Introduction ---

I attended a conference, JALTCALL, about English language learning, in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan with Chen Ming-Kuei, Wen-Hsin Yang, and Chen Min-pai. Chen Min-Pai is the elder brother of Min-Kei, and Wen-Hsin is a research assistant of mine. Before and after the conference, we visited many places in the suburbs of the city.

Sapporo is the home of the famous Sapporo Beer. It also has the famous festival of ice sculptures, and is the access to ski areas, both in winter time. It is the capital of Hokkaido with a population of 1.8 million.

In the 5-day trip, we took every kind of transportation tool to visit the major sites of this city and nearby sites. It was a good memory of Japan.

(Picture below: Having a rest in a coffee shop in Otaru)

Having a rest in a coffee shop in Otaru