00INDEX.TXT Copyright, www.merlyn.demon.co.uk >= 2003-05-13 N.B. File dates may be original, or when I fetched or made them. ../index.htm - Merlyn site home page. Produced by JRS : hunttest.zip - Zero-length test files dated 2001-01-01, 2061-01-01, etc., more added 1998-12-12; includes hunttest.txt. 1999-03-20 : defective version of last month replaced (had been ZIPped with a low-grade ZIPper) shower.zip - a file viewer Produced by others : clipca14.zip - CLIPCAP - Read/Write Clipboard to/from StdOut/StdIn mintr151.zip - MINITRUE - for multi-file multi-string substitution; also a viewer; can show Hex. Not the latest version. mtr202b.zip - more recent split.exe split102.zip xall.exe will unzip these; I believe, but can no longer confirm, that it can be freely used. -- DiDa --