Introduction ---

This was a trip organized by graduate students in our Institute of English Teaching. Several professors joined the trip. The goal was good tour spots in Hualien city and its suburbs. We visited Tzu Chi Still Thought Hall, Taroko Gorge, Hualien seashore, Dong Hwa University, etc. It was a two-day trip, and all had a good and easy time.

Hualien is located at the middle of the east side of Taiwan. It has very good sightseeing resources. The spots we visited are just a few of the many sites worth visiting. We went there by train, and came back in the same way.

Taroko is a very famous sightseeing area. Almost all international visitors go there to see the great gorge and valley, as we did.

(Picture below: Seven-Star Lake seashore)

Seven-star sea in Hualien