Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking and Manipulation




A near-regular texture (NRT) is a geometric and photometric deformation from its regular origin -- a congruent wallpaper pattern formed by 2D translations of a single tile. A dynamic NRT is an NRT under motion. Correspondingly, the basic unit of a dynamic NRT is a well-defined texton, as a geometrically and photometrically deformed tile, moving through a 3D spatiotemporal space. Although NRTs are pervasive in man-made and natural environments, effective computational algorithms for NRTs are few.  Through a systematic and quantitative comparison study of multiple texture synthesis algorithms, we are able to show that faithful NRT synthesis has challenged most of the state of the art texture synthesis algorithms. Our recent work on static NRTs analysis and manipulation (SIGGRAPH 2004) is the first algorithmic treatment aimed specifically to preserve the regularity and randomness in real world near regular textures.


The theme of this project is to address computational issues in modeling, tracking and manipulating dynamic NRTs. One basic observation on dynamic NRT is its topology invariance property: the lattice structure of a dynamic NRT remains invariant despite its drastic geometry or appearance variations. We propose a lattice-based Markov-Random-Field (MRF) model for dynamic NRT in a 3D spatiotemporal space. Our dynamic NRT model consists of a global lattice structure that characterizes the topological constraint among multiple textons and an image observation model that handles local geometry and appearance variations. Our model behaves like a network of statistically varied springs. Based on our dynamic NRT model, we develop a tracking algorithm that can effectively handle the special challenges of dynamic NRT tracking, including: ambiguous correspondences, occlusions, illumination variations, and appearance variations. Furthermore, we implement a dynamic NRT manipulation system that can replace and superimpose augmented images on a dynamic NRT from an unknown environment.




·        Wen-Chieh Lin and Yanxi Liu, “Tracking Dynamic Near-regular Textures under Occlusions and Rapid Movements,” 9th European Conference on Computer Vision. Graz, Austria. May, 2006.

·        Wen-Chieh Lin, “A Lattice-based MRF Model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking and Manipulation,” Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-05-58, Ph.D. Thesis, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Dec, 2005.

·        Wen-Chieh Lin and Yanxi Liu, “A Lattice-based MRF Model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2007, pp. 777-792.


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Texton Detection Results





Tracking Dynamic NRTs without Occlusion      


Slowly waving cloth



Underwater texture tracking and replacement

(A texture placed under a water tank was seen through disturbed water)

Playing at normal speed, 30 fps

Playing 10 times slower, 3 fps


Playing at normal speed, 30 fps

Playing 4 times slower, 7.5fps



Tracking Dynamic NRTs with Occlusion


          Crowd motion

(Special thanks to Yu and Wu for running their algorithm on this video)


          Fabric texture

(Special thanks to Guskov for providing the input video)

top-left: visibility map of aligned textons

results with visibility map



Validation and Comparison


Different neighborhood systems


Multiple texton templates vs. PCA texton template

The tracking result using multiple texton templates is better (see frames 16, 68, 88)


Different initial texton positions




Video Editing Applications


          Texture replacement of a fabric texture 

tracked lattices and lighting deformation field

texture replacement results


          Texture replacement of an underwater texture


          Video superimposing:

USA” is superimposed on the dress