Itinerary Highlight 2 ---

Day 04 - 06 -- Krakow + Zakopane, Poland (10.09~10.11)


  Day 4, Day 5, Day 6


Day 4 --- Krakow, Poland (I)                                                Back to page top

  04-01 On way to Krakow (old Poland capital not destroyed in WW II)

D04-01-01_Our group leader Minmin (王聿民) D04-01-02_A train seen in our train on the way
(more to see --- photos: station and train appearances)
(more to see --- video 1: a train seen on way)
(more to see --- video 2: the train taken by us)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

  04-02 First views of Krakow (I) --- Krakow Station & Gallery

D04-02-01_Krakow Gallery, which is a mall, is connected to the train station D04-02-02_A composed photo obtained free in the gallery
(more to see)

  04-03 Barbican and walls of Krakow Old Town

D04-03-01_A barbican D04-03-02_A wall
(more to see)

   04-04 On way to enjoying lunch

D04-04-01_A special soup bowl made of bread D04-04-02_Street car with electric cable seen on way
(more to see)

   04-05 Wieliczka Salt Mine (a UNESCO site) (I) --- Mine environment

D04-05-01_Appearance of a mine path (mining started from 13th century) D04-05-02_Mining by horse power using rope rotation techniques (now a UNESCO site)
(more to see: photos)
(more to see: a video --- Chopin's music played above a salt mine pond)

   04-06 Wieliczka Salt Mine (a UNESCO site) (II) --- Art of Salt Sculpture

D04-06-01_A surprising large-space church sculptured from a salt mine D04-06-02_An example of salt sculpture
(more to see)

04-07 Hotel and on-way observations

D04-07-01_Radisson Hotel, Krakow (photo downloaded from website of DMC, Poland) D04-07-02_A tourist carriage seen on way to the hotel
(more to see)

Day 5 --- Krakow, Poland (II)                                                  Back to page top

 05-01 Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp (I) --- Auschwitz part: exterior appearances

D05-01-01_Gate of Auschwitz Camp ("Arbeit Macht Frei" => work sets free) D05-01-02_Camp houses (This camp is for higher-level criminals)
(more to see)

 05-02 Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp (II) --- Auschwitz part: interior exhibitions

D05-02-01_Starving conditions of the prisoners (Starvation was the main cause of deaths of the prisoners) D05-02-02_The daily food (only 1500-1700 calorie, insufficient for 11-hour work daily; most prisoners died without other food sources)
(more to see)

 05-03 Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp (III) --- Birkenau part: environment

D05-03-01_The gate house of the Birkenau camp D05-03-02_An overview of the camp environment
(more to see)

 05-04 Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp (IV) --- Birkenau part: others

D05-04-01_A stele in English saying 1.5 million people were killed D05-04-02_Photos showing people who were sent into the gas chamber for death execution
(more to see)

 05-05 Lunch at a restaurant nearby

D05-05-01_Our group at the table D05-05-02_The outer appearance of the restaurant is Polish-style
(more to see)

 05-06 Wawel Castle (I) --- exterior environment

D05-06-01_A look of the castle from far D05-06-02_The Wawel Dragon is a famous dragon in Polish folklore.

D05-06-03_Our group in front of the dragon D05-06-04_Entering the interior of the castle.
(more to see: photos)
(more to see --- video: Charizard (fire-spitting dragon))
(Use IE to see videos directly)

 05-07 Wawel Castle (II) --- interior environment

D05-07-01_Wawel Cathedral at a corner of the castle yard D05-07-02_A look of the inner courtyard of the royal Renaissance palace
(more to see A: interior)
(more to see B: inner + outer)

 05-08 On way to and in proxy of the old town

D05-08-01_On the way to the old town D05-08-02_A pretty house carriage for sightseeing seen on the way
(more to see)
(more to see --- video: a street car )
(Use IE to see videos directly)

 05-09 Main Market Square --- looking around (a UNESCO site rated in 2013 by Lonely Planet travel guides as the most beautiful in the world)

D05-09-01_View 1 --- Pretty street buildings D05-09-02_view 2 --- Gothic Saint Maria Church

D05-09-03_View 3 --- Cloth Hall D05-09-04_view 4 --- Adam Mickiewicz statue

D05-09-05_View 5 --- St Mary's Church D05-09-06_view 6 --- Colorful houses at a side of the square
(more to see)

 05-10 Main Market Square --- observed scenes and activities in the square

D05-10-01_Around-square cafe with simple fireplaces D05-10-02_A group of sightseeing carriages for rent
(more to see)

 05-11 Night scenes

D05-11-01_The Cloth Hall seen at night D05-11-02_The St Mary's Church seen at night
(more to see)

 05-12 Shopping and Dinner

D05-12-01_We strolled in a shop street inside the Cloth Hall D05-12-02_The soup we had for dinner (the main dish, Italian noodle, is not tasteful)

D05-12-03_A piece of traditional Polish pottery, a bowl with a cover for sugar, bought in the shop street in the Cloth Hall D05-12-04_The underground dinning room of the restaurant serving our dinner
(more to see)

Day 6 (1st half) --- Zakopane, Poland                            Back to page top

06-01 On way to Zakopane (I) --- Polish-style houses

D06-01-01_Polish-style houses seen on way with very slanted roofs D06-01-02_Some other houses seen on way to Zakopane in south Poland at the foot of the Tatra Mountains
(more to see)

06-02 On way to Zakopane (II) --- Views and shopping at a rest area

D06-02-01_A countryside seen from the bus we took D06-02-02_Another countryside seen from the bus

D06-02-03_A shop at a rest area where we stopped for a while D06-02-02_Two little leather charms we bought at the shop

06-03 Lunch at Zakopane, Poland

D06-03-01_We ate bread with pork lard D06-03-02_The fireplace of the traditionally decorated restaurant where we had lunch
(more to see: meals and dessert for the lunch)

06-04 Taking a mountain train up to Gubalowka & strolling before and after

D06-04-01_The mountain train tracks D06-04-02_The exterior of the train
(more to see: photos --- strolling around before and after)
(more to see: video --- the mountain train taken by us)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

  06-05 Strolling in the mountain area in a snowy & foggy condition

D06-05-01_In front of a strange-shaped cafe which is closed D06-05-02_The weather is foggy and snowy
(more to see: photos --- strolling in a foggy and snowy street on the mountain)
(more to see: video --- scenes seen on the foggy mountain top)
(Use IE to see videos directly)

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