Itinerary (main spots) ---



     Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5


Day 1 --- Set out and Ureshino Onsen (出發與嬉野溫泉)

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Taoyuan Airport ®  Fukuoka Airport

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01-01-01 A 12 signs of birth board at Taoyuan Airport

01-02A Ureshino Onsen - Wataya Besou Resort (嬉野溫泉 --- 和多屋別莊) --- The room we stayed

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01-02A-01 In front of the room we stayed in

01-02B Ureshino Onsen - Wataya Besou Resort (嬉野溫泉 --- 和多屋別莊) --- Dinner (晚宴)

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01-02B-01 A set of delicate Japanese food

01-02C Ureshino Onsen - Wataya Besou Resort (嬉野溫泉 --- 和多屋別莊) --- Environment

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01-02C-01 There are Japanese gardens in this old hotel (actually a big resort)

01-02D Ureshino Onsen - Wataya Besou Resort (嬉野溫泉 --- 和多屋別莊) --- Front yard & a glance of Ureshino City

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01-02D-01 The front yard is also full of Japanese garden flavor

Day 2 --- Yanagawa Canal, Kikuchi Glen, and Kumamoto-jo Castle (柳川運河、菊池溪谷與熊本城)

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02-01 On the way to Yanagawa Canal (柳川運河)

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02-01-01 On the way to Yanagwa Canal

02-02A Yanagawa_Canal (柳川運河) --- scenes on the water

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02-02A-01 We rode manpowered boats in Yanagawa Canal

02-02B Yanagawa_Canal (柳川運河) --- appearance of the boat we took

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02-02B-01 We rode a man-powered boat in Yanagawa Canal

02-03 Lunch at Oohigasi Restaurant (大東屋) beside the canal

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02-03-01 We had delicious eel "bendou" in Oohigashi Restaurant (うなぎの大東) near the Canal

02-04 On the way to and at the entrance of Kikuchi Glen (菊池溪谷)

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02-04-01 A creek seen on the way

02-05A Kikuchi Glen (菊池溪谷) --- Tengu-Taki (天狗瀑布)

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A short sightseeing at Budai fishing Port

02-05A-01 Tengu-Taki (天狗瀑布) in Kikuchi Glen

02-05B Kikuchi Glen (菊池溪谷) --- Reimei-Taki (黎明瀑布)

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02-05B-01 Reimei-Taki (黎明瀑布) in Kikuchi Glen

02-05C Kikuchi Glen (菊池溪谷) --- Picturesque scenes along the glen

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02-05C-01 A picturesque scene along the glen

02-06A Kumamoto-jo Castle (熊本城) --- The main castle

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01-06A-01 The main building of Kumamoto-jo Castle (熊本城)

02-06B Kumamoto-jo Castle (熊本城) --- The large courtyard

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01-06B-01 An old-time soldier --- me!

02-06C Kumamoto-jo Castle (熊本城) --- The environment

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01-06C-01 An gorgeous room of the shogun (the ancient general)

02-07 Kumamoto City (熊本市) --- City views & the hotel

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02-07-01 A street car seen in Kumamoto City

Day 3 --- Yanagawa Canal, Kikuchi Glen, and kumamoto_Shima Castle (柳川運河、菊池溪谷與熊本城)

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03-01 Kumamoto Station (熊本車站) --- A shop and Kumamon

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03-01-01 Kumamon in front of a shop at the station

03-02A Taking Hitoyoshi steam train (乘坐SL人吉號火車) --- the locomotive

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03-02A-01 Hitoyoshi steam train

03-02B Taking Hitoyoshi steam train (乘坐SL人吉號火車) --- The inner environment

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03-02B-01 I am a train conductor

03-02C Taking Hitoyoshi steam train (乘坐SL人吉號火車) --- Stops at small stations

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03-02C-01 In front of a small station

03-02D Taking Hitoyoshi steam train (乘坐SL人吉號火車) --- Scenic river (沿途河川勝景)

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03-02D-01 A river scene seen along the rail

03-02E Taking Hitoyoshi steam train (乘坐SL人吉號火車) --- Lunch

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03-02E-01 Pretty lunch box we had

03-03A Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮) --- The entrance

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03-03A-01 The entrance of the temple

03-03B Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮)--- Praying in front of the main shrine

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03-03B-01 Praying at main shrine

03-03C Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮)--- the buildings

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03-03C-01 A large side building --- 神樂殿

03-03D Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮)--- Details of culture

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03-03D-01 Nationally assigned important cultural property (國指定重要文化財) --- 祈願札御納所的放置箱

03-03E Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮)--- Environment

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03-03E-01 In the garden of the temple with huge trees

03-03F Kirishimajingu (霧島神宮)--- Potted Chrysanthemum Exhibition

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03-03F-01 A potted chrysanthemum on a wooden branch

03-04A Hotel Kyocera (京瓷旅館) --- the hotel environment

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03-04A-01 Kyocera Hotel (one of two connected buildings)

03-04B Hotel Kyocera (京瓷旅館) --- A church inside the hotel for wedding

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A pretty church inside Kyocera Hotel

03-04B-01 A pretty church in the Hotel

Day 4 ---  Soginotaki Park, Kumamoto_Shima Castle, and Boat Cruise in Hakata Bay (曽木滝公園熊本城與 博多灣遊船)

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04-01A Soginotaki Falls & Park (曽木の滝と公園) --- The falls

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04-01-01 Soginotaki Falls

04-01B Soginotaki Falls & Park (曽木の滝と公園) --- in front of apricot trees  (在杏樹前)

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04-01-02 Under an apricot tree

04-01C Soginotaki Falls & Park (曽木の滝と公園) --- strolling through a flood tunnel(疏洪道口)

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04-01-03 At a flood tunnel hole

04-01D Soginotaki Falls & Park (曽木の滝と公園) --- strolling around a small old temple

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04-01-04 Before an old small temple

04-01E Soginotaki Falls & Park (曽木の滝と公園) --- good scenes along the river

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04-01E-01 A scene seen at the exit of the flood tunnel

04-02 Lunch --- 旬之釜飯(junn no kamameshi)(じゅんのかまめし)

(旬=應時)(まどか レスドラン)

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04-02-01 Lunch-kamameshi

04-03 Kumamoto City (熊本市) --- a glance at the city

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04-03-01 A Hakata Bay night scene

04-04A Hilton Hotel --- A church in the hall of the hotel

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04-04A-01 A church in the hall of the hotel

04-04B Hilton Hotel --- A huge toy landscape

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04-04B-01 A big toy landscape

04-05A Hakata Bay cruise --- before the cruise

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04-05A-01 Before boat cruise

04-05B Hakata Bay cruise --- onboard

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04-05-02 On the boat

Day 5 ---  Dazaifu_shi City, Hakata Canal Mall and Hukuoka Airport (太宰府、博多運河城、福崗機場)

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05-01A Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- the old street leading to the temple

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05-01-01 An Old street leading to the temple

05-01B Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- pretty garden

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05-01-02 Pretty garden in the temple area

05-01C Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- The main shrine in the temple

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05-01C-01 The main shrine in the temple

05-01D Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- Means to pray for blessings

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05-01D-04 Holding the cow to gain wisdom

05-01E Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- The inner garden

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05-01-05 Kimono-wearing visitors

05-01F Dazaifu Tenman_gu Temple (太宰府 天滿宮 だざいふ てんまんぐう) --- Various relics

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05-01-05 Small temples at the backyard

05-02A Hakata Canal Mall (博多カネル) --- Lunch at this restaurant

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05-02A-01 Good taste lunch here

05-02B Hakata Canal Mall (博多カネル) --- A courtyard

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05-02B-01 A courtyard in the mall

05-03 Hukuoka Airport (福岡機場)

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05-03-01 Fukuoka Airport