-On%20the%20Way%20to%20Europe.jpg) |
Day 01 (Thailand)-On the Way to Europe |
-First%20glance%20at%20Holland.jpg) |
Day 02 (Holland)-First glance at Holland |
-Seeing%20Dutch%20traditions.jpg) |
Day 03 (Holland)-Seeing Dutch traditions |
-Full%20of%20Belgium%20wonders.jpg) |
Day 04 (Belgium)-Full of Belgium wonders |
-Looking%20into%20Belgium.jpg) |
Day 05 (Belgium)-Looking into Belgium |
-Fast%20tour%20in%20Luxemburg.jpg) |
Day 06 (Luxemburg)-Fast tour in Luxemburg |
-Back%20to%20friendly%20Holland.jpg) |
Day 07 (Holland)-Back to friendly Holland |
-An%20exciting%20meeting%20with%20Van%20Gogh.jpg) |
Day 08 (Holland)-An exciting meeting with Van Gogh |
%20-Deep%20into%20the%20dairy%20country.jpg) |
Day 09 (Holland) -Deep into the dairy country |
-A%20country%20of%20canals.JPG) |
Day 10 (Holland)-A country of canals |
-World's%20flower%20garden.jpg) |
Day 11 (Holland)-World's flower garden |
-Way%20back%20to%20Taiwan.jpg) |
Day 12 (Taiwan)-Way back to Taiwan |