Introduction ---

This was a trip to attend a conference in Granada, Spain (2006 EUROCALL). I, together with my friend, Prof. C. F. Chang, also went to Madrid before the conference and to Barcelona afterward.

Spain is the mother country of many great modern artists. It is a country full of passion and creativity. We visited many interesting sites in the three cities during the 10 days. Though this is the second time I visited Spain, I was still fascinated by the incredible use of color and genius design in numerous art works, particularly Gaudi's architecture.

Instead of joining a tour group as I did with my family last time, we took our time lingering on in Prado Museum, Miro Foundation, Alhambra, Sagrada Familia, Quell Park, and many small corners in the cities. We enjoyed paella, tapas, roast porkling, and sangria. It was really a joyful trip.

                                (Picture below: in Reina Sofia Art Center)

in Reina Sofia Art Center