A view of multiple gods and demons on a lintel of Bateay Srei

Religion --- The religion of ancient Angkor came mainly from Hinduism. In Hinduism, there are three major gods, Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma, called Hindu Trinity, the former two being worshipped more than the third. Later the Khmer Empire (also Thailand now) worshipped Mahayana (Buddhism of Greater Vehicle), though now in Cambodia Theravada (Buddhism of Lesser Vehicle) is more worshipped.

 Vishnu is a Protector, preserving universal order and fighting to restore harmony, in a form of a four-armed man holding four attributes. He has ten avatars of which Rama and Krishna are most famous, both being heroes. Kurma is a turtle supporting the Churning of the Sea of Milk. Narasimha is a lion-man who kills a king forbidding the worship of Vishnu.  Shiva is a Destroyer, but also has the power of recreation by his dance, sometimes in the form of a ten-armed man. He is worshipped by Khmers in the form of linga (representing male phallus) mounted in a pedestal yoni (representing female organ), to show Shiva's force of rebirth.

 Brahma is a god of Creator, less commonly represented in Cambodia and recognized by his four heads, each facing a cardinal direction. One of the lesser gods is Indra, king of the gods, and also of rain and sky for bringing prosperity, who steed is the elephant Airavata, normally shown with three heads.

(Picture above: Relief seen on a wall of Banteay Srei which shows Shiva with his wife and lots of deities)
