Itinerary Highlight 3 ---


Day 06 - 08 -- Tatra mountains + Bratislava, Slovakia (10.11~10.13)


  Day 6, Day 7, Day 8


Day 6 (2nd half) --- Tatra Mts. National Park in Slovakia                                                                                                        Back to page top

  06-06 Entering Slovakia with temperature 1oC

D06-06-01-Houses of Slovakia are similar to those of Poland with less complicated roof structures D06-06-02-It was snowing under the temperature of 1oC when we entered Slovakia
(more to see)

  06-07 Arriving at Grand Hotel Kempinski at High Tatras

D06-07-01_A shot against falling snow D06-07-02_Everybody was excited by the snowing environment
(more to see --- photos: snowing scenes when arriving)
(more to see --- video 1: the hotel entrance in snow)
(more to see --- video 2: the hotel entrance in snow)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

  06-08 Grand Hotel Kempinski (I) --- hotel environment

D06-08-01_Reception Hall of the hotel where we stayed overnight D06-08-02_A colorful flower painting on the wall of the stairway
(more to see)

  06-09 Grand Hotel Kempinski (II) --- dinner and breakfast

D06-09-01_The magnificent dinning hall of the hotel D06-09-02_The main dish we had for dinner
(more to see)

  06-10 Grand Hotel Kempinski (III) --- snowing backyard and lake side

D06-10-01_A lake-side view D06-10-02_A backyard path
(more to see--- photos: the lakeside and backyard in snow)
(more to see --- video: the lakeside and backyard in snow)
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Day 7 --- Tatra mountains + 2-B City + Bratislava, Slovakia

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  07-01 Lake Geneva beside Grand Hotel Kempinski (I) --- wonderland-like scenes against Tatra mountains

D07-01-01_An image of Tatra Mts. taken before dawn D07-01-02_Another image of Tatra Mts. taken before dawn

D07-01-03_An image of Tatra Mts. taken after dawn D07-01-04_Another image of Tatra Mts. taken after dawn

D07-01-05_An image of Tatra Mts. when fog was coming D07-01-06_Another image with more fog appeared
(more to see--- photos: Tatra mts. views before dawn)
(more to see --- video 1: Tatra mts. views taken before dawn in the hotel room)
(more to see --- video 2: Tatra mts. views taken after dawn in the hotel room)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

  07-02 Strolling around Lake Geneva in the morning

D07-02-01_On the around-lake path D07-02-02_A lake side with grass
(more to see--- photos: shots around Lake Geneva)
(more to see --- video: Fog coming gradually to cover Tatra mts.)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

  07-03 On way to Bratislava --- lunch at 2-B City (Banska Bystrica)

D07-03-01_At the restaurant whose architecture is classic D07-03-02_The main dish we had (tasted no good)
(more to see)

  07-04 Strolling in Banska Bystrica (I) --- Main Square

D07-04-01_City center scene 1 --- main square D07-04-02_City center scene 2 --- black death monument
(more to see)

  07-05 Strolling in Banska Bystrica (II) --- Streets and lanes

D07-05-01_An easy time of visiting a beautiful lane near the square D07-05-02_A street connected to the square
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 07-06 Arriving at Bratislava (Capital of Slovakia) --- hotel staying, dinner, and shopping in the 1st night

D07-06-01_We stayed overnight in Sheraton Hotel in downtown D07-06-02_The dessert we had for dinner

D07-06-03_We had a short shopping at a neighboring mall "Eurovia" D07-06-04_We bought several packs of local tea and chocolate with brands of Mistral & Figaro, respectively
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Day 8 (1st half) ---  Bratislava, Slovakia
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 08-01 Bratislava Castle & surrounds (I) --- castle structures (1st "must-visit" site of five in Bratislava)

D08-01-01_Bratislave Castle (1st "must-visit" site of five in the city; built in 9th–18th century; rebuilt in 1956-1964) D08-01-02_In front of the Gothic-style old Sigmund's Gate (built in 15th century)
(more to see)

 08-02 Bratislava Castle & surrounds (II) --- Bridge of Slovak National Uprising & Danube River

D08-02-01_Most Slovenskeho narodneho povstania (English: Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising), commonly referred to as Most SNP or the UFO Bridge (with its top like a UFO)(once selected as one of 10th most beautiful scenes in the world) D08-02-02_An overlook at Danube River which goes through more than 10 middle European countries
(more to see)

 08-03 Bratislava Castle & surrounds (III) --- lanes and alleys on way to old town area

D08-03-01_A typical European lane scene D08-03-02_Embassy of a nation with no territory (name of the nationa: Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta)
(more to see)

 08-04 St. Martins Church (2nd "must-visit" site in Bratislava)

D08-04-01_St. Martins Church, known especially for being the coronation church of the Kingdom of Hungary between 1563 and 1830 D08-04-02_A shot from a lateral direction
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 08-05 Church of Order of St. Clare (1302) (also called the Clarissine Church (Slovak: Kostol klarisiek))

D08-05-01_The Clarissine Church (Slovak: Kostol klarisiek) is a former Catholic church, belonging to the complex of the convent of the Poor Clares. D08-05-02_The Gothic-style church seen from a lane; it is currently used as a concert and exhibition hall
(more to see)

 08-06 Bratislava Town Hall and surrounds (3rd "must-visit" site in Bratislava)

D08-06-01_Bratislava's Town Hall erected in the 14th–15th centuries and now hosting the Bratislava City Museum and the seat of the Mayor of Bratislava. D08-06-02_St. George Statue in the courtyard of the Primate's Palace (Primacialny palac) in the town hall which is a Neoclassical style palace built between 1778-1781 for the local Archbishop Jozsef Batthyany.
(more to see)

 08-07 The Old Town Hall (4th "must-visit" site in Bratislava)

D08-07-01_The Old Town Hall seen from the Main Square (a complex of buildings from the 14th century in the Old Town of Bratislava) D08-07-02_The tower beside the hall seen from another direction (the right side in the image is the Main Square in front of the hall)
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 08-08 Strolling around the Main Square in the Old Town (I)

D08-08-01_A shot with "Napoleon," a statue in the Main Square D08-08-02_A street art: Man at Work ("Cumil")
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 08-09 Strolling around the Main Square in the Old Town (II)

D08-09-01_Strolling in lanes and alleys of Bratislava (the end of the lane is the Saint Michael Gate and Tower) D08-09-02_A statue of musician and pianist Franz Liszt (1811-1886) who visited Bratislava 15 times
(more to see: photos)
(more to see: video --- street car running)

 08-10 The story of St. Elizabeth of Hungary --- Miracle of the Roses (her statues are everywhere)

D08-10-01_A statue of St. Elizabeth of Hungary affixed on the wall of St. Martins Church

(Elizabeth was a princess of the Kingdom of Hungary. She was married at the age of 14, and widowed at 20.(cont'd in the caption of the right image))
D08-10-02_A statue of St. Elizabeth of Hungary in the courtyard of a mansion
(After her husband's death she regained her dowry by which she built a hospital to serve the sick. She became a symbol of Christian charity after her death at the age of 24 and was quickly canonized.)
(Link: the story of the "Miracle of the Roses")
(more to see: statues everywhere)

 08-11 The Little Blue Church (St. Elizabeth Church)

D08-11-01_Exterior D08-11-02_Interior
(more to see)

 08-12 Lunch, book-buying, and moving to Hungary

D08-12-01_A shot with the guide Mr. Tieh-Niu Rong (榮鐵牛) and a group member Mr. Lee (李) D08-12-02_I and Mr. Lee both bought a Bratislava tour book written and sold by Mr. Rong
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We did not see the 5th "must-visit" site in Bratislava, which is Franciscan Church (Frantiskansky Kostol)

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