A 5-Day Tour in Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, Japan in 2015

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Summary of This Trip --- Slide show

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1st Day ---  Setout to Osaka (搭日航出發至大阪)
1st Day - 08_31 出發與抵達
2nd Day --- Sightseeing in Osaka(遊大阪)
2nd Day --- 09_01 遊大阪
3rd Day --- Sightseeing in Kobe)(遊神戶)
3rd Day --- 09_02 遊神戶
4th Day --- Sightseeing in Kyoto(遊京都1)
4th Day --- 09_03 遊京都(1)
5th Day --- Sightseeing in Kyoto(遊京都2)
5th Day --- 09_04 遊京都(2)