Chapter 2 --- Little Quiz  (part a)                                                        

1. Which of the following statements is correct?     (a) For certain input symbols and states, a DFA may have no next states to enter. (b) An NFA is allowed to have many start states. (c) The DFA and the NFA are of the same power of language modelling. (d) A DFA is allowed to have only one final state.

2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?     (a) The determinism in a DFA means that each transition of the DFA is deterministic. (b) The language accepted by a DFA is a regular language. (c) An NFA allows multiple choices for its next states. (d) There exist certain NFA’s which have no equivalent DFA’s.

3. Which of the following statements is incorrect?     (a) The NFA is more intuitive for use in automaton application designs. (b) The DFA is easier to implement by software and hardware. (c) Only one final state is allowed for a DFA. (d) In a state of a DFA, each input symbol will lead the automaton into another state.

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect?     (a) Mathematically, the transition function of a DFA may be extended to take strings of symbols, instead of single symbols, as inputs. (b) An NFA with at most one transition out of any state on any symbol may be regarded as a DFA. (c) It is possible to design an NFA to accept decimal numbers with signs and decimal points. (d) An NFA may have an infinite number of states.

5. Which of the following statements is incorrect?     (a) Certain states of an NFA might have no next states. (b) It is more convenient to use an NFA to design automata for applications. (c) Each DFA or NFA should be described by a 6-tuple. (d) An input string is accepted by a DFA or NFA if it leads the start state to a final state.