program TZ_CHECK { J R Stockton ; Written for Delphi 3 : DCC32 -cc } ; { I have only been able to test this myself in the UK. Scan windows.pas for TTimeZoneInformation, see Win32 Help via index for TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION. I suspect an error in my Win32 Help, since the transition times look as if in Local not GMT; and in the Win98 1st Edn data, as UK/EU changes are actually at 0100h GMT. } uses Windows, SysUtils ; const T15018 = 15018 ; // MJD of TDateTime base T25569 = 25569.0 ; // TDateTime for UNIX base 1970-01-01 Days = ' days.' ; procedure TryGTC ; var TSB : cardinal ; begin ; TSB := GetTickCount ; Writeln(' GetTickCount : Since Windows boot = ', TSB:20, ' ms,', TSB/864E5:7:3, Days) ; end {TryGTC} ; procedure TryQPC ; var PF, PC : { use int64 if available } record Case byte of 0: (L:TLargeInteger); 1: (C:comp) end ; B : boolean ; begin ; B := QueryPerformanceFrequency(PF.L) ; Write(' QueryPerformanceFrequency :') ; if B then Write(' ', PF.C:15:0, ' Hz') else write(B) ; Writeln ; if B then begin B := QueryPerformanceCounter(PC.L) ; Write(' QueryPerformanceCounter =') ; if B then Write(' ', PC.C:15:0, PC.C/PF.C:13:3, ' s, ', PC.C/PF.C/86400:7:3, Days) else write(B) ; Writeln ; end ; end {TryQPC} ; procedure TryRDTSC ; { RDTSC instruction needs Pentium or better, returns count of CPU clock cycles ; only for certain processors. ** See RDTSC.PAS ** } function FrdtscL : longint ; assembler ; asm dw $310F {Clock to edx:eax} end {FrdtscL} ; procedure GetCycleCount(var Lo, Hi : integer) { tested in longcalc.pas } ; asm push ebx ; mov ecx,eax ; mov ebx,edx DB 0FH ; DB 031H mov dword ptr[ecx], eax ; mov dword ptr[ebx], edx pop ebx end {Bob Lee} ; type LH = record L, H : integer end {no Int64 in my D3} ; var R : comp ; T0, T1 : longint ; begin ; Write(' RDTSC : Approximate CPU speed = ') ; T0 := FrdtscL ; Sleep(1000) ; T1 := FrdtscL ; Dec(T1, T0) ; Writeln(T1:11, ' Hz') ; with LH(R) do GetCycleCount(L, H) ; Writeln(' CPU cycles', R:20:0, ', so about ', R/T1:12:3, ' s, ', R/T1/86400:7:3, Days) ; end {TryRDTSC} ; function ShowTime(const D : TSystemTime) : string ; const DN : array [0..6] of string [3] = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat') ; begin with D do begin if WMonth=0 then begin Result := ' Unspecified' ; EXIT end ; if WYear=0 then Result := Format(' Month %2.2d, %s #%d', [wMonth, DN[wDayOfWeek], wDay]) else Result := Format(' %4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d, %s ', [wYear, wMonth, wDay, DN[wDayOfWeek]]) ; Result := Result + Format(' @ %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3d', [wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds]) end ; end {ShowTime} ; procedure TrySysTim ; var ST : TSystemTime ; begin ; GetSystemTime(ST) ; Writeln(' GetSystemTime : ', ShowTime(ST), ' GMT') ; with ST do Writeln(' => UNIX seconds count = ', (((Trunc(EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay))-T25569)*24 +wHour)*60+wMinute)*60+wSecond:1:0) ; end {TrySysTim} ; function ItIs(const T : TDateTime) : string ; var Yr, Mo, Dy, H, M, S, C : word ; begin DecodeDate(T, Yr, Mo, Dy) ; DecodeTime(T, H, M, S, C) ; Result := Format(' %d-%2.2d-%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d ', [Yr, Mo, Dy, H, M, S]) end {ItIs} ; function W2(const Bias : integer ; Season : string) : string ; var Q : double ; begin Q := 12.000001 - Bias/60 ; W2 := Format(' : %s %2.2d:%2.2d', [Season, Trunc(Q), Round(60*Frac(Q))]) ; end {W2} ; procedure TryGTZI(const TDT : TDateTime) ; var GTZI : cardinal ; TZI : TTimeZoneInformation ; TD : TDateTime ; Card : cardinal ; WinterDiff, SummerDiff : integer ; const TZID : array [0..2] of string [21] = ('', 'TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD', 'TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT') ; begin ; GTZI := GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) ; Write(' According to Windows : GTZI = ', GTZI, ' => ') ; if GTZI=TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then begin Writeln('TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID.') ; EXIT end ; with TZI do begin {$IFDEF TEST} BIAS:=-330 ; DAYLIGHTBIAS:=0; STANDARDBIAS:=0; {$ENDIF} Writeln(TZID[GTZI]) ; Writeln(' Bias = ', Bias, ' StandardBias = ', StandardBias, ' DaylightBias = ', DaylightBias, ' (minutes)') ; WinterDiff := Bias + StandardBias ; SummerDiff := Bias + DaylightBias ; Writeln(' At midday GMT, local time is', W2(WinterDiff, 'Winter'), W2(SummerDiff, 'Summer')) ; Writeln ; if SummerDiff <> WinterDiff then Writeln( Format(' %s', [DaylightName]), ' after', ShowTime(DaylightDate), ' civil'^M^J, Format(' %s', [StandardName]), ' after', ShowTime(StandardDate), ' civil'^M^J) ; case GTZI of 0 : {TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN } TD := TDT + Bias/1440 { ? } ; 1 : {TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD} TD := TDT + WinterDiff/1440 ; 2 : {TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT} TD := TDT + SummerDiff/1440 ; else begin Writeln(' *** GTZI = ', GTZI, ' ***') ; EXIT end ; end ; Writeln(' GMT =', ItIs(TD), ' True (GMT) MJD = ', Trunc(TD) + T15018, ' JD = ', (TD + T15018 + 2400000.5):1:3) ; Write(' UNIX time_t = ') ; Card := Round( ( TD - T25569 ) * 86400 ) ; Writeln(Card, ' sec, from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.') ; end { w TZI } ; end {TryGTZI} ; procedure TryTDT(const DT : TDateTime) ; begin ; Writeln(' Delphi : Now = ', DT:1:6, ' Date = ', Date:1:0, ' Time = ', Time:1:6) ; Writeln(' It is', ItIs(DT), ' Local MJD (CMJD) = ', (Trunc(DT) + T15018)) ; end {TryTDT} ; var TN : TDateTime ; BEGIN ; Writeln('TZ_CHECK (c) >= 2003-09-12 See Win32 Help') ; Writeln(' Test and demonstration of some Win32 Date/Time system routines.') ; TN := Now ; Writeln ; TryTDT(TN) ; Writeln ; TrySysTim ; Writeln ; TryGTZI(TN) ; Writeln ; TryGTC ; Writeln ; TryQPC ; Writeln ; TryRDTSC ; END.