2.3 Baghmara Wildlife Resort (near Chitwan National Park) Þ 2.4 Ox cart ride Þ 2.5 Sunset at Rapti River side Þ 2.6 Folk dance show night

Day 3 --- 3.1 Elephant ride Þ 3.2 Downtown Sauraha strolling Þ 3.3 Rest at Baghmara Wildlife Resort Þ 3.4 Canoe ride on Rapti River Þ 3.5 Wild forest exploration Þ 3.6 Sauraha Elephant Breeding Center Þ 3.7 Way back to the resort


Riding elephants to explore wildness in Chitwan National Park

Day 3 --- 3.1 Elephant ride (exploring wildness in Citwan National Park)


Day 4 --- 4.1 Way to Pokhara (by bus) Þ 4.2 Check-in at Pokhara Grande Hotel (Chih-Hua got sick and stayed in the hotel) Þ 4.3 Tashi Ling Tibetan Village Þ 4.4 Gupteswor Cave nearby Þ 4.5 Deviˇ¦s Fall

Day 5 --- 5.1 Sunrise at Sarangkot Top Þ 5.2 Boating in Fewa Lake Þ 5.3 Varahi Mandir (Barahi Temple) for God Ganesh at the lake center Þ 5.4 Ratna Mandir (royal summer palace) Þ 5.5 Shopping in Baidam Street at the lakeside

Day 6 --- 6.1 Flying to Kathmandu again Þ 6.2 Bodhnath Stupa (largest Buddha tower) Þ 6.3 Downtown Kathmandu Þ 6.4 Pashupatinath (the largest temple for worshiping God Shiva) Þ 6.5 Way to Nagarkot (a high-land village near Kathmandu) Þ 6.6 Hotel Country Villa Þ 6.7 Sunset at Nagakort

Day 7 --- 7.1 Sunrise at Nagakort Þ 7.2 Blocking roads to get rewards (allowed only in Todayˇ¦s Shiva festival) 7.3 Bhaktapur (visiting city streets and four squares --- 7.3.1 Streets, 7.3.2 Dattatraya, 7.3.3 Traumadhi, 7.3.4 Pottery, and 7.3.5 Durbar Squares) Þ 7.4 Soaltee Crown Plaza Hotel Þ 7.5 Hanuman-dhoka Durbar Square at Kathmandu (7.5.1 Kasthamandap, 7.5.2 Kamuri, 7.5.3 Square scenes) Þ 7.6 Local-meal dinner and folk dance


Durbar Square at Bhaktapur

Day 7 --- 7.3.4 Durbar Square at Bhaktapur


Day 8 --- 8.1 Swayambhunath (2nd largest Buddha tower) Þ 8.2 Patan City Þ 8.3 Mahabuddha (thousand-Buddha tower) Þ 8.4 Durbar Square in Patan Þ 8.5 Shopping in Thamel Þ 8.6 Lunar New Year Eve Dinner

Day 9 --- 9.1 Kathmandu Airport and Way home
