Liwei Chan (詹力韋) recieved his PhD. in 2010 and Master degree in 2004 from Image and Vision Lab and iAgent Lab at Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, and his bachelor degree from Fu Jen Catholic University in 2002.
2023.08 -- Turn into a Professor
2019.08 -- Turn into an
Associate Professor
2016.08 -- Join NCTU, Taiwan, as an
Assistant Professor
2015.05 -- Join KMD, Keio University, as an
Assistant Professor
2013.09 -- Join Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, as an
Assistant Researcher.
2012.09 -- Join CITI, Academia Sinica, as a
PostDoc researcher in Taiwan.
2011.09 -- Enter Military Service in Taiwan.
2010.10 -- Work with Patrick Baudisch as a PostDoc researcher, in Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany.
SeeThroughBody: Mitigating Occlusion through Body Transparency to Enhance Touch Interaction between the Foot and Interactive Floor
To appear in proceeding of ACM CHI 2025 [ paper ] [ video ]
Preview Teleport: An Occlusion-Free Point-and-Teleport Technique Enhanced with an Augmented Preview
in IEEE TVCG, present at IEEE VR 2025 [ paper ] [ video ]
Seated-WIP: Enabling Walking-in-Place Locomotion for Stationary Chairs in Confined Spaces
In proceeding of ACM CHI 2024 [ paper ] [ video ] [ talk ]
ACM CHI 2024 Best Paper Award
BodyTouch: Investigating Eye-Free, On-Body and Near-Body Touch Interactions with HMDs
In proceeding of IMWUT 2023, Issue 4 [ paper ] [ video ]
LapTouch: Using the Lap for Seated Touch Interaction with HMDs
in proceeding of IMWUT 2023, Issue 3 [ paper ] [ video ]
A feeling of déjà vu: The Effects of Avatar Appearance-Similarity on Persuasiveness in Social Virtual Reality
Seated-Walking: A Walking-in-Place Technique for Seated VR
Demonstrated in ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Immersive Pavilion [ paper ] [ video ]
Interaction Design With Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization
in proceeding of IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2023 [ paper ] [ video ]
RealityLens: A User Interface for Blending Customized Physical World View into Virtual Reality
Investigating Positive and Negative Qalities of Human-in-the-Loop Optimization for Designing Interaction Techniques
in proceeding of CHI 2022 [ paper ]
ACM CHI 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award
Predicting Opportune Moments to Deliver Notifications in Virtual Reality
Push-Ups: Enhancing Kinesthetic Experience with Shape-Forming Devices on the Feet Soles
WristDial: An Eyes-Free Integer-Value Input Method by Quantizing the Wrist Rotation
in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 13 Apr 2021. [ paper ]
HMD Light: Sharing In-VR Experience via Head-Mounted Projector for Asymmetric Interaction
Slice of Light: Transparent and Integrative Transition Among Realities in a Multi-HMD-User Environment
Director-360: Introducing Camera Handling to 360 Cameras
in proceeding of MobileHCI 2020 [ paper ] [ video ]
OmniGlobeVR: A Collaborative 360-Degree Communication System for VR
A Skin-Stroke Display on the Eye-Ring through Head-Mounted Displays
in proceeding of CHI 2020 [ paper ] [ video ]
ACM CHI 2020 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award ( award list )
Pull-Ups: Enhancing Suspension Activities with Body-Scale Kinesthetic Force Feedbacks for Virtual Reality
in proceeding of UIST 2019 [ paper ] [ video ]
Siggraph Asia 2019 Emerging Technology Best Demo Award voted by attendees ( award list )
FaceWidgets: Exploring Tangible Interaction on Face with Head-Mounted Displays
TilePoP: Tile-type Pop-up Prop for Virtual Reality
in proceeding of UIST 2019 [ paper ] [ video ]
UIST 2019 Best Paper Honorable-Mentioned Award
SeeingHaptics: Visualizations for Communicating Haptic Designs
in proceeding of MobileHCI 2019 [ video ]
HapticSphere: Physical Support To Enable Precision Touch Interaction in Mobile Mixed-Reality
in proceeding of IEEE VR 2019 [ paper ] [ video ]
PhantomLegs: Reducing Virtual Reality Sickness using Head-Worn Haptic Devices
in proceeding of IEEE VR 2019 [ paper ] [ video ]
ThermalBracelet : Exploring Thermal Haptic Feedback Around the Wrist
FacePush: Introducing Normal Force on Face with Head-Mounted Displays
ShareSpace: Facilitating Shared Use of the Physical Space by both VR Head-Mounted Display and External Users
PinchMove: Improved Accuracy of User Mobility for Near-Field Navigation in Virtual Environments
In MobileHCI 2018, 11 pages [ paper ] [ video ]
Outside-In: Visualizing Out-of-Sight Regions-of-Interest in a 360 Video Using Spatial Picture-in-Picture Previews
Dwell+: Multi-Level Mode Selection Using Vibrotactile Cues
FrontFace: Facilitating Communication Between HMD Users and Outsiders Using Front-Facing-Screen HMDs
In MobileHCI 2017, 5 pages [ paper ] [ video ]
Wakeboarding: An Exertion Game in Virtual Reality
In SIGGRAPH 2017, VR Village. [ paper ] [ video ]
ThermoVR: Exploring Integrated Thermal Haptic Feedback with Head Mounted Displays
In Proceedings of CHI 2017, 5 pages. [ paper ] [ video ] [ slide ]
EdgeVib: Effective Alphanumeric Character Output Using a Wrist-Worn Tactile Display
VR Planet: Interface for Meta-View and Feet Interaction of VR Contents
In SIGGRAPH 2016, E-Tech. [ paper ] [ video ] [ slide ]
DigitSpace: Thumb-to-Fingers Touch Interfaces for One-handed and Eyes-free Interactions
In Proceedings of CHI 2016, 10 pages. [ paper ] [ video ] [ slide ]
CyclopsRing: Enabling Whole-Hand and Context-Aware Interactions Through a Fisheye Ring
In Proceedings of UIST 2015, 8 pages. [ paper ] [ video ] [ slides ]
FlexiBend: Enabling Interactivity of Multi-Part, Deformable Fabrications Using Single Shape-Sensing Strip
ThirdHand: Wearing a Robotic Arm to Experience Rich Force Feedback
In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, E-Tech. [ paper ] [ video ]
PalmGesture: Using Palms as Gesture Interfaces for Eyes-free Input
In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2015, 4 pages. [ paper ] [ video ]
Multi-Display Map Touring with Tangible Widget.
In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2010, 4 pages. [ paper ] [ video ]
Public Issues of Projected User Interface
In Proceedings of CHI 2010 Extended Abstract, 10 pages. [ paper ]
On Top of Tabletop: a Virtual Touch Panel Display
In Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops 2008, 8 pages. [ paper ]
i-m-Top: An Interactive Multi-Resolution Tabletop System Accommodating To Multi-Resolution Human Vision
In Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops 2008, 8 pages. [ paper ]
Gesture-based Interaction for a Magic Crystal Ball
In Proceedings of ACM VRST 2007, 10 pages. [ paper ]
Collaborative Localization – Enhancing WiFi-Based Position Estimation with Neighborhood Links in Clusters
In Proceedings of Pervasive 2006, 18 pages. [ paper ]
A Panorama-Based Interface for Interacting with the Physical Environment Using Orientation-Aware Handhelds
In UbiComp 2005, poster. [ paper ]