
  1. Advanced Algorithms, Spring 2020

  2. Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2019

  3. Selected Topics in Intractable Problems, Spring 2019

  4. Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2018

  5. Streaming Algorithms, Spring 2018

  6. Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2017

Short-term Courses

  1. Taiwan Olympiad in Informatics Training Camp (TOI)
    Matroid, Submodularity, PIE, and Implicit LP - Jul 18, 2019
    Probablistic Methods, Randomized Algorithms, and Derandomization - Aug 06, 2018 and Apr 25, 2019
    Selected Topics in Extremal Graph Theory - Apr 27, 2018 and Mar 28, 2019
    Selected Topics in Graph Theory and Geometry - Jun 04, 2011

  2. National Chiao Tung University Programming Training Camp
    Greedy Algorithms, Matroid, and Submodularity - Feb 05, 2018