Day 4 --- 02 Amber Fort

A blend of Hindu and Mughal architecture, Amber Fort was the ancient citadel of the ruling Kachhawa clan of Amber, constructed by Raja Man Singh I in 1592 & completed by Sawai Jai Singh I who also built Jaipur.

(slide changes every 7 seconds; click image to see larger version)

01 Family Pictures
01 Family Pictures
02 Exterior scenes
02 Exterior scenes
03 Front courtyard
03 Front courtyard
04 Second Courtyard
04 Second Courtyard
05 Third Courtyard
05 Third Courtyard
06 Sukh Niwaa
06 Sukh Niwaa
07 Sheesh Mahal
07 Sheesh Mahal
08 Fourth Courtyard
08 Fourth Courtyard