
A 13-day Trip to Croatia, Slovenia, and Montenegro

Aug. 18~30, 2011



Day 1: On the Way to East Europe

1.      Today’s trip:

Taiwan Þ Hong Kong Þ Munich (Germany) Þ ...(on plane) (Þ: by plane)

2.      Observations and feelings:

(1)   It is really happy for use to visit Europe again. It has been six years since our last visit to Europe (Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg, 2005).

(2)   After 2005 and before this trip, we have traveled in Cambodia, Australia, India, USA (north), Macau, Japan (middle), Nepal, and China (east).

(3)   It is expected that this will be a more interesting trip because it is longer in time (13 days) and includes more than one country (3 countries).

(4)   At this time, Meimei is also traveling in Germany with one of her classmates, for the purpose of learning German architecture. Their trip is supported financially by her department (the Dept. of Architecture, at NCKU).

(5)   Chih-Hua and I were quite worried about Meimei’s trip; she has never been away by herself to other countries before, so we called her immediately after we arrived at Europe (Graz Airport in Austria). But we have to realize that one day she will be independent totally of her patents, me and Chih-Hua ¾ let it be what it should come; don’t worry, be happy!



Day 2: Slovenia-1

1.      Today’s trip:

      Þ Graz (Austria) ® Moribor (downtown tour) ® Ljubljana (downtown tour) ® Lake Bled (®: by bus)

2.      Dinner, lunch, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Gostilna Restaurant (in Maribor)

(2)   Dinner: Bled Castle Restaurant (beside Lake Bled)

(3)   Hotel: Hotel Kompas (in Lake Bled area)

3.      Feelings and Observations:

(1)   We bought a lot of bottled water at Graz Airport because our tour group Leader, Mr. Pau, said that such water is expensive in Slovenia and Croatia. It happened that it was very cheat at that airport.

(2)   It feels strange to come to a country which does not exist when we were in high school ¾ Slovenia and Croatia got independence in 1991, and Montenegro in 2006. They all belonged to the old Yugoslavia which now is Serbia essentially (see the rough map).

(3)   The scenes in the entire country of Slovenia are full of traditional houses and mansions with red roofs; there is almost no modern building, even in city downtown and suburb areas.

(4)   In contrast, there is very little traditional architecture in Taiwan now due to the wooden materials used for constructing houses, which are apt to become rotten through years, burned by fire, or destructed by earthquakes.

(5)   We were not lucky ¾ the weather was very hot, and we had to walk frequently in city tours (like in Maribor and Ljubljana)! Sweat on my body fell like raining.

(6)   No modern department stores like SOGO in Taiwan were seen in the town. (Noted after the trip: this is true through the three countries we visited!)

(7)   People seen in Slovenia (also in the other two countries we visited) are of no difference from those seen in developed countries in Europe.

(8)   Most houses appear to be artistic, and many mixed with two or more styles (Reconnaissance, Baroque, Rococo, etc.). Also, many houses seen there are full of colors; they must have been painted frequently.

(9)   We bought a CD on Bled Island.

(10)   The hotel has a good way to save energy: when we open the window, the air conditioning will stop. A good invention!


Day 03: Slovenia-2 + Croatia-1

1.      Today’s trip:

      Vintgar Gorge ® Lake Bled ® Postojna Cave ® Predjama Grad ® Opatija (in Croatia)

(meaning of Grad: towns (grad), fort (grad), castle (grad), citadel (grad), city (grad), hail (grad), place (grad), settlement (grad), town (grad), fortress (grad))

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch --- Gostilna Murka Restaurant (near Lake Bled)

(2)   Dinner --- Bristol Hotel Restaurant (buffet; in Opatija)

(3)   Hotel --- Bristol Hotel (in Opatija)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   The Vintgar Gorge in Rodovna River is very beautiful (quite like Taroko in Taiwan)! So many torrents, falls, canyons, …

(2)   Lake Bled is so peaceful! With far mountains, a nearby castle, a romantic island, so many lakeshore resort, …

(3)   The Postojna Cave is really astonishing! So big in area, and so many stalactite (鐘乳石), stalagmite (石筍), …!

(4)   The Predjama Grad is quite surprising! Built in a hard rock so great in size, and protecting itself from invasion of enemies at so high an altitude!

(5)   Opatija is said to be a recreation town visited by rich people in Coatia and from all Europe.

(6)   We had a night walk through the most popular street aside the seashore, but it was late and dark and so we did not see the sea scene. But the atmosphere was hot; so many people were strolling!


Day 04: Croatia-2

1.      Today’s trip:

      Opatija (seashore walk) ® Karlovac (downtown tour) ® Zagreb

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Hotel Korana (in a park in Karlovac)

(2)   Dinner: Asia Restaurant (in Zagreb)

(3)  Hotel: Sheraton Hotel (in Zagreb)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   We visited the “war” city of Karlovac, where we saw almost no people in central downtown area --- a silent city due to war history with most young people having left the city!

(2)   The downtown area of the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, is full of old buildings with broken surfaces and graffiti paintings! Maybe, they do not have enough money to fix them.

(3)   I think the people in the town must have got accustomed to the graffiti and damages on the building surfaces.

(4)   But we live in a good hotel ¾ Sheraton, though the hotel does not supply free coffee. 


Day 05: Croatia-3

1.      Today’s trip:

      Zagreb (self-tour in downtown) ® Plitvicka Jezera 16-lake National Park ® park neighborhood area

(Plitvicka Jezera = Plitvice Lakes)

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Licka Kuka Restaurant (at the park entrance)

(2)   Dinner: Jezero Hotel (in the park area)

(3)  Hotel:  Hotel Grabovac (near the park area)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   We walked by ourselves in the downtown area (a big long green garden) right in front of the railroad station.

(2)   People there were easy ¾ two girls picnicking, a grandpa playing with a grandson, two persons painting (our group members), long-stay visitors walking, …

(3)   I saw that the ticket was not checked before entering the platform, not as we did in Taiwan.

(4)   The tour in Plitvice Lakes National Park was really a challenge ¾ we walked for about two hours in the half of the park area.

(5)   The lakes we saw in the national park were all blue and transparent, really of kind of dream style.

(6)   The Plitvice Lakes National Park is a UNESCO site.

(7)   Details of the park --- the 16 lakes are listed as follows.



altitude (m)

area (ha)

depth (m)


Prošćansko jezero




Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes

Veliko jezero




Upper Lakes

Malo jezero




Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes

Milinovo jezero




Upper Lakes

Gradinsko jezero




Upper Lakes

Buk Þ Burget jezero




Upper Lakes





Upper Lakes





Lower Lakes ***





Lower Lakes ***





Lower Lakes ***

Novakovića brod




Lower Lakes ***

Plitvice Lakes





(slap = with a sudden and violent blow; brod = ford淺灘, jezero = lake)

**** Most atractive waterfalls in Plitvice park: "Veliki slap", "Veliki prštavac" and "Mali prštavac"

**** UNSCO sites of Croatia: http://www.np-plitvicka-jezera.hr/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=70


Day 06: Croatia-4

1.      Today’s trip:

      park neighborhood area ® Plitvice Lakes National Park ® Zadar

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Restaurant Poljana (National Restaurant) (near the park)

(2)   Dinner: 2Ribara Restaurant (in old town of Zadar)

(3)  Hotel:  Kolovare Hotel

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   The downtown area around the Church of Saint Donat was unimaginably crowded, seldom seen in Europe.

(2)   The main street is Ulica Siroka (ulica = street)

(3)   The weather was so hot that we could not wait to the end of the dinner in a restaurant named 2Arbara in the downtown area of Zadar, and left without eating the dessert to visit the seashore by ourselves.

(4)   We walked around the downtown area, visiting an LED performance site on the ground and a sea pipe site, eating ice cream cones (at a shop named Donat right aside St. Anastasia Cathedral), buying two small souvenir articles, a dinner paper holder, and a magnet, …

(5)   It took a little bit long time to walk back to the hotel, and Chih-Hua was a little bit worried. But finally we returned the hotel safely.

(6)   We went to a supermarket nearby to buy some fruits.


Day 07: Croatia-5

1.      Today’s trip:

      Zadar ® Sibenik ® Krka National Park ® Vodice

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Vrata Krke Restaurant (in Lozovac near Krka National Park)

(2)   Dinner: Bramasole Spaghetteria Restaurant (in downtown Šibenik) (Petra Nakića 1 HR-22000 Šibenik)

(3)   Hotel: Olympia Hotel (Ljudevita Gaja 2, Vodice, 22211)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   We had a walk in the old town area of Sibenik, where we saw many old lanes and alleys with historical buildings which I think is better than those of Zadar.

(2)   But the seashore area is quite similar to that of Zadar.

(3)   The hotel we stayed (Olympia Hotel) is very large with large halls and dining rooms, but the room we stayed in is very small.

(4)   The local guide, a lady, was very dominant, talked very loudly, and got angry sometimes because our group’s slow actions.

(5)   The law here enforces the tour group to hire a local guide for every sightseeing spot.

(6)   The church, Cathedral of St. James (Katedrala Sv. Jakova), we saw today in downtown is a UNESCO heritage.


 Day 08: Croatia-6

1.      Today’s trip:

      Vodice ® Primosten ® Trogir ® Split ® Lav

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Mamut Restaurant

(2)   Dinner: Duje Restaurant

(3)  Hotel: Meridien Hotel (with 5 stars; in Lav)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   In this trip to CSM, there were arranged to many walking tours, and unluckily, the weathers were hot so that we sweated like raining everyday.

(2)   Most of the old towns we visited are alike, a downtown near the seashore with a major church and a main street. We almost forgot which is which, if the photos we took were not given to see.

(3)   The people seen in Croatia seem full of confidence; are there poor people in this country? The per capita income of Croatia is $4,428.

(4)   In the city of Split, we saw for the first time there are more of modern buildings. In the other cities we visited, most of the houses we saw are of the style of orange roofs.

(5)   The old town of Trogir, which is on an island actually, is a UNESCO heritage, so is the old town of Split (so far we have visited four UNESCO sites).

(6)   Finally, we stayed in a very good hotel, the 5-star Meridien Hotel. 


Day 09: Croatia-7

1.      Today’s trip:

      Lav ® Split ® Hvar Island ® Korcula Island (®: by ferry ship)

2.      Lunch, dinner, and hotel:

(1)   Lunch: Spalatin Restaurant (near Split old town)

(2)   Dinner: Planjak Restaurant (on Korcula Island)

(3)  Hotel: Hotel Marko Polo (on Korcula Island)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   We strolled in the old town of Split for the second time after the local guide’s explanations of the historical site of the Rome Emperor Diocletianus.

(2)   After taking a ferry ship to the Island of Hvar, we visited its old town area, climbed up to a road on the mountain, and overlooked at the port area. The roofs of the houses form a picture of harmony of orange rectangles.

(3)   We bought a pack of lavender products for 60 kn (kuna), including a bag of seeds, a small bottle of oil, and a soap.

(4)   Everyone felt the hotness of the weather, and the entire body was wet and dry, and wet and dry, …, with sweater for several times a day. The skin became sticky all the day.

(5)   I think if I can endure this, then I can endure all possible hot conditions forever in my life!

(6)   Both of my legs became hurting and I had to walk slowly when climbing up and down stairs. I think I have to travel more countries before I became unable to walk! 


Day 10: Croatia-8

1.      Today’s trip:

      Korcula Island ® Orebic ® Ston ® Dubrovnik (®: by ferry ship)

2.      Lunch and dinner:

(1)   Lunch: Vila Koruna Restaurant (in Mali Ston)

(2)   Dinner: Mimoz Restaurant (near the old town of Dubrovnik)

(3)  Hotel:  Hotel Rixos Liberta (in Dubrovnik)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   We took a big ferry ship which carried cars and buses to cross a strait from Korcula to Orebic. I recalled we have once done the same in the USA from Vancouver to Vancouver Island in Canada.

(2)   The salt of Ston is precious, and in a restaurant near Ston (in Mali Ston Þ meaning small Ston) we had the most delicious oysters I have ever tasted.

(3)   The grad of Dubrovnik is kind of romantic. But most of its old town was destroyed in the civil war and rebuilt in the past 20 years.

(4)   In the old town, there were so many people strolling back and forth.

(5)   Dubrovnik is called the “Pearl of Adriatic Sea,” and was proved by UNESCO as a historical heritage.

(6)   We bought two colorful glass cups and several glass cans of figs and orange jam.

(7)   The beautiful city scenes are almost all near water; Croatia is a country beside Adriatic Sea with thousands of islands.

(8)   The hotel we stayed tonight is said to be held by Russians. The style of the interior of the room is really different from others we stayed before. Luckily, we stayed there for two nights ¾ the only two-night stay in this 3-country trip.


Day 11: Montenegro

1.      Today’s trip:

      Dubrovnik ® Kotor ® Budva ® Dubrovnik

2.      Lunch and dinner:

(1)   Lunch: Dobrotski Restaurant (at Kotor)

(2)   Dinner: Rugusa 2 Restaurant (in Dubrovnik old town)

(3)  Hotel:  Hotel Rixos Liberta (for the second day)

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   On the way to Kotor, the route is all along an interior sea on one site and all with high-rising mountains on the other side.

(2)   The buildings in Montenegro are not so uniform as Croatia, and more are broken or unused.

(3)   Kotor is a smaller town with city walls but is also a UNESCO site.

(4)   Budva is of the same style but even smaller.

(5)   The entire impression of Montenegro seems more modern but less clean.

(6)   The trip is close to the end, and I think after this trip of enduring hotness, I can endure any discomfort of future trips.


Day 12: Croatia-9

1.      Today’s trip:

      Dubrovnik ® Cavtat (for lunch only) ® Dubrovnik Airport

2.      Lunch and dinner:

(1)   Lunch: Dalmacija Restaurant (at Cavtat)

(2)   Dinner: on airplane

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   Happy time always passes quicker; it is time to return now, but this time I am not so unhappy like when I was a university president.

(2)   In this trip, there are older people in the group as expected because this journey includes three countries which usually are not first choices of young people.

(3)   I am satisfactory with this trip because the sites we visited are good to see, including six UNESCO heritages — five in Croatia (Plitvice Lakes National Park, Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik, the old town of Trogir, the old town of Split, the old town of Dubrovnik) and one in Montenegro (the old town of Kotor).

(4)   For the first time, I heard from our group leader that there were some sightseeing groups which visited about thirty countries in northwest Africa. Why did they do so? Because they wanted to achieve the record of having visited more than 100 countries in the world!


Day 13: On way back

1.      Today’s trip:

      Dubrovnik Airport (Croatia) Þ Munich (Germany) Þ Hong Kong Airport Þ Taiwan Taoyuan Airport

2.      Lunch and dinner:

(1)   Lunch: on airplane

(2)   Dinner: on airplane

3.      Feelings and observations:

(1)   Lafthansa Airline of Germany is good in services with good airplane conditions.

(2)   This trip costs NT$135,000 each person, but I feel it is worth this cost because we have seen so many good scenes and relics.

(3)  I now feel less passionate to communicate with the tour group members; I did not ask the address of everyone but only exchange name cards with a few of them.