World Heritage Sites of Historic Centre of Macao ---  

            The UNESCO-approved world heritage, the Historic Centre of Macao, is made up of two separated core zones, each surrounded by a buffer zone. (Note: the numbering below is based on the order of our visits to them; parenthesized numbers at the ends are those in the official map)


Map of Macau

(click titles to see pictures; click icon at right to see map )

1. Leal Senado Building (民政總署大樓)(#11)

2. Senado Square (議事亭前地)(#12)

3. Holy House of Mercy (仁慈堂大樓)(#14)

4. St. Dominic's Church (玫瑰堂)(#17)

5. Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady (大堂(主教座堂))(#15)

6. Lou Kau Mansion (盧家大屋)(#16)

7. Ruins of St. Paul's (大三巴牌坊)(#18)

8. Mount Fortress (大砲台)(#21)

9. Na Tcha Temple (哪吒廟)(#19)

10. Section of the Old City Walls (舊城牆遺址)(#20)

11. St. Anthony's Church (聖安東尼教堂)(#22)

12. Sam Kai Vui Kun (Kuan Tai Temple) (三街會館(關帝廟))(#13)

13. A-Ma Temple (媽閣廟)(#01)

14. Moorish Barracks (港務局大樓)(#02)

15. Lilau Square (亞婆井前地)(#03)

16. Mandarin's House (鄭家大屋)(#04)

17. St. Lawrence's Church (聖老楞佐教堂)(#05)

18. St. Joseph's Seminary and Church (聖若瑟修院及聖堂)(#06)

19. Dom Pedro V Theatre (崗頂劇院)(#08)

20. St. Augustine's Church (聖奧斯定教堂)(#10)

21. St. Augustine's Square (崗頂前地)(#07)

22. Sir Robert Ho Tung Library (何東圖書館大樓)(#09)

23. Guia Fortress (including Guia Chapel & Guia Lighthouse) (東望洋砲台)(#25)

24. Casa Garden (東方基金會會址)(#23)

25. Old Protestant Cemetery and the old headquarters of the British East Indies Company (picture shown: Morrison Chapel aside) (基督教墳場)(#24)


(related links: panoramic images)