program BASECONV { TP7/BP7; can be shortened with Result in Delphi. Numbers are unsigned. Bases 2..36. Compact; not optimised for speed. Faster conversions between a character and a value are possible. Without parameters, manual testing, Base to Decimal to Base. With two parameters, InBase & OutBase, is a Filter; with three, the third is converted. } ; (**** UNDERTESTED ****) const C36 : string [36] = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ; procedure StrToLI (const B : byte ; const S : string ; var OK : boolean ; var Ans : longint) ; var J, P : byte ; begin OK := false ; Ans := 0 ; for J := 1 to Length(S) do begin P := Pred(Pos(UpCase(S[J]), C36)) ; if P>=B then EXIT ; Ans := Ans*B + P ; end ; OK := true end {StrToLI} ; function LItoStr(const B : byte ; L : longint) : string ; var S : string ; begin S := '' ; repeat S := C36[Succ(L mod B)]+S ; L := L div B until L=0 ; (* see for combined Div, Mod *) LItoStr := S end {LItoStr} ; procedure UseAsFilter ; var L : longint ; J : integer ; Bi, Bo : byte ; S : string ; K : boolean ; begin if not (ParamCount in [2, 3]) then HALT(2) ; Val(ParamStr(1), Bi, J) ; Val(ParamStr(2), Bo, J) ; if ParamCount=2 then Readln(S) else S := ParamStr(3) ; StrToLI(Bi, S, K, L) ; if not K then HALT(1) ; Writeln(LItoStr(Bo, L)) ; end {UseAsFilter} ; procedure UseManually ; var SS : string ; LI : longint ; Base : byte ; OK : boolean ; begin Writeln('BASECONV >= 2002-01-22') ; repeat Write(' Base ? ') ; Readln(Base) until Base in [2..36] ; repeat Write(' Number in Base (. to end) ? ') ; Readln(SS) ; if SS='.' then BREAK ; StrToLI(Base, SS, OK, LI) ; if not OK then begin Writeln(' Bad digit!') ; CONTINUE end ; SS := LItoStr(Base, LI) ; Writeln(' Decimal : ', LI:12, ' Base ', Base, ' : ', SS) ; until false ; end {UseManually} ; BEGIN ; if ParamCount>0 then UseAsFilter else UseManually ; END.