01 Vishnu, a 4-handed God of Protection, supervising the Churning of the Sea of Milk (a myth)
02 Shiva, god of Destruction, with his wife Parvati (from Banteay Srei)
03 Shiva, performing dance of destruction (from Banteay Srei)
04 A four-faced god of creation, Brahma (from Sofitel Hotel)
05 Indra (king of gods) riding his 3-headed elephant Airavata (from Banteay Srei)
06 Another similar carving (from East Mebon)
07 Indra riding a makara (a sea demon)(from a lintel in Banteay Srei)
08 A statue of Buddha protected by a 7-headed naga (from East Mebon)
09 Another similar case (from a lintel of Lolei)
10 Yama, God of Death (Judgement and hell) riding a buffalo (from Angkor Wat)
11 A model of Yama, God of Death riding a buffalo (from Sofitel Hotel)