JRS >=2001-09-21 As interest is greatly diminished, I have, from 2000-03-11, renamed the full mini-FAQ from y2k-mfaq.txt to y2k_mfaq.txt, and reduced the posted file y2k-mfaq.txt to this mere rump, with the full one available at Consensus appeared to be that uk.tech.y2k should continue, at least into the UK Financial Year that started on 2000-04-06; and possibly until the Next Millennium or the following FY is properly running. I had suggested that we begin to make formal arrangements for closure soon after 2000-04-06 has succeeded, and that another UK group for any residual matters be agreed. Of the related UK groups, uk.comp.misc is PC-oriented and uk.tech.misc is almost empty; so I suggest the latter. A copy of the Charter for uk.tech.y2k is at A draft Rationale and Charter for the conversion of group uk.tech.y2k to uk.tech.comp has been maintained at but insufficient support has appeared. 2001-02-16, cc. from News : I presently intend to ask, within the next few days, one of UK News Committee to collaborate in the formalities for the removal of news:uk.tech.y2k with effect from such date after Sunday 2001-04-15 as Control sees fit to choose. That allows for the remote possibility of something interesting happening at the end of the current tax year on Thursday 2001-04-05; after that, the next significant date that I have listed is the UNIX Gigasecond (and Javascript Teramillisecond (& Java?)) on September 9th. For any residual related discussions, I suggest the quiet group news:uk.tech.misc. Robo-posting of the micro-FAQ ceased in the first half of 2001; our thanks to Adrian Wontroba of Stade Computers for this assistance over the past three years or so. 2001-02-23 : Message to that effect sent to a member of Committee, 2001-02-27 : who will assist. 2001-03-05 : Draft RFD seen & commented on. 2001-03-22 : Member will proceed at convenient time. 2001-04-18 : Nothing noted at the end of the UK FY. Ready to close. 2001-07-17 : Nothing from Member. Request to news:u.n.n.c. 2001-08-02 : Mail to Control; cf. Mentors WWW page. 2001-08-20 : Remarks to news:u.n.n.c; result - Jezza to mentor - replied. 2001-08-21 : RFD to Control. Posted 2001-08-24. 2001-09-06 : Fast-teack request to Control. Ack'd; for C'ttee now. 2001-09-11 : FastTrack announced by Control. 2001-09-20 : Actual removal announced, in u.n.n.a, by Control. I still maintain the complete mini-FAQ in plain text on my Web site (which has related pages). E&OE. Copyright (c) 1998-date J R Stockton. All Rights Reserved. Replies to - -- Dr J R Stockton, Surrey, UK. www.merlyn.demon.co.uk or JR.Stockton@physics.org FAQqish topics inc Y2k, acronyms, links. For more on our news hierarchy news:uk.*, see newsgroups news:uk.answers and news:uk.net.news.*, and .